Showing 1 - 20 results of 4,466 Refine Results
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    Source: 2024 DGON Inertial Sensors and Applications (ISA) DGON Inertial Sensors and Applications (ISA), 2024. :1-19 Oct, 2024

    Relation: 2024 DGON Inertial Sensors and Applications (ISA)

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    Source: ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications, ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on. :4298-4304 May, 2023

    Relation: ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications

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    Source: GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference Global Communications Conference(48099), GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE. :705-710 Dec, 2022

    Relation: GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 31(11):2124-2137 Nov, 2019

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on. 66(5):743-747 May, 2019

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    Authors: Karandikar, Aditya, Solberg, Agnieszka, Fung, Alice, Lee, Amie Y., Farooq, Amina, Taylor, Amy C., Oliveira, Amy, Narayan, Anand, Senter, Andi, Majid, Aneesa, Tong, Angela, McGrath, Anika L., Malik, Anjali, Brown, Ann Leylek, Roberts, Anne, Fleischer, Arthur, Vettiyil, Beth, Zigmund, Beth, Park, Brian, Curran, Bruce, Henry, Cameron, Jaimes, Camilo, Connolly, Cara, Robson, Caroline, Meltzer, Carolyn C., Phillips, Catherine H., Dove, Christine, Glastonbury, Christine, Pomeranz, Christy, Kirsch, Claudia F.E., Burgan, Constantine M., Scher, Courtney, Tomblinson, Courtney, Fuss, Cristina, Santillan, Cynthia, Daye, Dania, Brown, Daniel B., Young, Daniel J., Kopans, Daniel, Vargas, Daniel, Martin, Dann, Thompson, David, Jordan, David W., Shatzkes, Deborah, Sun, Derek, Mastrodicasa, Domenico, Smith, Elainea, Korngold, Elena, Dibble, Elizabeth H., Arleo, Elizabeth K., Hecht, Elizabeth M., Morris, Elizabeth, Maltin, Elizabeth P., Cooke, Erin A., Schwartz, Erin Simon, Lehrman, Evan, Sodagari, Faezeh, Shah, Faisal, Doo, Florence X., Rigiroli, Francesca, Vilanilam, George K., Landinez, Gina, Kim, Grace Gwe-Ya, Rahbar, Habib, Choi, Hailey, Bandesha, Harmanpreet, Ojeda-Fournier, Haydee, Ikuta, Ichiro, Dragojevic, Irena, Schroeder, Jamie Lee Twist, Ivanidze, Jana, Katzen, Janine T., Chiang, Jason, Nguyen, Jeffers, Robinson, Jeffrey D., Broder, Jennifer C., Kemp, Jennifer, Weaver, Jennifer S., Conyers, Jesse M., Robbins, Jessica B., Leschied, Jessica R., Wen, Jessica, Park, Jocelyn, Mongan, John, Perchik, Jordan, Barbero, José Pablo Martínez, Jacob, Jubin, Ledbetter, Karyn, Macura, Katarzyna J., Maturen, Katherine E., Frederick-Dyer, Katherine, Dodelzon, Katia, Cort, Kayla, Kisling, Kelly, Babagbemi, Kemi, McGill, Kevin C., Chang, Kevin J., Feigin, Kimberly, Winsor, Kimberly S., Seifert, Kimberly, Patel, Kirang, Porter, Kristin K., Foley, Kristin M., Patel-Lippmann, Krupa, McIntosh, Lacey J., Padilla, Laura, Groner, Lauren, Harry, Lauren M., Ladd, Lauren M., Wang, Lisa, Spalluto, Lucy B., Mahesh, M., Marx, M. Victoria, Sugi, Mark D., Sammer, Marla B.K., Sun, Maryellen, Barkovich, Matthew J., Miller, Matthew J., Vella, Maya, Davis, Melissa A., Englander, Meridith J., Durst, Michael, Oumano, Michael, Wood, Monica J., McBee, Morgan P., Fischbein, Nancy J., Kovalchuk, Nataliya, Lall, Neil, Eclov, Neville, Madhuripan, Nikhil, Ariaratnam, Nikki S., Vincoff, Nina S., Kothary, Nishita, Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi, Noushin, Brook, Olga R., Glenn, Orit A., Woodard, Pamela K., Mazaheri, Parisa, Rhyner, Patricia, Eby, Peter R., Raghu, Preethi, Gerson, Rachel F., Patel, Rina, Gutierrez, Robert L., Gebhard, Robyn, Andreotti, Rochelle F., Masum, Rukya, Woods, Ryan, Mandava, Sabala, Harrington, Samantha G., Parikh, Samir, Chu, Sammy, Arora, Sandeep S., Meyers, Sandra M., Prabhu, Sanjay, Shams, Sara, Pittman, Sarah, Patel, Sejal N., Payne, Shelby, Hetts, Steven W., Hijaz, Tarek A., Chapman, Teresa, Loehfelm, Thomas W., Juang, Titania, Clark, Toshimasa J., Potigailo, Valeria, Shah, Vinil, Planz, Virginia, Kalia, Vivek, DeMartini, Wendy, Dillon, William P., Gupta, Yasha, Koethe, Yilun, Hartley-Blossom, Zachary, Wang, Zhen Jane, McGinty, Geraldine, Haramati, Adina, Allen, Laveil M., Germaine, Pauline

    Source: Clinical imaging. 93:117-121

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of. 54(2):511-523 Feb, 2019

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on. 65(3):870-880 Mar, 2018

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