1Academic Journal
Authors: Nour Rahnama, Linda Kubangumusu, Agnes Pasquet, Annie Robert, Anne-Catherine Pouleur, Karlien Carbonez, Joelle Kefer, Stéphane Moniotte, Alain Poncelet, Geoffroy de Becco, Benoit Ghaye, Sophie Pierard
Source: International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease, Vol 11, Iss , Pp 100426- (2023)
Subject Terms: Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, Pulmonary hypertension, Congenital cardiopathy, Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666668522001094; https://doaj.org/toc/2666-6685
2Academic Journal
Authors: Joelle Kefer, Karlien Carbonez, Sophie Pierard, François-Pierre Mouthuy, Andre Peeters, Cedric Hermans, Catherine Lambert, Christophe DeMeester, Thierry Sluysmans, Agnes Pasquet
Source: Journal of Interventional Cardiology, Vol 2022 (2022)
Subject Terms: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1540-8183
3Academic Journal
Authors: Shakeel Kautbally, MD, Sophie Lepropre, PhD, Marie-Blanche Onselaer, PhD, Astrid Le Rigoleur, MD, Audrey Ginion, MS, Christophe De Meester de Ravenstein, PhD, Jerome Ambroise, PhD, Karim Z. Boudjeltia, PhD, Marie Octave, MS, Odile Wéra, MS, Alexandre Hego, BSc, Joël Pincemail, PhD, Jean-Paul Cheramy-Bien, Thierry Huby, PhD, Martin Giera, PhD, Bernhard Gerber, MD, PhD, Anne-Catherine Pouleur, MD, PhD, Bruno Guigas, PhD, Jean-Louis Vanoverschelde, MD, PhD, Joelle Kefer, MD, PhD, Luc Bertrand, PhD, Cécile Oury, PhD, Sandrine Horman, PhD, Christophe Beauloye, MD, PhD
Source: JACC: Basic to Translational Science, Vol 4, Iss 5, Pp 596-610 (2019)
Subject Terms: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2452302X19301780; https://doaj.org/toc/2452-302X
4Academic Journal
Authors: Joelle Kefer, Patrick Chenu, Olivier Gurné, Frederic Maes, Théophile Tamakloé, Christophe Beauloye
Source: Journal of Interventional Cardiology, Vol 2021 (2021)
Subject Terms: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource
5Academic Journal
Authors: Adel Aminian, Ignacio Cruz-Gonzalez, Xavier Freixa, Ole de Backer, Lars Søndergaard, Xavier Iriart, Philippe Garot, Joelle Kefer, Sergio Berti, Liesbeth Rosseel, Reda Ibrahim, Kasper Korsholm, Jacob Odenstedt, Jens-Erik Nielsen-Kudsk, Jaqueline Saw
Source: Open Heart, Vol 7, Iss 2 (2020)
Subject Terms: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource
6Academic Journal
Authors: Joelle Kefer, Frederic Maes, Jean Renkin, Shakeel Kautbally, Christophe De Meester, Marine Delacour, Anne-Catherine Pouleur
Source: International Journal of Cardiology: Heart & Vasculature, Vol 26, Iss , Pp - (2020)
Subject Terms: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352906719301757; https://doaj.org/toc/2352-9067
7Academic Journal
Authors: Caroline Gauthier, Parla Astarci, Philippe Baele, Amine Matta, David Kahn, Joëlle Kefer, Mona Momeni
Source: Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia, Vol 18, Iss 3, Pp 343-351 (2015)
Subject Terms: Anesthetic technique, Survival, Transapical, Transcatheter aortic valve implantation, Transfemoral, Anesthesiology, RD78.3-87.3, Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: http://www.annals.in/article.asp?issn=0971-9784;year=2015;volume=18;issue=3;spage=343;epage=351;aulast=Gauthier; https://doaj.org/toc/0971-9784
8Academic Journal
Authors: Maude Pagé, Oana Nastase, Frédéric Maes, Joëlle Kefer, Thierry Sluysmans, Alain Poncelet, Jean Rubay, Agnès Pasquet
Source: Case Reports in Cardiology, Vol 2015 (2015)
Subject Terms: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system, RC666-701
File Description: electronic resource