Authors: Robles-Rodriguez, C.E., Guillouet, S.E., Bideaux, C., Roux, G., Gorret, N., Hulin, S., Molina-Jouve, C., Aceves-Lara, C.A.
Source: 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) Control and Automation (MED), 2015 23th Mediterranean Conference on. :815-820 Jun, 2015
Relation: 2015 23th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
Authors: Deliancourt, E., Lerner, A.., Achour, K., Jolly, A., Le Pallec, J.C., Quet, A., Guérin, C., Hulin, S., Laffont, G.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 12643:126432Q-126432Q-4
Authors: Rączka, P., Dubois, J. -L., Hulin, S., Rosiński, M., Zaraś-Szydłowska, A, Badziak, J
Source: Journal of Physics Conference Series 959, 012005 (2018)
Subject Terms: Physics - Plasma Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.03669
Authors: Rączka, P., Dubois, J. -L., Hulin, S., Tikhonchuk, V., Rosiński, M., Zaraś-Szydłowska, A., Badziak, J.
Source: Laser and Particle Beams 35, 677 (2017)
Subject Terms: Physics - Plasma Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1710.03709
Authors: Vaisseau, X., Batani, D., Debayle, A., Honrubia, J. J., Hulin, S., Morace, A., Nicolai, Ph., Sawada, H., Tikhonchuk, V. T., Vauzour, B., Wei, M., Santos, J. J.
Source: 2013 4th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE) Energy (IYCE), 2013 4th International Youth Conference on. :1-4 Jun, 2013
Relation: 2013 4th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE)
Authors: Rączka, P., Dubois, J.-L., Hulin, S., Rosiński, M., Ryć, L., Parys, P., Zaraś-Szydłowska, A., Terwińska, D., Tchórz, P., Badziak, J.
Source: Acta physica polonica. 138(4):593-600
Authors: Bailly-Grandvaux, M., Santos, J. J., Bellei, C., Forestier-Colleoni, P., Fujioka, S., Giuffrida, L., Honrubia, J. J., Batani, D., Bouillaud, R., Chevrot, M., Cross, J. E., Crowston, R., Dorard, S., Dubois, J. -L., Ehret, M., Gregori, G., Hulin, S., Kojima, S., Loyez, E., Marques, J. -R., Morace, A., Nicolai, Ph., Roth, M., Sakata, S., Schaumann, G., Serres, F., Servel, J., Tikhonchuk, V. T., Woolsey, N., Zhang, Z.
Subject Terms: Physics - Plasma Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1608.08101
8Academic Journal
Authors: Rey-Cadilhac, L., Botreau, R., Ferlay, A., Hulin, S., Hurtaud, C., Lardy, R., Martin, B., Laurent, C.
Source: In Animal July 2021 15(7)
9Academic Journal
Authors: Coppa, M. *, Martin, B., Hulin, S., Guillemin, J., Gauzentes, J.V., Pecou, A., Andueza, D.
Source: In Journal of Dairy Science January 2021 104(1):112-125
Authors: Santos, J. J., Bailly-Grandvaux, M., Giuffrida, L., Forestier-Colleoni, P., Fujioka, S., Zhang, Z., Korneev, Ph., Bouillaud, R., Dorard, S., Batani, D., Chevrot, M., Cross, J., Crowston, R., Dubois, J. -L., Gazave, J., Gregori, G., d'Humières, E., Hulin, S., Ishihara, K., Kojima, S., Loyez, E., Marquès, J. -R., Morace, A., Nicolaï, Ph., Peyrusse, O., Poyé, A., Raffestin, D., Ribolzi, J., Roth, M., Schaumann, G., Serres, F., Tikhonchuk, V. T., Vacar, Ph., Woolsey, N.
Subject Terms: Physics - Plasma Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.00247
Authors: Scott, R. H. H., Clark, E. L., Perez, F., Streeter, M. J. V, Davies, J. R., Schlenvoigt, H. -P., Santos, J. J., Hulin, S., Lancaster, K. L., Baton, S. D., Rose, S. J., Norreys, P. A.
Subject Terms: Physics - Plasma Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.8051
Authors: Jafer, R., Volpe, L., Batani, D., Koenig, M., Baton, S., Bambrink, E., Perez, F., Dorchies, F., Santos, J., Fourment, C., Hulin, S., Nicolai, P., Vauzour, B., Lancaster, K., Galimberti, M., Heathcote, R., Koester, P., Labate, L., Gizzi, L., Benedetti, C., Sgattoni, A., Richetta, M., Pasley, J., Beg, F., Chawla, S., Higginson, D., MacKinnon, A., McPhee, A.
