Authors: Koller, C., Kasper, M. J., Butej, B., Wieland, D., Alberdi, B., Haberlen, O., Ostermaier, C.
Source: 2024 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2024 IEEE International. :1-4 Dec, 2024
Relation: 2024 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
Authors: Matthews, E. C., Carter, A. L., Pathak, P., Morley, C. V., Phillips, M. W., M., S. Krishanth P., Feng, F., Bonse, M. J., Boogaard, L. A., Burt, J. A., Crossfield, I. J. M., Douglas, E. S., Henning, Th., Hom, J., Ko, C. -L., Kasper, M., Lagrange, A. -M., de la Roche, D. Petit dit, Philipot, F.
Source: Nature 633, 879-792 (2024)
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2503.01599
Authors: Chomez, A., Delorme, P., Lagrange, A. -M., Gratton, R., Flasseur, O., Chauvin, G., Langlois, M., Mazoyer, J., Zurlo, A., Desidera, S., Mesa, D., Bonnefoy, M., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Meyer, M., Vigan, A., Ginski, C., Kenworthy, M., Albert, D., Bergeon, S., Beuzit, J. -L., Biller, B., Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A., D'Orazi, V., Dominik, C., Fontanive, C., Galicher, R., Henning, Th., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Lagadec, E., Lazzoni, C., Coroller, H. Le, Ligi, R., Maire, A. -L., Marleau, G. -D., Menard, F., Messina, S., Meunier, N., Mordasini, C., Moutou, C., Müller, A., Perrot, C., Samland, M., Schmid, H. M., Schmidt, T., Squicciarini, V., Sissa, E., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Asensio-Torres, R., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Bazzon, A., Blanchard, P., Bohn, A. J., Sevilla, S. Brown, Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Cascone, E., Charton, J., Claudi, R., Costille, A., De Caprio, V., Delboulbe, A., Dohlen, K., Engler, N., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Girard, J. H., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Gry, C., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Mignant, D. Le, Llored, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Mouillet, D., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rickman, E. L., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J. -F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Wahhaj, Z., Weber, L., Wildi, F.
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2501.12002
Authors: N'Diaye, M., Vigan, A., Engler, B., Kasper, M., Dohlen, K., Leveratto, S., Floriot, J., Marcos, M., Bailet, C., Bristow, P.
Source: A&A 692, A157 (2024)
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2411.11946
Authors: Tschudi, C., Schmid, H. M., Nowak, M., Coroller, H. Le, Hunziker, S., van Holstein, R. G., Perrot, C., Mouillet, D., Augereau, J. -C., Bazzon, A., Beuzit, J. L., Boccaletti, A., Bonse, M. J., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Girard, J. H., Gratton, R., Henning, Th., Kasper, M., Kervella, P., Lagrange, A. -M., Langlois, M., Martinez, P., Ménard, F., Meyer, M. R., Milli, J., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Quanz, S. P., Roelfsema, R., Sauvage, J. -F., Szulagyi, J., Thalmann, Ch., Zurlo, A.
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.19504
Authors: Mo, Wai Keung, Paasch, Kasper M., Ebel, Thomas
Source: 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'23 ECCE Europe) Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'23 ECCE Europe), 2023 25th European Conference on. :1-10 Sep, 2023
Relation: 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'23 ECCE Europe)
Authors: Menzi, D., Weihe, S., Anderson, J. Azurza, Kasper, M., Huber, J., Kolar, J. W.
Source: 2023 IEEE 24th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL) Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2023 IEEE 24th Workshop on. :1-7 Jun, 2023
Relation: 2023 IEEE 24th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL)
Authors: Mo, Wai Keung, Paasch, Kasper M., Ebel, Thomas
Source: 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG) Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on. :1-6 Jun, 2023
Relation: 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)
Authors: Mo, Wai Keung, Paasch, Kasper M., Ebel, Thomas
Source: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe) Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), 2022 24th European Conference on. :1-11 Sep, 2022
Relation: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’22 ECCE Europe)
10Academic Journal
Authors: Langbauer, T., Menzi, D., Marugg, V., Vollmaier, F., Azurza, J., Kasper, M., Kolar, J.W.
