Showing 1 - 20 results of 3,182 Refine Results
  1. 1
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learning Syst. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 35(12):18848-18858 Dec, 2024

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    Authors: Klein, N., Prunte, J.

    Source: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2022 IEEE International Conference on. :0635-0639 Dec, 2022

    Relation: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM)

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    Academic Journal
  9. 9
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology IEEE J. Electromagn. RF Microw. Med. Biol. Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Journal of. 4(2):97-108 Jun, 2020

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  10. 10

    Source: 2017 32nd Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro) Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro), 2017 32nd Symposium on. :1-4 Aug, 2017

    Relation: 2017 32nd Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro)

  11. 11

    Source: 2016 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2016 46th European. :257-260 Oct, 2016

    Relation: 2016 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)

  12. 12
  13. 13
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 7(2):199-208 Mar, 2017

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    Source: 84th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), 2014 84th ARFTG. :1-8 Dec, 2014

    Relation: 2014 84th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference

  16. 16

    Authors: Chappell, Elizabeth, Kohns Vasconcelos, Malte, Goodall, Ruth L., Galli, Luisa, Goetghebuer, Tessa, Noguera‐Julian, Antoni, Rodrigues, Laura C., Scherpbier, Henriette, Smit, Colette, Bamford, Alasdair, Crichton, Siobhan, Navarro, Marissa Luisa, Ramos, Jose T., Warszawski, Josiane, Spolou, Vana, Chiappini, Elena, Venturini, Elisabetta, Prata, Filipa, Kahlert, Christian, Marczynska, Magdalena, Marques, Laura, Naver, Lars, Thorne, Claire, Gibb, Diana M., Giaquinto, Carlo, Judd, Ali, Collins, Intira Jeannie, Goodall, Ruth, Rodrigues, Laura, Duff, Charlotte, Gomezpena, Daniel, Jackson, Charlotte, Lundin, Rebecca, Mangiarini, Laura, Milanzi, Edith, Nardone, Alessandra, Hainaut, Marc, Van der Kelen, Evelyne, Delforge, Marc, Le Chenadec, Jerome, Ramos, Elisa, Dialla, Olivia, Wack, Thierry, Laurent, Corine, Ait si Selmi, Lamya, Leymarie, Isabelle, Ait Benali, Fazia, Brossard, Maud, Boufassa, Leila, Floch‐Tudal, Corinne, Firtion, Ghislaine, Hau, Isabelle, Chace, Anne, Bolot, Pascal, Blanche, Stéphane, Granier, Michèle, Labrune, Philippe, Lachassine, Eric, Dollfus, Catherine, Levine, Martine, Fourcade, Corinne, Heller‐Roussin, Brigitte, Runel‐Belliard, Camille, Tricoire, Joëlle, Monpoux, Fabrice, Chirouze, Catherine, Reliquet, Véronique, Brouard, Jacques, Kebaili, Kamila, Fialaire, Pascale, de Villeneuve, Arnaud, Lalande, Muriel, de Flandres, Jeanne, Mazingue, Françoise, Partisani, Maria Luisa, de Martino, Maurizio, Angelo Tovo, Pier, Gabiano, Clara, Carloni, Ines, Larovere, Domenico, Baldi, Francesco, Miniaci, Angela, Pession, Andrea, Badolato, Raffaele, Pantò, Grazia, Anastasio, Elisa, Montagnani, Carlotta, Bianchi, Leila, Allodi, Alessandra, Di