Authors: Miller, J.W.
Source: CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. August, 2024, Vol. 61 Issue 12, p1244, 2 p.
Authors: Miller, J.W., Khazhinsky, M.G., Weldon, J.C.
Source: Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Proceedings 2000 (IEEE Cat. No.00TH8476) Electrical overstress/electrostatic discharge symposium Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Proceedings 2000. :308-317 2000
Relation: Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Proceedings 2000
3Academic Journal
Authors: Miller, J.W., Chesaux, M., Deligiannis, D., Mascher, P., Bradley, J.D.B.
Source: In Thin Solid Films 1 September 2020 709
Authors: Raha, P., Smith, J.C., Miller, J.W., Rosenbaum, E.
Source: Proceedings Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Electrical overstress/electrostatic discharge symposium Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium,1997. Proceedings. :356-365 1997
Relation: Proceedings of 18th Annual Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium
Authors: Gilbert, P.V., Tsui, P.G.Y., Shih-Wei Sun, Jamison, S., Miller, J.W.
Source: Proceedings of CICC 97 - Custom Integrated Circuits Conference Custom integrated circuits Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1997., Proceedings of the IEEE 1997. :35-38 1997
Relation: Proceedings of CICC 97 - Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
Authors: Miller, J.W., McDermott, K.J., Ranky, P., Swart, W.
Source: Technology-Based Re-Engineering Engineering Education Proceedings of Frontiers in Education FIE'96 26th Annual Conference Frontiers in education Frontiers in Education Conference, 1996. FIE '96. 26th Annual Conference., Proceedings of. 1:319-322 vol.1 1996
Relation: Technology-Based Re-Engineering Engineering Education Proceedings of Frontiers in Education FIE'96 26th Annual Conference
Authors: Miller, J.W., Alleva, F.
Source: Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. ICSLP '96 Spoken language processing Spoken Language, 1996. ICSLP 96. Proceedings., Fourth International Conference on. 1:390-393 vol.1 1996
Relation: Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. ICSLP '96
Authors: Miller, J.W., Dickson, N., Rushing, T.
Source: International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, 1993 International. :208-214 1993
Relation: International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report
Authors: Miller, J.W., Soorholtz, V., Vesquez, B.
Source: International Report on Wafer Level Reliability Workshop Wafer Level Reliability Workshop, 1992. Final Report., 1992 International. :151-162 1992
Relation: International Report on Wafer Level Reliability Workshop
Authors: Boyko, K.C., Miller, J.W.
Source: International Report on Wafer Level Reliability Workshop Wafer Level Reliability Workshop, 1992. Final Report., 1992 International. :223-228 1992
Relation: International Report on Wafer Level Reliability Workshop
Authors: Miller, J.W., Goodman, R., Smyth, P.
Source: IJCNN-91-Seattle International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Neural Networks, 1991., IJCNN-91-Seattle International Joint Conference on. i:881-886 vol.1 1991
Relation: 1991-Seattle International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
12Academic Journal
Authors: Miller, J.W., Balyan, R., Dong, M., Mahmoud, M., Lam, J.E., Pratap, J.N., Paquin, J.R., Li, B.L., Spaeth, J.P., Vinks, A., Loepke, A.W.
Source: In British Journal of Anaesthesia May 2018 120(5):1056-1065
Authors: Sun, B.C., Miller, J.W.
Source: Proceedings. Twenty-Second Annual conference Frontiers in Education Frontiers in Education, 1992. Proceedings. Twenty-Second Annual conference. :600-602 1992
Relation: Proceedings. Twenty-Second Annual conference Frontiers in Education
14Academic Journal
Authors: Miller, J.W., Goodman, R., Smyth, P.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on. 39(4):1404-1408 Jul, 1993
15Academic Journal
Authors: Hsing-Huang Tseng, Tobin, P.J., Hayden, J.D., Chang, K.-M., Miller, J.W.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 40(3):613-618 Mar, 1993
Authors: Miller, J.W.
Source: CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. January, 2024, Vol. 61 Issue 5, p542, 1 p.
17Academic Journal
Authors: Miller, J.W., Khatami, Z., Wojcik, J., Bradley, J.D.B., Mascher, P.
Source: In Surface & Coatings Technology 25 February 2018 336:99-105
18Academic Journal
Authors: Pfiester, J.R., Baker, F.K., Mele, T.C., Tseng, H.-H., Tobin, P.J., Hayden, J.D., Miller, J.W., Gunderson, C.D., Parrillo, L.C.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 37(8):1842-1851 Aug, 1990
19Academic Journal
Authors: Raha, P., Miller, J.W., Rosenbaum, E.
Source: IEEE Electron Device Letters IEEE Electron Device Lett. Electron Device Letters, IEEE. 18(11):509-511 Nov, 1997
20Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE. 6(10):1194-1196 Oct, 1994