Authors: Kutner, Max
Source: Hollywood Reporter. 12/13/2024, Vol. 430 Issue 35, p68-73. 6p. 3 Color Photographs.
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 12/8/2017, Vol. 169 Issue 20, p8-11. 4p. 7 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *POLITICAL campaigns, *INVESTIGATIONS
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 7/28/2017, Vol. 169 Issue 4, p12-17. 6p. 3 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *UNITED States presidential election, 2016
Company/Entity: UNITED States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 6/16/2017, Vol. 168 Issue 22, p20-23. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *VETERANS, *SERVICEMEN'S Readjustment Act of 1944
Company/Entity: VASSAR College
Source: Newsweek Global. 4/21/2017, Vol. 168 Issue 14, p28-37. 10p. 8 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *UNITED States presidential election, 2016
Company/Entity: UNITED States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 2/24/2017, Vol. 168 Issue 7, p20-23. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *PUBLIC demonstrations, *FASCISTS
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
Company/Entity: UNIVERSITY of California, Berkeley
People: YIANNOPOULOS, Milo, 1984-
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 2/3/2017, Vol. 168 Issue 4, p16-19. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *SEXUAL assault, *UNIVERSITIES & colleges, *PREVENTION of campus violence, *SEX crimes, *COLLEGE students' sexual behavior, *COLLEGE discipline, *SCHOOL discipline, *SEX crime laws, *SEXUAL assault laws
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
Company/Entity: UNITED States. Dept. of Education
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 12/23/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 23, p16-19. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *IMMIGRANTS, *EMIGRATION & immigration, UNITED States emigration & immigration
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
Company/Entity: UNITED States. Dept. of Homeland Security
People: KARIM, Rezai, FAROOQUI, Wasil
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 12/2/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 20, p22-26. 5p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *INDEPENDENT expenditure political action committees, *UNITED States presidential election, 2016, *POLITICAL campaigns
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
People: TRUMP, Donald, 1946-, MERCER, Robert
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 11/18/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 18, p16-19. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *SEX work, *HUMAN trafficking
Company/Entity: BACKPAGE.COM LLC
People: FERRER, Carl, LACEY, Michael
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 11/4/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 16, p34-43. 10p. 8 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *SUICIDE victims, *SOCIOLOGISTS, *CHOKING game, *MENTAL health
People: WINTERS, Riley
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 10/21/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 15, p54-58. 5p. 2 Color Photographs.
Company/Entity: ANTI-Defamation League
Reviews & Products: FREE Speech Isn't Free (Book)
People: VALIZADEH, Daryush
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 10/14/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 14, p60-63. 4p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Cartoon or Caricature.
Subject Terms: *JEWISH art & symbolism, *ARTISTS, *PAINTING
Company/Entity: UNIVERSITY of Oklahoma
People: PISSARRO, Camille, 1830-1903
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 8/19/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 6, p22-31. 10p. 7 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *AFRICAN Americans, *HATE crimes, *TERRORISM
People: JONES, Nakia, STERLING, Alton, 1979-2016
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 7/22/2016, Vol. 167 Issue 3, p12-15. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *POLICE, *SHOOTINGS (Crime), *PUBLIC demonstrations, *BLACK men, *LAW enforcement
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 12/18/2015, Vol. 165 Issue 22, p26-39. 14p. 10 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *SEXUAL assault, *UNIVERSITIES & colleges, *SEX discrimination in education, *LEGAL status of sex offenders, *RAPISTS, *ACTIONS & defenses (Law)
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 12/11/2015, Vol. 165 Issue 21, p56-59. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *SWIMMING pool design & construction, *CANALS, *PUBLIC finance
Geographic Terms: GERMANY
People: ELDER, Tim, ELDER, Jan
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 9/25/2015, Vol. 165 Issue 11, p40-49. 10p. 10 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL shootings, *SCHOOL violence, *TULALIP (North American people), *NATIVE American youth
Geographic Terms: MARYSVILLE (Wash.)
People: FRYBERG, Jaylen, FRYBERG, Ray
Authors: KUTNER, MAX
Source: Newsweek Global. 7/17/2015, Vol. 165 Issue 3, p54-57. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *POLICE on television, *REALITY television programs, *VIOLENCE on television, *POLICE brutality
Reviews & Products: COPS (TV program)