Authors: Khakifirooz, A., Cheng, K., Liu, Q., Nagumo, T., Loubet, N., Reznicek, A., Kuss, J., Gimbert, J., Sreenivasan, R., Vinet, M., Grenouillet, L., Le Tiec, Y., Wacquez, R., Ren, Z., Cai, J., Shahrjerdi, D., Kulkarni, P., Ponoth, S., Luning, S., Doris, B.
Source: Proceedings of the IEEE 2012 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2012 IEEE. :1-4 Sep, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference - CICC 2012
Authors: Horstmann, M., Greenlaw, D., Feudel, T., Wei, A., Frohberg, K., Burbach, G., Gerhardt, M., Lenski, M., Stephan, R., Wieczorek, K., Schaller, M., Hohage, J., Ruelke, H., Klais, J., Huebler, P., Luning, S., van Bentum, R., Grasshoff, G., Schwan, C., Cheek, J., Buller, J., Krishnan, S., Raab, M., Kepler, N.
Source: 2004 International Conference on Integrated Circuit Design and Technology (IEEE Cat. No.04EX866) Integrated circuit design and technology Integrated Circuit Design and Technology, 2004. ICICDT '04. International Conference on. :65-71 2004
Relation: 2004 International Conference on Integrated Circuit Design and Technology
Authors: Tripsas, N.H., Nayak, D., Luning, S.
Source: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Ion implantation technology Ion Implantation Technology. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on. :33-36 1996
Relation: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology
Authors: Yang, H.S., Malik, R., Narasimha, S., Li, Y., Divakaruni, R., Agnello, P., Allen, S., Antreasyan, A., Arnold, J.C., Bandy, K., Belyansky, M., Bonnoit, A., Bronner, G., Chan, V., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Chidambarrao, D., Chou, A., Clark, W., Crowder, S.W., Engel, B., Harifuchi, H., Huang, S.F., Jagannathan, R., Jamin, F.F., Kohyama, Y., Kuroda, H., Lai, C.W., Lee, H.K., Lee, W.-H., Lim, E.H., Lai, W., Mallikarjunan, A., Matsumoto, K., McKnight, A., Nayak, J., Ng, H.Y., Panda, S., Rengarajan, R., Steigerwalt, M., Subbanna, S., Subramanian, K., Sudijono, J., Sudo, G., Sun, S.-P., Tessier, B., Toyoshima, Y., Tran, P., Wise, R., Wong, R., Yang, I.Y., Wann, C.H., Su, L.T., Horstmann, M., Feudel, Th., Wei, A., Frohberg, K., Burbach, G., Gerhardt, M., Lenski, M., Stephan, R., Wieczorek, K., Schaller, M., Salz, H., Hohage, J., Ruelke, H., Klais, J., Huebler, P., Luning, S., van Bentum, R., Grasshoff, G., Schwan, C., Ehrichs, E., Goad, S., Buller, J., Krishnan, S., Greenlaw, D., Raab, M., Kepler, N.
Source: IEDM Technical Digest. IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 2004. Electron devices meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 2004. IEDM Technical Digest. IEEE International. :1075-1077 2004
Relation: 2004 International Electron Devices Meeting
Authors: Luning, S., Rousseau, P.M., Griffin, P.B., Carey, P.G., Plummer, J.D.
Source: 1992 International Technical Digest on Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 1992. IEDM '92. Technical Digest., International. :457-460 1992
Relation: Proceedings of IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
Authors: Greene, B., Liang, Q., Amarnath, K., Wang, Y., Schaeffer, J., Cai, M., Liang, Y., Saroop, S., Cheng, J., Rotondaro, A., Han, S.-J., Mo, R., McStay, K., Ku, S., Pal, R., Kumar, M., Dirahoui, B., Yang, B., Tamweber, F., Lee, W.-H., Steigerwalt, M., Weijtmans, H., Holt, J., Black, L., Samavedam, S., Turner, M., Ramani, K., Lee, D., Belyansky, M., Chowdhury, M., Aime, D., Min, B., van Meer, H., Yin, H., Chan, K., Angyal, M., Zaleski, M., Ogunsola, O., Child, C., Zhuang, L., Yan, H., Permanaa, D., Sleight, J., Guo, D., Mittl, S., Ioannou, D., Wu, E., Chudzik, M., Park, D.-G., Brown, D., Luning, S., Mocuta, D., Maciejewski, E., Henson, K., Leobandung, E.