Source: IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 11:34359-34371 2023
Authors: Vigan, A., Morsy, M. El, Lopez, M., Otten, G. P. P. L., Garcia, J., Costes, J., Muslimov, E., Viret, A., Charles, Y., Zins, G., Murray, G., Costille, A., Paufique, J., Seemann, U., Houllé, M., Anwand-Heerwart, H., Phillips, M., Abinanti, A., Balard, P., Baraffe, I., Benedetti, J. -A., Blanchard, P., Blanco, L., Beuzit, J. -L., Choquet, E., Cristofari, P., Desidera, S., Dohlen, K., Dorn, R., Ely, T., Fuenteseca, E., Garcia, N., Jaquet, M., Jaubert, F., Kasper, M., Merrer, J. Le, Maire, A. -L., N'Diaye, M., Pallanca, L., Popovic, D., Pourcelot, R., Reiners, A., Rochat, S., Sehim, C., Schmutzer, R., Smette, A., Tchoubaklian, N., Tomlinson, P., Soto, J. Valenzuela
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.12390
Authors: Vérinaud, C., Heritier, C. T., Kasper, M., Tallon, M.
Source: A&A 682, A27 (2024)
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.07485
13Academic Journal
Authors: Anaís Sánchez-Castillo, Kim G. Savelkouls, Alessandra Baldini, Judith Hounjet, Pierre Sonveaux, Paulien Verstraete, Kim De Keersmaecker, Barbara Dewaele, Benny Björkblom, Beatrice Melin, Wendy Y. Wu, Rickard L. Sjöberg, Kasper M. A. Rouschop, Martijn P. G. Broen, Marc Vooijs, Kim R. Kampen
Source: Oncogenesis, Vol 13, Iss 1, Pp 1-18 (2024)
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/2157-9024
Authors: Mo, Wai Keung, Paasch, Kasper M., Ebel, Thomas
Source: 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics, and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG) Compatibility, Power Electronics, and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on. :1-7 Jun, 2022
Relation: 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics, and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)
Authors: Davies, R., Absil, O., Agapito, G., Berbel, A. Agudo, Baruffolo, A., Biliotti, V., Bonaglia, M., Bonse, M., Briguglio, R., Campana, P., Cao, Y., Carbonaro, L., Cortes, A., Cresci, G., Dallilar, Y., Dannert, F., De Rosa, R. J., Deysenroth, M., Di Antonio, I., Di Cianno, A., Di Rico, G., Doelman, D., Dolci, M., Dorn, R., Eisenhauer, F., Esposito, S., Fantinel, D., Ferruzzi, D., Feuchtgruber, H., Finger, G., Schreiber, N. M. Förster, Gao, X., Gemperlein, H., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Ginski, C., Glauser, A. M., Glindemann, A., Grani, P., Hartl, M., Hayoz, J., Heida, M., Henry, D., Hofmann, R., Huber, H., Kasper, M., Keller, C., Kenworthy, M., Kravchenko, K., Kuntschner, H., Lacour, S., Lightfoot, J., Lunney, D., Lutz, D., Macintosh, M., Mannucci, F., Marsset, M., Modigliani, A., Neeser, M., de Xivry, G. Orban, Ott, T., Pallanca, L., Patapis, P., Pearson, D., Peña, E., Percheron, I., Puglisi, A., Quanz, S. P., Rabien, S., Rau, C., Riccardi, A., Salasnich, B., Schmid, H. -M., Schubert, J., Serra, B., Shimizu, T., Snik, F., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L., Taylor, W., Valentini, A., Waring, C., Wiezorrek, E., Xompero, M.
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.02343
16Academic Journal
Authors: Lydie M O Barbeau, Nicky A Beelen, Kim G Savelkouls, Tom G H Keulers, Lotte Wieten, Kasper M A Rouschop
Source: PLoS ONE, Vol 20, Iss 2, p e0316716 (2025)
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1932-6203
17Academic Journal
Authors: Manja D Jensen, Kasper M Hansen, Volkert Siersma, John Brodersen
Source: PLoS ONE, Vol 20, Iss 1, p e0317263 (2025)
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1932-6203
Authors: Mo, Wai Keung, Paasch, Kasper M., Ebel, Thomas
Source: 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG) Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on. :1-8 Jul, 2021
Relation: 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)
19Academic Journal
Authors: Moradpour, A., Kasper, M., Hoffmann, J., Kienberger, F.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on. 71:1-9 2022
Authors: Mo, Wai Keung, Paasch, Kasper M., Ebel, Thomas
Source: 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG) Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on. 1:120-126 Jul, 2020
Relation: 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)