1Academic Journal
Authors: Belz, J., Diwan, M., Eckhause, M., Guss, C.M., Hancock, A.D., Heinson, A.P., Highland, V.L., Hoffmann, G.W., Irwin, G.M., Kane, J.R., Kettell, S.H., Kuang, Y., Lang, K., McDonough, J., McFarlane, W.K., Molzon, W.R., Riley, P.J., Ritchie, J.L., Schwartz, A.J., Ware, B., Welsh, R.E., Winter, R.G., Witkowski, M., Wojcicki, S.G., Worm, S.D. *, Yamashita, A.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1999 428(2):239-262
Authors: Auerbach, L.B., Haik, N., Highland, V.L., McFarlane, W.K., Macek, R.J., Pratt, J.C., Sarracino, J., Werbeck, R.D.
Source: Physics Letters B; February 1980, Vol. 90 Issue: 3 p317-318, 2p
3Academic Journal
Authors: McFarlane, W.K.
Source: In Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 1990 13:571-575
4Academic Journal
Authors: Benulis, C.A., McFarlane, W.K.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1985 240(1):135-138
5Academic Journal
Authors: Benulis, C.A., McFarlane, W.K.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1985 240(1):130-134
6Academic Journal
Authors: Dowell, J.D., Homer, R.J., Khan, Q.H., McFarlane, W.K., McKee, J.S.C., O'Dell, A.W.
Source: In Physics Letters 1964 12(3):252-255
7Academic Journal
Authors: Cester, R., Eschstruth, P.T., O'Neill, G.K., Quassiati, B., Yount, D., Dobbs, J.M., Mann, A.K., McFarlane, W.K., White, D.H.
Source: In Physics Letters 1966 21(3):343-347
8Academic Journal
Authors: Homer, R.J., Khan, Q.H., McFarlane, W.K., McKee, J.S.C., O'Dell, A.W., Riddiford, L., Williams, P.G., Griffiths, D.
Source: In Physics Letters 1964 9(1):72-75
9Academic Journal
Measurements on a separated function shower detector with a photon beam of known and variable energy
Authors: McFarlane, W.K., Rothe, K.W., Wadlinger, E.A.
Source: In Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1 January 1971 91(1):85-91
10Academic Journal
Authors: Grant, D., Jones, T.W., McFarlane, W.K.
Source: In Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1965 36:277-282