Source: 2009 Symposium on VLSI Technology VLSI Technology, 2009 Symposium on. :140-141 Jun, 2009
Relation: 2009 Symposium on VLSI Technology
Authors: Yang, B., Takalkar, R., Ren, Z., Black, L., Dube, A., Weijtmans, J.W., Li, J., Johnson, J.B., Faltermeier, J., Madan, A., Zhu, Z., Turansky, A., Xia, G., Chakravarti, A., Pal, R., Chan, K., Reznicek, A., Adam, T.N., de Souza, J.P., Harley, E.C.T., Greene, B., Gehring, A., Cai, M., Aime, D., Sun, S., Meer, H., Holt, J., Theodore, D., Zollner, S., Grudowski, P., Sadana, D., Park, D.-G., Mocuta, D., Schepis, D., Maciejewski, E., Luning, S., Pellerin, J., Leobandung, E.
Source: 2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 2008. IEDM 2008. IEEE International. :1-4 Dec, 2008
Relation: 2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
Authors: Cai, M., Greene, B. J., Strane, J., Belyansky, M., Tamweber, F., Lee, D., van Meer, H., Laffosse, E., Luning, S., Mocuta, D., Maciejewski, E.
Source: 2008 IEEE International SOI Conference SOI Conference, 2008. SOI. IEEE International. :17-18 Oct, 2008
Relation: 2008 IEEE International SOI Conference
Authors: Yang, B., Waite, A., Yin, H., Yu, J., Black, L., Chidambarrao, D., Domenicucci, A., Wang, X., Ku, S. H., Wang, Y., Meer, H. V., Kim, B., Nayfeh, H., Kim, S.D., Tabakman, K., Pal, R., Nummy, K., Greene, B., Fisher, P., Liu, J., Liang, Q., Holt, J., Narasimha, S., Luo, Z., Utomo, H., Chen, X., Park, D., Sung, C.Y., Wachnik, R., Freeman, G., Schepis, D., Maciejewski, E., Khare, M., Leobandung, E., Luning, S., Agnello, P.
Source: 2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 2007. IEDM 2007. IEEE International. :1032-1034 Dec, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
Authors: Yang, B., Nummy, K., Waite, A., Black, L., Gossmann, H., Yin, H., Liu, Y., Kim, B., Narasimha, S., Fisher, P., Meer, H. V., Johnson, J., Chidambarrao, D., Kim, S.D., Sheraw, C., Wehella-gamage, D., Holt, J., Chen, X., Park, D., Sung, C.Y., Schepis, D., Khare, M., Luning, S., Agnello, P.
Source: 2007 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology VLSI Technology, 2007 IEEE Symposium on. :126-127 Jun, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology
Authors: Yang, Bin, Yang, M., Fried, D. M., Sheraw, C. D., Waite, A., Nummy, K., Black, L., Kim, S. D., Yin, H., Kim, B., Narasimha, S., Chen, X., Khare, M., Luning, S., Agnello, P.
