1Academic Journal
Authors: Fauerbach, James A., Gehrke, Amanda K., Mason, Shawn T., Gould, Neda F., Milner, Stephen M., Caffrey, Julie
Source: In Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation January 2020 101(1) Supplement:S16-S25
Authors: Grossmeier, Jessica, Castle, Patricia H., Pitts, Jennifer S., Saringer, Colleen, Jenkins, Kristi Rahrig, Imboden, Mary T., Mangen, David J., Johnson, Sara S., Noeldner, Steven P., Mason, Shawn T.
Source: American journal of health promotion. 34(4):349-358
Authors: Das, Sai Krupa, Mason, Shawn T., Vail, Taylor A., Blanchard, Caroline M., Chin, Meghan K., Rogers, Gail T., Livingston, Kara A., Turgiss, Jennifer L.
Source: American journal of health promotion. 34(2):177-188
Authors: Das, Sai Krupa, Mason, Shawn T., Vail, Taylor A., Rogers, Gail V., Livingston, Kara A., Whelan, Jillian G., Chin, Meghan K., Blanchard, Caroline M., Turgiss, Jennifer L., Roberts, Susan B.
Source: American journal of health promotion. 33(1):118-130
5Academic Journal
Authors: Williams, Amy M., May, Pamela E., Mason, Shawn T., Wang, Chun, Pomana, Lidia
Source: Quality of Life Research, 2016 Jun 01. 25(6), 1475-1485.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44852894
6Academic Journal
The Predictive Validity of the HERO Scorecard in Determining Future Health Care Cost and Risk Trends
Authors: Goetzel, Ron Z., Henke, Rachel Mosher, Benevent, Richele, Tabrizi, Maryam J., Kent, Karen B., Smith, Kristyn J., Roemer, Enid Chung, Grossmeier, Jessica, Mason, Shawn T., Gold, Daniel B., Noeldner, Steven P., Anderson, David R.
Source: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2014 Feb 01. 56(2), 136-144.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/48501203
7Academic Journal
Authors: Escolas, Sandra M., Hildebrandt, Erika J., Maiers, Alan J., Baker, Monty T., Mason, Shawn T.
Source: U.S. Army Medical Department Journal. Apr-Jun2013, p35-45. 11p. 1 Diagram, 1 Chart, 5 Graphs.
Subjects: ATTACHMENT behavior, HEALTH, SLEEP, SLEEP disorders, DEPLOYMENT (Military strategy), MILITARY personnel
8Academic Journal
Authors: Escolas, Sandra M., Arata-Maiers, Rachel, Hildebrandt, Erika J., Maiers, Alan J., Mason, Shawn T., Baker, Monty T.
Source: U.S. Army Medical Department Journal. Jul-Sep2012, p54-61. 8p. 1 Color Photograph, 3 Graphs.
Subjects: POST-traumatic stress disorder, PSYCHOLOGICAL stress, TRAUMATIC neuroses, POST-traumatic stress, MILITARY administration
10Academic Journal
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11Academic Journal
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12Academic Journal
Authors: Mason, Shawn T.. Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, US, smason23@jhmi.edu, Lauterbach, Dean. Department of Psychology, Eastern Michigan University, MI, US, McKibben, Jodi B. A.. Department of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, US, Lawrence, John. Department of Psychology, College of Staten Island, City University of New York, NY, US, Fauerbach, James A.. Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, US
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Vol 5(1), Jan, 2013. pp. 10-17. NLM Title Abbreviation: Psychol Trauma
Publisher: US : Educational Publishing Foundation
Publication Type: Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal
13Academic Journal
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14Academic Journal
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15Academic Journal
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16Academic Journal
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17Academic Journal
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18Academic Journal
Authors: Mason, Shawn T., Arceneaux, Lisa L., Abouhassan, William, Lauterbach, Dean, Seebach, Caryn, Fauerbach, James A.
Source: ePlasty: Open Access Journal of Plastic Surgery; 2008, Vol. 8, p494-504, 11p
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