Authors: Gridchin, V. O., Reznik, R. R., Kotlyar, K. P., Lendyashova, V. V., Dragunova, A. S., Kirilenko, D. A., Kryzhanovskaya, N.V., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) Laser Optics (ICLO), 2022 International Conference. :1-1 Jun, 2022
Relation: 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO)
Hybrid nanostructures based on InGaN nanowires with deposited Ag NPs-SiOx for visible emission range
Authors: Shugabaev, T. M., Gridchin, V.O., Kotlyar, K. P., Dragunova, A. S., Kulagina, A. S., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) Laser Optics (ICLO), 2022 International Conference. :1-1 Jun, 2022
Relation: 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO)
Authors: Ilkiv, I. V., Kotlyar, K. P., Kirilenko, D. A., Soshnikov, I. P., Mikushev, S. V., Dubrovskii, V. G., Cirlin, George E.
Source: 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) Laser Optics (ICLO), 2022 International Conference. :1-1 Jun, 2022
Relation: 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO)
Authors: Khrebtov, A. I., Kulagina, A. S., Danilov, V. V., Dragunova, A. S., Kotlyar, K. P., Reznik, R. R., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: Journal of optical technology. 89(5):298-301
Authors: Reznik, R. R., Kotlyar, K. P., Ilkiv, I. V., Kukushkin, S. A., Osipov, A. V., Soshnikov, I P., Nikitina, E. V., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: 2016 International Conference Laser Optics (LO) Laser Optics (LO), 2016 International Conference. :R9-2-R9-2 Jun, 2016
Relation: 2016 International Conference Laser Optics (LO)
Authors: Kulagina, A. S., Khrebtov, A. I., Ryzhov, A. A., Danilov, V. V., Shtrom, I. V., Kotlyar, K. P., Alekseev, P. A., Smirnov, A. N., Reznik, R. R., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: Optics and spectroscopy. 128(1):125-130
7Academic Journal
Authors: Ryabko, A. A., Nalimova, S. S., Permyakov, N. V., Bobkov, A. A., Maksimov, A. I., Kondratev, V. M., Kotlyar, K. P., Ovezov, M. K., Komolov, A. S., Lazneva, E. F., Moshnikov, V. A., Aleshin, A. N.
Source: Technical Physics; Jul2024, Vol. 69 Issue 7, p2103-2110, 8p
Subject Terms: GAS detectors, GAS absorption & adsorption, OXIDE coating, HYDROTHERMAL synthesis, MASS production
Authors: Redkov, A. V., Grashchenko, A. S., Kukushkin, S. A., Osipov, A. V., Kotlyar, K. P., Likhachev, A. I., Nashchekin, A. V., Soshnikov, I. P.
Source: Physics of the solid state. 61(3):299-306
Authors: Cirlin, G. E., Reznik, R. R., Samsonenko, Yu. B., Khrebtov, A. I., Kotlyar, K. P., Ilkiv, I. V., Soshnikov, I. P., Kirilenko, D. A., Kryzhanovskaya, N. V.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(11):1416-1419
Authors: Sibirev, N. V., Kotlyar, K. P., Koryakin, A. A., Shtrom, I. V., Ubiivovk, E. V., Soshnikov, I. P., Reznik, R. R., Bouravleuv, A. D., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(12):1568-1572
Authors: Reznik, R. R., Kotlyar, K. P., Ilkiv, I. V., Soshnikov, I. P., Lebedev, S. P., Lebedev, A. A., Kirilenko, D. A., Alexeev, P. A., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(11):1428-1431
Authors: Soshnikov, I. P., Kotlyar, K. P., Bert, N. A., Kirilenko, D. A., Bouravleuv, A. D., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(5):605-608
Authors: Lubyanskiy, Ya. V., Bondarev, A. D., Soshnikov, I. P., Bert, N. A., Zolotarev, V. V., Kirilenko, D. A., Kotlyar, K. P., Pikhtin, N. A., Tarasov, I. S.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(2):184-188
14Academic Journal
Authors: Soshnikov, I. P.1,2,3 (AUTHOR) ipsosh@beam.ioffe.ru, Kotlyar, K. P.1,4 (AUTHOR), Reznik, R. R.5 (AUTHOR), Gridchin, V. O.1,4 (AUTHOR), Lendyashova, V. V.1,2 (AUTHOR), Vershinin, A. V.1 (AUTHOR), Lysak, V. V.5 (AUTHOR), Kirilenko, D. A.2 (AUTHOR), Bert, N. A.2 (AUTHOR), Cirlin, G. E.1,2,3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Semiconductors. Oct2021, Vol. 55 Issue 10, p795-798. 4p.
Subject Terms: *INDIUM gallium nitride, *GALLIUM nitride, *NANOWIRES, *INDIUM nitride, *ELECTRON microscopy
15Academic Journal
Authors: Ilkiv, I. V.1,2 (AUTHOR) fiskerr@ymail.com, Kotlyar, K. P.2 (AUTHOR), Kirilenko, D. A.3 (AUTHOR), Osipov, A. V.4 (AUTHOR), Soshnikov, I. P.1,3 (AUTHOR), Terpitsky, A. N.1 (AUTHOR), Cirlin, G. E.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Semiconductors. Aug2021, Vol. 55 Issue 8, p678-681. 4p.
Subject Terms: *GERMANIUM, *EPITAXY, *NANOWIRES, *SEMICONDUCTOR nanowires, *CRYSTAL structure, *RAMAN spectroscopy, *MOLECULAR beam epitaxy
16Academic Journal
Authors: Kirilenko, D. A.1 (AUTHOR) demid.kirilenko@mail.ioffe.ru, Kotlyar, K. P.2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Crystallography Reports. Jul2021, Vol. 66 Issue 4, p644-647. 4p.
Subject Terms: *SCREW dislocations, *NANOWIRES, *HAMBURGERS, *UNIT cell, *INDIUM gallium nitride, *GALLIUM nitride
Source: Technical physics letters. 45(11):1111-1113
Authors: Shubina, K. Yu., Berezovskaya, T. N., Mokhov, D. V., Morozov, I. A., Kotlyar, K. P., Mizerov, A. M., Nikitina, E. V., Bouravleuv, A. D.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(16):2117-2119
Authors: Shtrom, I. V., Kotlyar, K. P., Filosofov, N. G., Serov, A. Yu., Krizhkov, D. I., Samsonenko, Yu. B., Ilkiev, I. V., Reznik, R. R., Agekyan, V. F., Cirlin, G. E.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(16):2146-2148
Authors: Kotlyar, K. P., Soshnikov, I. P., Morozov, I. A., Berezovskaya, T. N., Kryzhanovskaya, N. V., Kudryashov, D. A., Lysak, V. V.
Source: Semiconductors. 52(16):2096-2098