Authors: Li, J.M., Lafore, D., Tian, X., Kendle, P.D., Lokuta, F.P.
Source: Proceedings of PESC '95 - Power Electronics Specialist Conference Power electronics Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1995. PESC '95 Record., 26th Annual IEEE. 1:74-78 vol.1 1995
Relation: Proceedings of PESC '95 - Power Electronics Specialist Conference
Authors: Kendle, P.D., Temple, V.A.K., Arthur, S.D.
Source: Conference Record of the 1993 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Twenty-Eighth IAS Annual Meeting Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1993., Conference Record of the 1993 IEEE. :1286-1292 vol.2 1993
Relation: Proceedings of IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting