1Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Access Access, IEEE. 11:126221-126231 2023
2Academic Journal
Authors: Muganda, J.M., Jansen, B., Homburg, E., van de Burgt, Y., den Toonder, J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering IEEE Trans. Automat. Sci. Eng. Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 19(2):994-1002 Apr, 2022
3Academic Journal
Authors: Ben Itzhak, N. a, b, Stijnen, L. a, Kostkova, K. c, d, Laenen, A. e, Jansen, B. c, d, Ortibus, E. a, b, ⁎
Source: In Research in Developmental Disabilities January 2025 156
4Academic Journal
Authors: De Keersmaecker, E., Lefeber, N., Serrien, B., Jansen, B., Rodriguez-Guerrero, C., Niazi, N., Kerckhofs, E., Swinnen, E.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 28(1):221-227 Jan, 2020
5Academic Journal
Authors: van Stijn, A., Wouterszoon Jansen, B., Gruis, V., van Bortel, G.A.
Source: In Journal of Cleaner Production 25 September 2023 420
6Academic Journal
Authors: Ben Itzhak, N., Franki, I., Jansen, B., Kostkova, K., Wagemans, J., Ortibus, E.
Source: In International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction March 2023 35
7Academic Journal
Source: In Journal of Cleaner Production 10 July 2022 357
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Authors: Ben Itzhak, N., Franki, I., Jansen, B., Kostkova, K., Wagemans, J., Ortibus, E.
Source: In International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction March 2022 31
9Academic Journal
Authors: de Nijs, E. A.1 (AUTHOR) e.a.denijs@uva.nl, Jansen, B.1 (AUTHOR), Absalah, S.1 (AUTHOR), Bol, R.1,2 (AUTHOR), Tietema, A.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Biogeochemistry. Nov2023, Vol. 166 Issue 2, p55-66. 12p.
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Authors: Jansen, B., Nakayama, K.
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12Academic Journal
Authors: Marsman, M. S., Koning, G. G., Jansen, B. P. W., Reijnen, M. M. P. J., Habibovic, M., Vriens, P. W. H. E.
Source: Vascular & Endovascular Surgery; Apr2025, Vol. 59 Issue 3, p237-242, 6p
13Academic Journal
Authors: Bautmans, Ivan, Verté, Dominque, Beyer, Ingo, Petrovic, Mirko, De Donder, Liesbeth, Kardol, Tinie, Rossi, Gina, Clarys, Peter, Scafoglieri, Aldo, Cattrysse, Erik, de Hert, Paul, Jansen, Bart, Knoop, V., Cloots, B., Costenoble, A., Debain, A., Vella Azzopardi, R., Vermeiren, S., Jansen, B., Scafoglieri, A., Bautmans, I. *
Source: In Ageing Research Reviews May 2021 67
15Academic Journal
Authors: Jiang, R., Jansen, B. H., Sheth, B. R., Chen, J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 21(3):370-375 May, 2013
Authors: Vercalsteren, A., Jansen, B.
Source: Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing Environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 2001. Proceedings EcoDesign 2001: Second International Symposium on. :82-86 2001
Relation: Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing
Authors: Jansen, B., Vercalsteren, A.
Source: Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing Environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 2001. Proceedings EcoDesign 2001: Second International Symposium on. :234-239 2001
Relation: Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing
Authors: Harris, Leslie J., Werner, Jansen B.
Source: Communication studies. 72(4):618-633
Authors: Timmermans, F. W., Jansen, B. A. M., Mokken, S. E., de Heer, M. H., Veen, K. M., Bouman, M. B., Mullender, M., van de Grift, T. C.
Source: International journal of transgender health. 22(4):403-411
Authors: Sevink, J., Wallinga, J., Reimann, T., van Geel, B., Brinkkemper, O., Jansen, B., Romar, M., Bakels, C.C.
Source: Catena. 224