Biagio, Antonio, Grignolo, Sara, Giacomet, Vania, Marchisio, Paola, Banderali, Giuseppe, Tagliabue, Claudia, Cellini, Monica, Bruzzese, Eugenia, Di Costanzo, Pasquale, Lo Vecchio, Andrea, Donà, Daniele, Rampon, Osvalda, Romano, Amelia, Dodi, Icilio, Esposito, Susanna, Zuccaro, Valentina, Zanaboni, Domenico, Consolini, Rita, Bernardi, Stefania, Genovese, Orazio, Cristiano, Letizia, Mazza, Antonio, Garazzino, Silvia, Mignone, Federica, Silvestro, Erika, Portelli, Vincenzo, Kinderziekenhuis, Emma, van der Kuip, M., Pajkrt, D, Scherpbier, H.J., de Boer, C., Weijsenfeld, A.M., Jurriaans, S., Back, N.K.T., Zaaijer, H.L., Berkhout, B., Cornelissen, M.T.E., Schinkel, C.J., Wolthers, K.C., Fraaij, P.L.A., van Rossum, A.M.C., Vermont, C.L., van der Knaap, L.C., Visser, E, Boucher, C.A.B., Koopmans, M.P.G., van Kampen, J.J.A., Henriet, S.S.V., van Aerde, M. K., Strik‐Albers, R, Rahamat‐Langendoen, J, Stelma, F.F., Burger, D, Schölvinck, E.H., de Groot‐de Jonge, H, Niesters, H.G.M., van Leer‐Buter, C.C., Knoester, M, Bont, L.J., Geelen, S.P.M., Loeffen, Y.G.T., Wolfs, T.F.W., Nauta, N., Schuurman, R, Hofstra, L.M., Wensing, A.M.J., Reiss, P, Zaheri, S, Boyd, A.C., Bezemer, D.O., van Sighem, A.I., Smit, C., Wit, F.W.M.N., Hillebregt, M.M.J., Woudstra, T.J., Bergsma, D, van de Sande, L., Rutkens, T, van der Vliet, S., Lelivelt, K.J, Scheijgrond, A, de Groot, L, van den Akker, M., Bakker, Y., EI Berkaoui, A., Bezemer, M., Brétin, N., Djoechro, E., Groters, M., Kruijne, E., Lelivelt, K.J., Lodewijk, C., Lucas, E., Munjishvili, L., Paling, F., Peeck, B., Ree, C., Regtop, R., Ruijs, Y., Schoorl, M., Schnörr, P., Tuijn, E., Veenenberg, L., Visser, K.M., Witte, E.C., Ruijs, Y, Popielska, Jolanta, Pokorska‐Śpiewak, Maria, Ołdakowska, Agnieszka, Zawadka, Konrad, Coupland, Urszula, Doroba, Małgorzata, Teixeira, Carla, Fernandes, Alexandre, Soler‐Palacín, Pere, Antoinette Frick, Maria, Pérez‐Hoyos, Santiago, Mur, Antonio, López, Núria, Méndez, María, Mayol, Lluís, Vallmanya, Teresa, Calavia, Olga, García, Lourdes, Coll, Maite, Pineda, Valentí, Rius, Neus, Rovira, Núria, Dueñas, Joaquín, Fortuny, Clàudia, José Mellado, María, Escosa, Luis, García Hortelano, Milagros, Sainz, Talía, González‐Tomé, María Isabel, Rojo, Pablo, Blázquez, Daniel, Prieto‐Tato, Luis, Epalza, Cristina, Tomás Ramos, José, Guillén, Sara, Navarro, María Luisa, Saavedra, Jesús, Santos, Mar, Santiago, Begoña, de Ory, Santiago Jimenez, Carrasco, Itzíar, Muñoz‐Fernández, Mª Angeles, Ángel Roa, Miguel, Penín, María, Martínez, Jorge, Badillo, Katie, Oñate, Eider, Pocheville, Itziar, Garrote, Elisa, Colino, Elena, Gómez Sirvent, Jorge, Garzón, Mónica, Román, Vicente, Angulo, Raquel, Neth, Olaf, Falcón, Lola, Terol, Pedro, Luis Santos, Juan, Moreno, David, Lendínez, Francisco, Peromingo, Estrella, Uberos, José, Ruiz, Beatriz, Grande, Ana, José Romero, Francisco, Pérez, Carlos, Lillo, Miguel, Losada, Begoña, Herranz, Mercedes, Bustillo, Matilde, Collado, Pilar, Antonio Couceiro, José, Vila, Leticia, Calviño, Consuelo, Isabel Piqueras, Ana, Oltra, Manuel, Gavilán, César, Montesinos, Elena, Dapena, Marta, Álvarez, Cristina, Jiménez, Beatriz, Gloria Andrés, Ana, Marugán, Víctor, Ochoa, Carlos, Alfayate, Santiago, Isabel Menasalvas, Ana, del Prado, Yolanda