Authors: Sénoville, M., Delaunay, F., Achouri, N. L., Orr, N. A., Carniol, B., de Séréville, N., Étasse, D., Fontbonne, C., Fontbonne, J. -M., Gibelin, J., Hommet, J., Laurent, B., Ledoux, X., Marqués, F. M., Martínez, T., Pârlog, M.
Subject Terms: Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors, Nuclear Experiment
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2502.19508
Authors: Joubioux, M. Le, Savajols, H., Mittig, W., Fléchard, X., Hayen, L., Penionzhkevich, Yu. E., Ackermann, D., Borcea, C., Caceres, L., Delahaye, P., Didierjean, F., Franchoo, S., Grillet, A., Jacquot, B., Lebois, M., Ledoux, X., Lecesne, N., Liénard, E., Lukyanov, S., Naviliat-Cuncic, O., Piot, J., Singh, A., Smirnov, V., Stodel, C., Testov, D., Thomas, J. C., Verney, D.
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.16536
3Academic Journal
Authors: Bélier, G. a, b, ⁎, Fraïsse, B. a, b, Gaudefroy, L. a, b, Méot, V. a, b, Roig, O. a, b, Temanson, E. a, b, Denis-Petit, D. a, b, Morel, P. a, b, Laurent, B. a, Berthoumieux, E. c, Dupont, E. c, Gunsing, F. c, Francheteau, A. d, Ledoux, X. d
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A March 2025 1072
4Academic Journal
Authors: Blideanu, V., Behal, R., Besnard-Vauterin, C., Glagolev, V., Ledoux, X., Mrazek, J., Rapp, B., Simeckova, E.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B December 2024 557
Authors: Ledoux, X., Foy, J. C., Ducret, J. E., Frelin, A. M., Ramos, D., Mrazek, J., Simeckova, E., Behal, R., Caceres, L., Glagolev, V., Jacquot, B., Lemasson, A., Pancin, J., Piot, 1 J., Stodel, C., Vandebrouck, M.
Source: Eur. Phys. J. A (2021) 57: 257
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02282
Authors: Materna, T., Berthoumieux, E., Deshayes, Q., Doré, D., Kebbiri, M., Letourneau, A., Thulliez, L., Kim, Y. H., Köster, U., Ledoux, X.
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.01611
Authors: Moscatello, M-H., Dubois, A., Ledoux, X.
Source: 2016 16th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2016 16th European Conference on. :1-3 Sep, 2016
Relation: 2016 16th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS)
8Academic Journal
New experiment for measuring the delayed neutron yields of 238U fission in the range 1 MeV to 19 MeV
Authors: Belverge D., Leconte P., Geslot B., Kessedjian G., Mutti P., Rodiac F., Pirovano E., Lutz B., Ledoux X., Mathieu L., Meplan O.
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 288, p 04016 (2023)
Subject Terms: delayed neutrons, 3he proportional counters, uranium 238, fast neutron induced fission, Physics, QC1-999
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/pdf/2023/14/epjconf_animma2023_04016.pdf; https://doaj.org/toc/2100-014X
Authors: Agelou, M., Dore, D., Dupont, E., Carrel, F., Gmar, M., Ledoux, X., Poumarede, B., Perot, B., Bernard, P.
Source: 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC) Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009 IEEE. :936-939 Oct, 2009
Relation: 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2009 NSS/MIC)
10Academic Journal
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 October 2019 941
Authors: Guertin, A., Auduc, S., Rivière, G., Eudes, P., Haddad, F., Lebrun, C., Kirchner, T., Brun, C. Le, Lecolley, F. R., Lecolley, J. F., Louvel, M., Lefebvres, F., Marie, N., Varignon, C., Ledoux, X., Patin, Y., Pras, Ph., Delbar, Th., Ninane, A., Stuttge, L., Hanappe, F., Collaboration, the GEDEON
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-ex/0512022
12Academic Journal
Authors: Trinh, N.D., Fadil, M., Lewitowicz, M., Ledoux, X., Laurent, B., Thomas, J.-C., Clerc, T., Desmezières, V., Dupuis, M., Madeline, A., Dessay, E., Grinyer, G.F., Grinyer, J., Menard, N., Porée, F., Achouri, L., Delaunay, F., Parlog, M.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 July 2018 896:152-164
Authors: Leray, S., Borne, F., Boudard, A., Brochard, F., Crespin, S., Drake, D., Duchazeaubeneix, J. C., Durand, D., Durand, J. M., Frehaut, J., Hanappe, F., Brun, C. Le, Lecolley, F. R., Lecolley, J. F., Ledoux, X., Lefebvres, F., Legrain, R., Louvel, M., Martinez, E., Meigo, S. I., Menard, S., Milleret, G., Patin, Y., Petibon, E., Pras, P., Stuttge, L., Terrien, Y., Thun, J., Varignon, C., Whittal, D. M., Wlazlo, W.
Source: Phys.Rev. C65 (2002) 044621
Subject Terms: Nuclear Experiment
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-ex/0112003
Authors: Doudard, A., Corroyer-Dulmont, A., Jaudet, C., Bernaudin, M., Valable, S., Ledoux, X., Frelin-Labalme, A.
Source: Radiotherapy and oncology. 182(S1):S743-S744
15Academic Journal
Authors: Ledoux, X., Laborie, J.-M., Pras, P., Lantuéjoul-Thfoin, I., Varignon, C.
Source: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1 February 2017 844:24-31
Authors: Trinh, N.D., Fadil, M., Lewitowicz, M., Ledoux, X., Laurent, B., Thomas, J.-C., Clerc, T., Desmezières, V., Dupuis, M., Madeline, A., Dessay, E., Grinyer, G.F., Grinyer, J., Menard, N., Porée, F., Achouri, L., Delaunay, F., Parlog, M.
Source: Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A. 896:152-164
Authors: Belverge, D., Leconte, P., Geslot, B., Kessedjian, G., Mutti, P., Rodiac, F., Pirovano, E., Lutz, B., Ledoux, X., Mathieu, L., Meplan, O.
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences; 11/21/2023, Vol. 288, p1-6, 6p
Authors: Ledoux, X., Buy, F., Perron, A., Suzon, E., Farre, J., Marini, B., Guilbert, T., Wident, P., Texier, G., Vignal, V.
Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. 783/786(1):848-853
19Academic Journal
Authors: Ledoux, X., Doré, D., Mosconi, M., Nolte, R., Roettger, S., Varet, S.
Source: In Annals of Nuclear Energy February 2015 76:514-520
Authors: Dore, D., Berthoumieux, E., Ledoux, X., Leprince, A., Ridikas, D., Agelou, M., Carrel, F., Gmar, M.