Source: 2007 International Workshop on Electron Devices and Semiconductor Technology (EDST) Electron Devices and Semiconductor Technology, 2007. EDST 2007. Proceeding of 2007 International Workshop on. :8-13 Jun, 2007
Relation: 2007 International Workshop on Electron Devices and Semiconductor Technology
Authors: Agnello, P., Ivers, T., Warm, C., Wise, R., Wachnik, R., Schepis, D., Sankaran, S., Norum, J., Luning, S., Li, Y., Khare, M., Grill, A., Edelstein, D., Chen, X., Brown, D., Augur, R., Wu, S., Yu, J., Wong, R.C., Werking, J., Wehella-Gamage, D., Vayshenker, A., Van Meer, H., Van Den Nieuwenhuizen, R., Tian, C., Tabakman, K., Sung, C.Y., Standaert, T., Simon, A., Sim, J., Sheraw, C., Restaino, D., Rausch, W., Pal, R., Prindle, C., Ouyang, X., Ouyang, C., Ontalus, V., Nummy, K., Nielsen, D., Nicholson, L., McKnight, A., Lustig, N., Liu, X., Lee, M.H., Lea, D., Larosa, G., Landers, W., Kim, B., Kelling, M., Jeng, S.-J., Holt, J., Hargrove, M., Grunow, S., Greco, S., Gates, S., Frye, A., Fisher, P., Domenicucci, A., Dimitrakopoulos, C., Costrini, G., Chou, A., Cheng, J., Butt, S., Black, L., Belyansky, M., Ahsan, I., Adam, T., Gabor, A., Wu, C.-H.J., Yang, D., Crouse, M., Robinson, C., Corliss, D., Fonseca, C., Johnson, J., Weybright, M., Waite, A., Nayfeh, H.M., Onishi, K., Narasimha, S.
Source: 2006 International Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 2006. IEDM '06. International. :1-4 Dec, 2006
Relation: 2006 International Electron Devices Meeting
Authors: Tenko Yamashita, Fisher, P.A., Gluschenkov, O., Hideki Kimura, Ramachandran, R., Mocuta, A.C., Kluth, J., Takahiro Kawamura, Katsunori Onishi, Fried, D., Narasimha, S., Brown, D., Jain, S., Koji Miyamoto, Freeman, G., Deshpande, S.V., Luning, S., Shih-Fen Huang, Pellerin, J., Hideaki Kuroda
Source: 2006 European Solid-State Device Research Conference Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2006. ESSDERC 2006. Proceeding of the 36th European. :347-350 Sep, 2006
Relation: 2006 European Solid-State Device Research Conference
Authors: Grenouillet, L., Khare, P., Gimbert, J., Hargrove, M., Jaud, M. A., Liu, Q., Le Tiec, Y., Wacquez, R., Loubet, N., Cheng, K., Holmes, S., Liu, S., Hook, T., Teehan, S., Guilford, J., Schmitz, S., Kulkarni, P., Kuss, J., Terrizzi, M., Luning, S., Doris, B., Vinet, M.
Source: 2012 IEEE International SOI Conference (SOI) SOI Conference (SOI), 2012 IEEE International. :1-2 Oct, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE International SOI Conference
Authors: Khakifirooz, A., Cheng, K., Nagumo, T., Loubet, N., Adam, T., Reznicek, A., Kuss, J., Shahrjerdi, D., Sreenivasan, R., Ponoth, S., He, H., Kulkarni, P., Liu, Q., Hashemi, P., Khare, P., Luning, S., Mehta, S., Gimbert, J., Zhu, Y., Zhu, Z., Li, J., Madan, A., Levin, T., Monsieur, F., Yamamoto, T., Naczas, S., Schmitz, S., Holmes, S., Aulnette, C., Daval, N., Schwarzenbach, W., Nguyen, B.-Y., Paruchuri, V., Khare, M., Shahidi, G., Doris, B.
Source: 2012 Symposium on VLSI Technology (VLSIT) VLSI Technology (VLSIT), 2012 Symposium on. :117-118 Jun, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology
Authors: Ponoth, S., Vinet, M., Grenouillet, L., Kumar, A., Kulkarni, P., Liu, Q., Cheng, K., Haran, B., Posseme, N., Khakifirooz, A., Loubet, N., Mehta, S., Kuss, J., Destefanis, V., Berliner, N., Sreenivasan, R., Le Tiec, Y., Kanakasabapathy, S., Schmitz, S., Levin, T., Luning, S., Hook, T., Khare, M., Shahidi, G., Doris, B.
