1Academic Journal
Alternate Title: The Identity of the Tunisian Elites in the Balance between the Concepts of Language Charter and Linguistic Barrier.
Authors: محمود الذوادي1 m.thawad3@gmail.com
Source: Arab Future. Jan2025, Issue 551, p88-102. 15p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *LANGUAGE policy, *VOCABULARY, *EVERYDAY life, *ORTHOGRAPHY & spelling, *LINGUISTIC identity
2Academic Journal
ALFABETIZACIÓN EN UN CONTEXTO INDÍGENA: UN ANÁLISIS DEL LIBRO XIKRÍN DO CATETÉ NHÕ PI'ÔK MARI MOKRAI KADJY NA JÀ.Authors: Souza Tavares, Quélvia1 quelvia.tavares@ifpa.edu.br, Silva da Costa, Lucivaldo2 lucivaldosc@unifesspa.edu.br
Source: Fórum Lingüístico. jul-set2024, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p10699-10711. 13p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *TEACHING aids, *TEXTBOOKS, *MULTICULTURAL education, *NOTEBOOKS
3Academic Journal
Authors: Gruffydd, Ianto1,2 (AUTHOR) gruffyddiw@cardiff.ac.uk, Tamburelli, Marco1 (AUTHOR), Breit, Florian1,3 (AUTHOR), Bagheri, Hamidreza1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Language & Social Psychology. Jan2025, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p79-106. 28p.
4Academic Journal
5Academic Journal
Authors: Inan, Seyma1, sinan@mercyhurst.edu, Harris, Yvette2, harrisyr@miamioh.edu, Woodbury, George3, woodbug@miamioh.edu
Source: Journal of International Students; 2024, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p939-970, 32p
Authors: Shannon Davidson, Mandy Smoker Broaddus, Lymaris Santana, Region 16 Comprehensive Center (R16CC), Education Northwest
Source: Region 16 Comprehensive Center. 2024.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 24
Descriptors: Culturally Relevant Education, Story Telling, Indigenous Knowledge, Second Language Learning, Literacy, Individual Development, Well Being, American Indian Education, American Indian Culture, Cultural Maintenance, Heritage Education, Alaska Natives, Place Based Education, American Indian Languages, Language Maintenance, Multilingualism, Second Language Instruction, Literacy Education, Family School Relationship, School Community Relationship, State Departments of Education, Oral Tradition, Tribally Controlled Education, Native Language Instruction, Standards, Evaluation Methods, Teaching Methods, Immersion Programs, Multiple Literacies
Geographic Terms: Alaska, Oregon, Washington
7Academic Journal
Authors: Buurke, Raoul1 (AUTHOR) raoul.buurke@rug.nl, Bartelds, Martijn2 (AUTHOR), Heeringa, Wilbert3 (AUTHOR), Knooihuizen, Remco1 (AUTHOR), Wieling, Martijn1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Language & Social Psychology. Oct-Dec2024, Vol. 43 Issue 5/6, p544-561. 18p.
Authors: Majmudar, Amit
Source: New Criterion. Apr2024, Vol. 42 Issue 8, p12-17. 6p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *SPEECH pattern, *STANDARD language, *GENERATIONS
Company/Entity: ACADEMIE francaise
9Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Linguistics loanwords latent between the Mayan language and Spanish in four texts of the 16th Century in Yucatan.
Authors: Pérez Aguilar, Raúl Arístides1 rauperez@uqroo.edu.mx
Source: Cuicuilco Revista de Ciencias Antropológicas. ene-abr2024, Vol. 31 Issue 89, p61-91. 31p.
Subject Terms: *LOANWORDS, *LANGUAGE maintenance, *MAYAN languages, *SPANISH language, *SIXTEENTH century, *EMPLOYEE loyalty, *PENINSULAS, *SCRIBES
Geographic Terms: YUCATAN (Mexico : State)
10Academic Journal
11Academic Journal
Authors: Alzeer, Sarah Nasser1 (AUTHOR) slazeer@ksu.edu.sa
Source: Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development. Feb2025, p1-15. 15p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *CHILDREN'S language, *LANGUAGE policy, *LANGUAGE ability, *LANGUAGE acquisition
12Academic Journal
Authors: Abbasi, Muhammad Hassan1,2 (AUTHOR) mhassan.abbasi@outlook.com, Soomro, Abdul Fattah3 (AUTHOR), David, Maya Khemlani4 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development. Feb2025, p1-18. 18p. 1 Illustration.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *LANGUAGE policy, *LANGUAGE & languages, *HOME repair, *MARRIAGE
Geographic Terms: PAKISTAN
13Academic Journal
Authors: Calafato, Raees1 (AUTHOR) Raees.Calafato@usn.no
Source: Language Awareness. Feb2025, Vol. 34 Issue 1, p100-118. 19p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *LANGUAGE teachers, *LANGUAGE awareness, *FOREIGN language education, *LEARNING ability testing, *HABIT
14Academic Journal
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15Academic Journal
Authors: Zhao, Xun1 (AUTHOR), Pan, Kunkun2 (AUTHOR) kkunpan@163.com, Wu, Ning3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development. Jan2025, p1-23. 23p. 1 Illustration.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *LANGUAGE planning, *HERITAGE language speakers, *LANGUAGE policy, *SOCIAL network analysis
16Academic Journal
Authors: Yao, Jiazhou1 (AUTHOR) alexyao666@gmail.com, Liu, Yali2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development. Jan2025, p1-14. 14p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *LANGUAGE policy, *CHINESE language, *KOREAN language, *FAMILY policy
Geographic Terms: CHINA
17Academic Journal
Authors: Laméris, Tim Joris1 (AUTHOR) t.j.lameris@hum.leidenuniv.nl, Kubota, Maki2 (AUTHOR), Kupisch, Tanja3 (AUTHOR), Cabrelli, Jennifer4 (AUTHOR), Snape, Neal5 (AUTHOR), Rothman, Jason2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Second Language Research. Jan2025, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p191-216. 26p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *JAPANESE language, *ENGLISH language, *SPEECH, *LINGUISTIC change
18Academic Journal
Authors: Forsythe, Jenny Marie1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Early American Literature. 2025, Vol. 60 Issue 1, p73-101. 29p.
Subject Terms: *LANGUAGE maintenance, *TRANSLATING & interpreting, *NATIVE language, *DOMINANT language, *UNIVERSAL language
19Academic Journal
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Authors: Pittman, Andrew
Source: News from Native California. Spring2024, Vol. 37 Issue 3, p24-27. 4p. 9 Color Photographs.
Subjects: KUMEYAAY language, CULTURAL maintenance, LANGUAGE maintenance, LANGUAGE revival, COASTAL ecology