1Academic Journal
Authors: Ekdahl, C., Kurennoy, S., McCrady, R., Dale, G.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on. 50(3):684-690 Mar, 2022
2Academic Journal
Authors: Ekdahl, C., McCrady, R.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on. 48(10):3589-3599 Oct, 2020
Authors: Taccetti, J. M., McCrady, R., Rose, C. R.
Source: 2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Pulsed Power (PPC) Pulsed Power (PPC), 2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on. :1-4 Jun, 2017
Relation: 2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Pulsed Power (PPC)
Authors: Macek, R.J., Browman, A., Fitzgerald, D., McCrady, R., Merrill, F., Plum, M., Spickermann, T., Wang, T.S., Griffin, J., Ng, K.Y., Wildman, D., Harkay, K., Kustom, R., Rosenberg, R.
Source: PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. 1:688-692 vol.1 2001
Relation: Proceedings of 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference
Authors: Macek, R.J., Browman, A., Borden, M., Fitzgerald, D., McCrady, R., Spickermann, T., Zaugg, T.
Source: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. 5:3089-3091 2003
Relation: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference
Authors: Colestock, P., Beltran, C., Browman, A., Gilpatrick, D., Macek, R., McCrady, R., Neri, F., Rybarcyk, L., Spickermann, T., Schulze, M.
Source: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. 5:3086-3088 2003
Relation: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference
Authors: Spickermann, T., Borden, M., Browman, A., Fitzgerald, D., Macek, R., McCrady, R., Zaugg, T.
Source: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. 5:3455-3457 2003
Relation: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference
Authors: Browman, A., Borden, M., Fitzgerald, D., Macek, R., McCrady, R., Spickermann, T., Zaugg, T.
Source: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. 4:2521-2523 vol.4 2003
Relation: Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference
Authors: Project, The Mu2e, Collaboration, Abrams, R. J., Alezander, D., Ambrosio, G., Andreev, N., Ankenbrandt, C. M., Asner, D. M., Arnold, D., Artikov, A., Barnes, E., Bartoszek, L., Bernstein, R. H., Biery, K., Biliyar, V., Bonicalzi, R., Bossert, R., Bowden, M., Brandt, J., Brown, D. N., Budagov, J., Buehler, M., Burov, A., Carcagno, R., Carey, R. M., Carosi, R., Cascella, M., Cauz, D., Cervelli, F., Chandra, A., Chang, J. K., Cheng, C., Ciambrone, P., Coleman, R. N., Cooper, M., Corcoran, M. C., Cordelli, M., Davydov, Y., de Gouvea, A. L., De Lorenzis, L., Debevec, P. T., DeJongh, F., Densham, C., Deuerling, G., Dey, J., Di Falco, S., Dixon, S., Djilkibaev, R., Drendel, B., Dukes, E. C., Dychkant, A., Echenard, B., Ehrlich, R., Evans, N., Evbota, D., Fang, I., Fast, J. E., Feher, S., Fischler, M., Frank, M., Frlez, E., Fung, S. S., Gallo, G., Galucci, G., Gaponenko, A., Genser, K., Giovannella, S., Glagolev, V., Glenzinski, D., Gnani, D., Goadhouse, S., Gollin, G. D., Grace, C., Grancagnolo, F., Group, C., Hanson, J., Hanson, S., Happacher, F., Heckmaier, E., Hedin, D., Hertzog, D. W., Hirosky, R., Hitlin, D. G., Ho, E., Huang, X., Huedem, E., Hung, P. Q., Hungerford, E. V., Ito, T., Jaskierny, W., Jedziniak, R., Johnson, R. P., Johnstone, C., Johnstone, J. A., Kahn, S. A., Kammel, P., Kang, T. I., Kashikhin, V. S., Kashikhin, V. V., Kasper, P., Kawall, D. M., Khalatian, V., Kim, M., Klebaner, A., Kocen, D., Kolomensky, Y., Kourbanis, I., Kowalkowski, J., Kozminski, J., Krempetz, K., Kumar, K. S., Kutschke, R. K., Kwarciany, R., Lackowski, T., Lamm, M., Larwill, M., Lau, K., Lee, M. J., L'Erario, A., Leveling, T., Lim, G., Lindenmeyer, C., Logashenko, V., Lontadze, T., Lopes, M., Luca, A., Lynch, K. R., Ma, T., Maffezzoli, A., Marciano, W. J., Martini, M., Masayoshi, W., Matushko, V., McAteer, M., McCrady, R., Moccoli, A., Michelotti, L., Miller, J. P., Miscetti, S., Molzon, W., Morgan, J., Mukherjee, A., Nagaitsev, S., Nagaslaev, V., Niehoff, J., Neuffer, D. V., Nicol, T., Norman, A. J., Norris, B., Odell, J., Oh, S., Oksuzian, Y., Onorato, G., Orduna, J., Orris, D., Ostojic, R., Page, T., Paschke, K. D., Pauletta, G., Peterson, T., Piacentino, G. M., Pileggi, G., Pla-Dalmau, A., Pocanic, D., Polly, C. C., Polychronakos, V., Ponzio, B., Popovic, M., Popp, J. L., Porter, F., Presbys, E., Prieto, P., Pronskikh, V., Puccinelli, F., Rabehl, R., Ramsey, J., Ray, R. E., Rechenmacher, R., Rella, S., Ristori, L., Rivera, R., Roberts, B. L., Roberts, T. J., Rubinov, P., Rusu, V. L., Saputi, A., Sarra, I., Smertzidis, Y., Shanahan, P., Simonenko, A., Steward, J., Suslov, I., Sylvester, C., Tang, Z., Tartaglia, M., Tassielli, G., Tereshchenko, V., Theilacker, J., Tompkins, J., Tschirhart, R., Van Zandbergen, G., Vannini, C., Venanzoni, G., von der Lippe, H., Wagner, R., Walder, J. P., Walton, R., Wands, S., Wang, S., Warren, G., Werkema, S., White Jr, H. B., Wielgos, R., Wood, L. S., Woodward, M., Wu, J., Xiao, M., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yarritu, K., Yonehara, K., Yoshikawa, C., You, Z., Yu, G., Yurkewicz, A., Zavarise, G., Zhu, R. Y.
Subject Terms: Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors, High Energy Physics - Experiment, Physics - Accelerator Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.7019
Authors: Gilpatrick, J.D., Blind, B., Borden, M., Erickson, J., McCrady, R., Gulley, M.S., Kurennoy, S., O'Hara, J., Oothoudt, M., Pillai, C., Power, J., Rybarcyk, L., Shelley, F.
Source: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) Particle Accelerator Conference, 2007. PAC. IEEE. :4099-4101 Jun, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC)
Authors: McCrady, R., Macek, R., Zaugg, T., Assadi, S., Deibele, C., Henderson, S., Plum, M., Lee, S. Y., Walbridge, S., Byrd, J., Pivi, M.
Source: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) Particle Accelerator Conference, 2007. PAC. IEEE. :548-550 Jun, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC)
Authors: Macek, R. J., Browman, A. A., Ledford, J. E., Borden, M. J., O'Hara, J. F., McCrady, R. C., Rybarcyk, L. J., Spickermann, T., Zaugg, T. J., Pivi, M. T. F.
Source: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) Particle Accelerator Conference, 2007. PAC. IEEE. :828-830 Jun, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC)
Authors: Deibele, C., Assadi, S., Danilov, S., Henderson, S., Plum, M., Gilpatrick, D., McCrady, R., Macek, R., Power, J., Zaugg, T., Byrd, J., Breitzman, S., Lee, S. Y., Pivi, M., Schulte, M., Polisetti, A., Xie, Z.
Source: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) Particle Accelerator Conference, 2007. PAC. IEEE. :1991-1995 Jun, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC)
Authors: Khaustov, P., Alburger, D. E., Barnes, P. D., Bassalleck, B., Berdoz, A. R., Biglan, A., Buerger, T., Carman, D. S., Chrien, R. E., Davis, C. A., Fischer, H., Franklin, G. B., Franz, J., Gan, L., Ichikawa, A., IijIma, T., Imai, K., Kondo, Y., Koran, P., Landry, M., Lee, L., Lowe, J., Magahiz, R., May, M., McCrady, R., Meyer, C. A., Merrill, F., Motoba, T., Page, S. A., Paschke, K., Pile, P. H., Quinn, B., Ramsay, W. D., Rusek, A., Sawafta, R., Schmitt, H., Schumacher, R. A., Stotzer, R. W., Sutter, R., Takeutchi, F., van Oers, W. T. H., Yamamoto, K., Yamamoto, Y., Yosoi, M., Zeps, V. J.
Source: Phys.Rev.C61:054603,2000
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-ex/9912007
Authors: Macek, R. J., Browman, A., Fitzgerald, D. H., McCrady, R., Plum, M., Spickermann, T.
Source: KEK PROCEEDINGS. 1:229-239
Authors: Batygin, Y. K., Draganic, I. N., Fortgang, C. M., Garnett, R. W., Kurennoy, S. S., McCrady, R. C., O'Hara, J. F., Rybarcyk, L. J.
Authors: McCrady, R. C.
Authors: Zaugg, T., Borden, M., Browman, A., Fitzgerald, D., Macek, R. J., McCrady, R., Spickermann, T.
Authors: McCrady, R. C.