Authors: Custodio, Paulo, McBride, Brady, Le, Thao, Jackson, Justin, Haulmark, Kelby, Di, Jia, Farnell, Chris, Mantooth, H. Alan
Source: 2022 IEEE Design Methodologies Conference (DMC) Design Methodologies Conference (DMC), 2022 IEEE. :1-7 Sep, 2022
Relation: 2022 IEEE Design Methodologies Conference (DMC)
Authors: Cobilean, Victor, Mavikumbure, Harindra S., Mcbride, Brady J., Vaagensmith, Bjorn, Singh, Vivek Kumar, Li, Ruixuan, Rieger, Craig, Manic, Milos
Source: IEEE access. 11:59788-59803
3Academic Journal
Authors: McBride, Brady N.L. *, Clarke, Kester D., Clarke, Amy J.
Source: In Journal of Manufacturing Processes July 2020 55:236-239
4Academic Journal
Authors: McBride, Brady N. L.1, bmcbride@mines.edu, Clarke, Amy J.1, Clarke, Kester D.1
Source: Metallurgical & Materials Transactions. Part A; Dec2022, Vol. 53 Issue 12, p4207-4220, 14p
5Academic Journal
Authors: Finfrock, Christopher B.1, cfinfroc@mines.edu, Bhattacharya, Diptak1, McBride, Brady N. L.1, Ballard, Trevor J.1, Clarke, Amy J.1, Clarke, Kester D.1
Source: JOM: The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS); Feb2022, Vol. 74 Issue 2, p506-512, 7p