Authors: Wane, S., Dinh, T.V., Alkhalifeh, K., Bajon, D., Kendig, D., Shakouri, M., Gray, D., Shakouri, A., Bolomey, J.-Ch., Cabrera, A. E., de Ledinghen, E., Laban, P.
Source: 2024 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS), 2024 IEEE Texas Symposium on. :1-6 Apr, 2024
Relation: 2024 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS)
2Academic Journal
Authors: Gu, Y., Kendig, D., Shakouri, M., van der Weide, D.W.
Source: IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology IEEE J. Electromagn. RF Microw. Med. Biol. Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Journal of. 8(3):206-212 Sep, 2024
3Academic Journal
Authors: van der Weide, D.W., Kendig, D., Shakouri, M.
Source: IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology IEEE J. Electromagn. RF Microw. Med. Biol. Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Journal of. 8(3):201-205 Sep, 2024
Authors: Wane, S., Kendig, D., Dinh, T.V., Alkhalifeh, K., Cabrera, A. E., Tran, Q.H., Shakouri, M., Shakouri, A., Salmon, L., Molnar, G., Ridier, K., Bajon, D., Nyssens, L., Pip, A., Vanbrabant, M., Rack, M., Tihon, D., Craeye, C., Simon, P., Raskin, J.-P., Lederer, D., Bousseksou, A.
Source: 2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS), 2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on. :1-6 Apr, 2023
Relation: 2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Matei, C., Urbonas, J., Votsi, H., Kendig, D., Aaen, P.H.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE Trans. Power Electron. Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. 35(8):8303-8310 Aug, 2020
6Academic Journal
Authors: Pavlidis, G., Yates, L., Kendig, D., Lo, C., Marchand, H., Barabadi, B., Graham, S.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 67(3):822-827 Mar, 2020
Authors: Brocero, G., Kendig, D., Shakouri, A., Guhel, Y., Eudeline, Ph., Sipma, J-P, Boudart, B.
Source: 2017 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS) Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), 2017 IEEE. :1-4 Oct, 2017
Relation: 2017 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS)
Authors: Chavez, R., Vakulov, D., Gazibegovic, S., Car, D., Kendig, D., Tay, A. A. O., Shakouri, A., Bakkers, E. P. A. M.
Source: 2017 23rd International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC) Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC), 2017 23rd International Workshop on. :1-5 Sep, 2017
Relation: 2017 23rd International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC)
9Academic Journal
Authors: Pavlidis, G., Kendig, D., Heller, E.R., Graham, S.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 65(5):1753-1758 May, 2018
Authors: Ling, J. H. L., Tay, A. A. O., Choo, K. F., Chen, W., Kendig, D.
Source: 2012 IEEE 14th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2012 IEEE 14th. :515-518 Dec, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE 14th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference - (EPTC 2012)
Authors: Kendig, D., Alers, G. B., Shakouri, A.
Source: 2010 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2010 IEEE International. :499-502 May, 2010
Relation: 2010 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)
Authors: Ziabari, A., Bahk, J.-H., Xuan, Y., Ye, P.D., Kendig, D., Yazawa, K., Burke, P.G., Lu, H., Gossard, A.C., Shakouri, A.
Source: 2015 31st Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM) Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM), 2015 31st. :82-87 Mar, 2015
Relation: 2015 31st Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM)
Authors: Shakouri, A., El Sayed Kayed, M., Ziabari, A., Kendig, D., Vermeersch, B., Bahk, J.-H.
Source: 2015 31st Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM) Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM), 2015 31st. :216-220 Mar, 2015
Relation: 2015 31st Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM)
Authors: Nagendra, K.S., Bukhres, O., Sikkupparbathyam, S., Areal, M., Miled, Z.B., Olsen, L., Gokey, C., Kendig, D., Northcutt, T., Kordova, R., Major, G.
Source: Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications Distributed objects and applications Distributed Objects and Applications, 2001. DOA '01. Proceedings. 3rd International Symposium on. :136-145 2001
Relation: Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications
Authors: Klee, N. S., Moreland, R. S., Kendig, D. M.
Source: American journal of physiology. 317(2):F388-F398
Authors: Bukhres, O., Sikkupparbathyam, S., Nagendra, K., Ben Miled, Z., Areal, M., Olsen, L., Gokey, C., Kendig, D., Cordova, R., Major, G., Savage, J.
Source: Proceedings 18th International Conference on Data Engineering Data engineering Data Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. 18th International Conference on. :333-334 2002
Relation: Proceedings 18th International Conference on Data Engineering
Authors: Yazawa, K., Kendig, D., Al-hemyari, K., Shakouri, A.
Source: I THERM. 2:1308-1312
Authors: Yazawa, K., Kendig, D., Shakouri, A.
Authors: Yazawa, K., Kendig, D., Christofferson, J., Marconnet, A., Shakouri, A.
Source: I THERM, ISSN. CONF 2012:1405-1411
Authors: Michel, H., Coppard, R., Kendig, D., Christofferson, J., Maize, K., Shakouri, A.