Ruiz, NavérNavér, Lars, Soeria‐Atmadja, Sandra, Belfrage, Erik, Hagås, Vendela, Aebi‐Popp, K, Anagnostopoulos, A, Battegay, M, Baumann, M, Bernasconi, E, Böni, J, Braun, DL, Bucher, HC, Calmy, A, Cavassini, M, Ciuffi, A, Crisinel, PA, Duppenthaler, A, Dollenmaier, G, Egger, M, Elzi, L, Fehr, J, Fellay, J, Francini, K, Furrer, H, Fux, CA, Günthard, HF, Haerry, D, Hasse, B, Hirsch, HH, Hoffmann, M, Hösli, I, Huber, M, Kaiser, L, Keiser, O, Klimkait, T, Kottanattu, L, Kouyos, RD, Kovari, H, Ledergerber, B, Martinetti, G, Martinez de Tejada, B, Marzolini, C, Metzner, KJ, Müller, N, Nicca, D, Paioni, P, Pantaleo, G, Perreau, M, Polli, Ch, Rauch, A, Rudin, C, Scherrer, AU, Schmid, P, Speck, R, Stöckle, M, Sultan‐Beyer, L, Tarr, P, Thanh Lecompte, M, Trkola, A, Vernazza, P, Wagner, N, Wandeler, G, Weber, R, Yerly, S, Lyall, Hermione, Butler, Karina, Doerholt, Katja, Doherty, Conor, Foster, Caroline, Harrison, Ian, Kenny, Julia, Klein, Nigel, Letting, Gillian, McMaster, Paddy, Murau, Fungai, Nsangi, Edith, Prime, Katia, Riordan, Andrew, Shackley, Fiona, Shingadia, Delane, Storey, Sharon, Tudor‐Williams, Gareth, Turkova, Anna, Welch, Steve, Cook, Claire, Dobson, Donna, Fairbrother, Keith, Prevost, Marthe Le, Van Looy, Nadine, Peters, Helen, Francis, Kate, Thrasyvoulou, L, Welch, S, Fidler, K, Bernatoniene, J, Manyika, F, Sharpe, G, Subramaniam, B, Hague, R, Price, V, Flynn, J, Cardoso, A, Abou – Rayyah, M, Klein, N, Bamford, A, Shingadia, D, Yeadon, S, Segal, S, Hawkins, S, Dowie, M, Bandi, S, Percival, E, Eisenhut, M, Duncan, K, Anguvaa, L, Wren, L, Flood, T, Pickering, A, McMaster, P, Murphy, C, Daniels, J, Lees, Y, Thompson, F, Williams, A, Williams, B, Pope, S, Libeschutz, S, Cliffe, L, Southall, S, Freeman, A, Freeman, H, Christie, S, Gordon, A, Rosie Hague, D, Clarke, L, Jones, L, Brown, L, Greenberg, M, Benson, C, Riordan, A, Ibberson, L, Shackley, F, Patel, S, Hancock, J, Doerholt, K, Prime, K, Sharland, M, Storey, S, Lyall, EGH, Foster, C, Seery, P, Tudor‐Williams, G, Kirkhope, N, Raghunanan, S, Callaghan, A, Bridgwood, A, Evans, J, Blake, E, Yannoulias, A

    Source: HIV medicine. 23(2):186-196

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  17. 17
    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Le transfert de Gantzer – Évaluation de la faisabilité de l’utilisation du nerf innervant le muscle de Gantzer pour la surcharge termino-latérale du nerf ulnaire (French)

    Source: In Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation September 2022 41(4):477-480

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    Source: 2012 IEEE 27th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI), 2012 IEEE 27th Convention of. :1-5 Nov, 2012

    Relation: 2012 IEEE 27th Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI 2012)

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    Source: 2011 41st European Microwave Conference Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2011 41st European. :615-618 Oct, 2011

    Relation: 2011 European Microwave Conference (EuMC)

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    Source: 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014) Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2014 IEEE MTT-S International. :1-3 Jun, 2014

    Relation: 2014 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - MTT 2014