Showing 1 - 20 results of 784 Refine Results
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    Authors: Merloni, A., Lamer, G., Liu, T., Ramos-Ceja, M. E., Brunner, H., Bulbul, E., Dennerl, K., Doroshenko, V., Freyberg, M. J., Friedrich, S., Gatuzz, E., Georgakakis, A., Haberl, F., Igo, Z., Kreykenbohm, I., Liu, A., Maitra, C., Malyali, A., Mayer, M. G. F., Nandra, K., Predehl, P., Robrade, J., Salvato, M., Sanders, J. S., Stewart, I., Tubín-Arenas, D., Weber, P., Wilms, J., Arcodia, R., Artis, E., Aschersleben, J., Avakyan, A., Aydar, C., Bahar, Y. E., Balzer, F., Becker, W., Berger, K., Boller, T., Bornemann, W., Brüggen, M., Brusa, M., Buchner, J., Burwitz, V., Camilloni, F., Clerc, N., Comparat, J., Coutinho, D., Czesla, S., Dannhauer, S. M., Dauner, L., Dauser, T., Dietl, J., Dolag, K., Dwelly, T., Egg, K., Ehl, E., Freund, S., Friedrich, P., Gaida, R., Garrel, C., Ghirardini, V., Gokus, A., Grünwald, G., Grandis, S., Grotova, I., Gruen, D., Gueguen, A., Hämmerich, S., Hamaus, N., Hasinger, G., Haubner, K., Homan, D., Chitham, J. Ider, Joseph, W. M., Joyce, A., König, O., Kaltenbrunner, D. M., Khokhriakova, A., Kink, W., Kirsch, C., Kluge, M., Knies, J., Krippendorf, S., Krumpe, M., Kurpas, J., Li, P., Liu, Z., Locatelli, N., Lorenz, M., Müller, S., Magaudda, E., Mannes, C., McCall, H., Meidinger, N., Michailidis, M., Migkas, K., Muñoz-Giraldo, D., Musiimenta, B., Nguyen-Dang, N. T., Ni, Q., Olechowska, A., Ota, N., Pacaud, F., Pasini, T., Perinati, E., Pires, A. M., Pommranz, C., Ponti, G., Poppenhaeger, K., Pühlhofer, G., Rau, A., Reh, M., Reiprich, T. H., Roster, W., Saeedi, S., Santangelo, A., Sasaki, M., Schmitt, J., Schneider, P. C., Schrabback, T., Schuster, N., Schwope, A., Seppi, R., Serim, M. M., Shreeram, S., Sokolova-Lapa, E., Starck, H., Stelzer, B., Stierhof, J., Suleimanov, V., Tenzer, C., Traulsen, I., Trümper, J., Tsuge, K., Urrutia, T., Veronica, A., Waddell, S. G. H., Willer, R., Wolf, J., Yeung, M. C. H., Zainab, A., Zangrandi, F., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zheng, X.

    Source: A&A, vol. 682, A34 (2024)

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    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on. 31:1636-1651 2023

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    Source: 2012 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2012. :1425-1428 Mar, 2012

    Relation: 2012 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2012)

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    Academic Journal

    Source: Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems J. Microelectromech. Syst. Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of. 21(1):206-216 Feb, 2012

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    Source: 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Cat. No.98CH36255) Nuclear science and medical imaging Nuclear Science Symposium, 1998. Conference Record. 1998 IEEE. 3:1694-1701 vol.3 1998

    Relation: 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

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    Source: 2008 IEEE 21st International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 2008. MEMS 2008. IEEE 21st International Conference on. :868-871 Jan, 2008

    Relation: 2008 IEEE 21st International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

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    Academic Journal

    Authors: Kirsch, C.1 (AUTHOR), Lorenz, M.1 (AUTHOR), Peille, P.2 (AUTHOR), Dauser, T.1 (AUTHOR), Ceballos, M. T.3 (AUTHOR), Cobo, B.3 (AUTHOR), Merino-Alonso, P. E.4,5 (AUTHOR), Cucchetti, E.2 (AUTHOR), Smith, S. J.6 (AUTHOR), Gottardi, L.7 (AUTHOR), Hartog, R. H. den1 (AUTHOR), Miniussi, A.6 (AUTHOR), Durkin, M.8 (AUTHOR), Prêle, D.9 (AUTHOR), Wilms, J.1 (AUTHOR)

    Source: Journal of Low Temperature Physics. Dec2022, Vol. 209 Issue 5/6, p988-997. 10p.


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    Academic Journal

    Authors: Lorenz, M.1 (AUTHOR), Kirsch, C.1 (AUTHOR), Peille, P.2 (AUTHOR), Ballhausen, R.3,4 (AUTHOR), Fioretti, V.5 (AUTHOR), Lotti, S.6 (AUTHOR), Dauser, T.1 (AUTHOR), Wilms, J.1 (AUTHOR)

    Source: Journal of Low Temperature Physics. Nov2022, Vol. 209 Issue 3/4, p464-472. 9p.

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