Showing 1 - 20 results of 20 Refine Results
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    Academic Journal

    Authors: BĂLTĂREŢU, Andreea1, MIHĂESCU, Cristina1

    Source: Quality - Access to Success. 2016 Supplement 3, Vol. 17, p152-168. 17p.

    Geographic Terms: Romania, Europe

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  4. 4
    Academic Journal

    Authors: BĂLTĂREŢU, Andreea1, MIHĂESCU, Cristina1

    Source: Quality - Access to Success. 2016 Supplement 3, Vol. 17, p125-134. 10p.

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    Academic Journal


    Source: Euromentor; Jun2015, Vol. 6 Issue 2, p82-88, 7p

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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Source: Cogito (2066-7094); Mar2015, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p119-123, 5p

    People: ZARIFOPOL, Dinu

  12. 12
    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Implant's addressability in dental practices from urban environment in Bucharest.

    Source: Romanian Journal of Stomatology / Revista Romana de Stomatologie. 2014, Vol. 60 Issue 4, p218-226. 9p.

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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Authors: MIONEL, Oana1, MIHĂESCU, Cristina2

    Source: Knowledge Horizons / Orizonturi ale Cunoasterii. 2013, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p172-176. 5p.

    Geographic Terms: ROMANIA

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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Angled abutment influence on maximum stresses in implant-prosthetic restoration with metal-ceramic crown - fEA Study. (English)

    Source: dentalTarget; mar2015, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p36-40, 3p

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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Implanto-prosthetic restoration of a class II Kennedy edentulous patient. (English)

    Source: dentalTarget; noi2014, Vol. 9 Issue 4, p30-34, 3p

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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Stiffness of different designs of maxillary and mandibular major connectors of removable partial dentures in compression and torsion tests.

    Source: Romanian Journal of Stomatology / Revista Romana de Stomatologie. 2012, Vol. 58 Issue 3, p182-189. 9p.