1Academic Journal
Authors: Keane, P.C., Hanson, P.S., Patterson, L., Blain, P.G., Hepplewhite, P., Khundakar, A.A., Judge, S.J., Kahle, P.J., LeBeau, F.E.N., Morris, C.M.
Source: In Neuroscience Letters 15 October 2019 711
2Academic Journal
Authors: Wilde, G.S., Burd, H.J., Judge, S.J.
Source: In Experimental Eye Research April 2012 97(1):36-48
3Academic Journal
Authors: Burd, H.J., Wilde, G.S., Judge, S.J.
Source: In Experimental Eye Research January 2011 92(1):28-39
Authors: Graham, B., Judge, S.J.
Source: VISION RESEARCH -OXFORD-. 39(2):189-206
Authors: Graham, B., Judge, S.J.
Source: VISION RESEARCH -OXFORD-. 39(2):177-187
6Academic Journal
7Academic Journal
Authors: Burd, H.J., Wilde, G.S., Judge, S.J.
Source: In Vision Research 2006 46(8):1346-1360
8Academic Journal
Authors: Burd, H.J., Judge, S.J., Cross, J.A.
Source: In Vision Research 2002 42(18):2235-2251
9Academic Journal
Authors: Johnson, D., Judge, S.J., Gartside, S.E., Ingram, C.D.
Source: In European Neuropsychopharmacology 2003 13 Supplement 4:S218-S218
10Academic Journal
Authors: Judge, S.J., Ingram, C.D., Gartside, S.E.
Source: In European Neuropsychopharmacology 2003 13 Supplement 4:S206-S206
11Academic Journal
Do target angular size-change and blur cues interact linearly in the control of human accommodation?
Authors: Judge, S.J.
Source: In Vision Research 1988 28(2):263-268
12Academic Journal
Authors: Rolls, E.T., Judge, S.J., Sanghera, Manjit K.
Source: In Brain Research 1977 130(2):229-238
13Academic Journal
Authors: Cumming, B.G., Judge, S.J.
Source: In Advances in Psychology 1984 22:429-437
14Academic Journal
Authors: Judge, S.J.
Source: In Vision Research 1985 25(12):1999-2001
15Academic Journal
Authors: Rolls, E.T., Burton, M.J., Judge, S.J., Mogenson, G.J., Mora, F., Sanghera, M.
Source: In Brain Research 1977 127(2):368-369