Source: IEEE 2011 International SOI Conference SOI Conference (SOI), 2011 IEEE International. :1-2 Oct, 2011
Relation: 2011 IEEE International SOI Conference
Authors: Cheng, K., Khakifirooz, A., Kulkarni, P., Ponoth, S., Haran, B., Kumar, A., Adam, T., Reznicek, A., Loubet, N., He, H., Kuss, J., Wang, M., Levin, T. M., Monsieur, F., Liu, Q., Sreenivasan, R., Cai, J., Kimball, A., Mehta, S., Luning, S., Zhu, Y., Zhu, Z., Yamamoto, T., Bryant, A., Lin, C. -H., Naczas, S., Jagannathan, H., Edge, L. F., Allegret-Maret, S., Dube, A., Kanakasabapathy, S., Schmitz, S., Inada, A., Seo, S., Raymond, M., Zhang, Z., Yagishita, A., Demarest, J., Li, J., Hopstaken, M., Berliner, N., Upham, A., Johnson, R., Holmes, S., Standaert, T., Smalley, M., Zamdmer, N., Ren, Z., Wu, T., Bu, H., Paruchuri, V., Sadana, D., Narayanan, V., Haensch, W., O'Neill, J., Hook, T., Khare, M., Doris, B.
Source: 2011 Symposium on VLSI Technology - Digest of Technical Papers VLSI Technology (VLSIT), 2011 Symposium on. :128-129 Jun, 2011
Relation: 2011 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology
Authors: Liu, Q., Monsieur, F., Kumar, A., Yamamoto, T., Yagishita, A., Kulkarni, P., Ponoth, S., Loubet, N., Cheng, K., Khakifirooz, A., Haran, B., Vinet, M., Cai, J., Kuss, J., Linder, B., Grenouillet, L., Mehta, S., Khare, P., Berliner, N., Levin, T., Kanakasabapathy, S., Upham, A., Sreenivasan, R., Le Tiec, Y., Posseme, N., Li, J., Demarest, J., Smalley, M., Leobandung, E., Monfray, S., Boeuf, F., Skotnicki, T., Ishimaru, K., Takayanagi, M., Kleemeier, W., Bu, H., Luning, S., Hook, T., Khare, M., Shahidi, G., Doris, B., Sampson, R.
Source: 2011 Symposium on VLSI Technology - Digest of Technical Papers VLSI Technology (VLSIT), 2011 Symposium on. :160-161 Jun, 2011
Relation: 2011 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology
Authors: Sheraw, C.D., Yang, M., Fried, D.M., Costrini, G., Kanarsky, T., Lee, W.-H., Chan, V., Fischetti, M.V., Holt, J., Black, L., Naeem, M., Panda, S., Economikos, L., Groschopf, J., Kapur, A., Li, Y., Mo, R.T., Bonnoit, A., Degraw, D., Luning, S., Chidambarrao, D., Wang, X., Bryant, A., Brown, D., Sung, C.-Y., Agnello, P., Ieong, M., Huang, S.-F., Chen, X., Khare, M.
Source: Digest of Technical Papers. 2005 Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2005. VLSI Technology VLSI Technology, 2005. Digest of Technical Papers. 2005 Symposium on. :12-13 2005
Relation: 2005 Symposium on VLSI Technology
Authors: Liu, Q., Vinet, M., Gimbert, J., Loubet, N., Wacquez, R., Grenouillet, L., Le Tiec, Y., Khakifirooz, A., Nagumo, T., Cheng, K., Kothari, H., Chanemougame, D., Chafik, F., Guillaumet, S., Kuss, J., Allibert, F., Tsutsui, G., Li, J., Morin, P., Mehta, S., Johnson, R., Edge, L. F., Ponoth, S., Levin, T., Kanakasabapathy, S., Haran, B., Bu, H., Bataillon, J.-L., Weber, O., Faynot, O., Josse, E., Haond, M., Kleemeier, W., Khare, M., Skotnicki, T., Luning, S., Doris, B., Celik, M., Sampson, R.
Source: 2013 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2013 IEEE International. :9.2.1-9.2.4 Dec, 2013
Relation: 2013 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)