Source: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - Abstracts Plasma Science - Abstracts, 2009. ICOPS 2009. IEEE International Conference on. :1-1 Jun, 2009
Relation: 2009 IEEE 36th International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)
13Academic Journal
Authors: Duval, P., Chatelard-Chauvin, C., Gayard, C., Rifa, E., Bouchard, P., Hulin, S., Delile, A., Pollet, B., Montel, M.C., Picque, D.
Source: In International Dairy Journal February 2018 77:89-99
Authors: Duval, A., Lantuéjoul, I., Reverdin, C., Rossé, B., Vauzour, B., Granet, F., Toussaint, J.-C., Batani, D., Ducret, J.-E., Hulin, S.
Source: Chocs. 49:101-109
Authors: Epstein, D. M., Gohel, M. S., Heatley, F., Liu, X., Bradbury, A., Bulbulia, R., Cullum, N., Nyamekye, I., Poskitt, K. R., Renton, S., Warwick, J., Davies, A. H., Read, D., Hargreaves, S., Dhillon, K., Anwar, M., Liddle, A., Brown, H., Mercer, K., Gill, F., Liu, A., Jepson, W., Wormwell, A., Rafferty, H., Kaur, R., Solomon, E., Sritharan, K., Velineni, R., Lim, C. S., Busuttil, A., Bootun, R., Bicknell, C., Jenkins, M., Lane, T., Serjeant, E., Poskitt, K., Waldron, J., Wolfrey, G., Slim, F., Davies, C., Emerson, L., Grasty, M., Whyman, M., Wakeley, C., Cooper, A., Clapp, J., Hogg, N., Howard, J., Dyer, J., Lyes, S., Teemul, D., Harvey, K., Pride, M., Kindon, A., Price, H., Flemming, L., Birch, G., Holmes, H., Weston, J., Joseph, T., Eiffel, R., Ojimba, T., Wilson, T., Hodgson, A., Robinson, L., Todhunter, J., Heagarty, D., Mckeane, A., McCarthy, R., Barwell, J., Northcott, C., Elstone, A., West, C., Chong, P., Gerrard, D., Croucher, A., Levy, S., Martin, C., Craig, T., Carradice, D., Firth, A., Clarke, E., Oswald, A., Sinclair, J., Chetter, I., El‐Sheikha, J., Nandhra, S., Leung, C., Scott, J., Dewhirst, N., Woods, J., Russell, D., Darwood, R., Troxler, M., Thackeray, J., Bell, D., Watson, D., Williamson, L., Coulston, J., Eyers, P., Darvall, K., Hunter, I., Stewart, A., Moss, A., Rewbury, J., Adams, C., Vickery, L., Foote, L., Durman, H., Venn, F., Hill, P., James, K., Luxton, F., Greenwell, D., Roberts, K., Mitchell, S., Tate, M., Mills, H., Garnham, A., Hobbs, S., McIntosh, D., Green, M., Collins, K., Rankin, J., Poulton, P., Isgar, V., Trivedi, M., Kafeza, M., Parsapour, S., Moore, H., Najem, M., Connarty, S., Albon, H., Lloyd, C., Trant, J., Vohra, R., McCormack, J., Marshall, J., Hardy, V., Rogoveanu, R., Goff, W., Gidda, R., Merotra, S., Shiralkar, S., Jayatunga, A., Pathak, R., Rehman, A., Randhawa, K., Lewis, J., Fullwood, S., Jennings, S., Cole, S., Wall, M., Ranaboldo, C., Hulin, S., Clarke, C., Fennelly, R., Cooper, R., Boyes, R., Draper, C., Harris, L., Mead, D., Kelly, L., Bate, G., Davies, H., Popplewell, M., Claridge, M., Gannon, M., Khaira, H., Scriven, M., Wilmink, T., Adam, D., Nasr, H., Dodd, D., Nawaz, S., Humphreys, J., Barnes, M., Sorrell, J., Swift, D., Phillips, P., Trender, H., Fenwick, N., Rittoo, D., Baker, S., Mitchell, R., Andrews, S., Williams, S., Stephenson, J., Holloway, S., Hayes, W., Day, J., Clayton, C., Harding, D., Thompson, A., Gibson, A., Murphy, Z., Smith, T.
Source: British journal of surgery. 106(5):555-562
Authors: Bailly-Grandvaux, M., Santos, J., Bellei, C., Forestier-Colleoni, P., Fujioka, S., Giuffrida, L., Honrubia, J., Batani, D., Bouillaud, R., Chevrot, M., Cross, J., Crowston, R., Dorard, S., Dubois, J.-L., Ehret, M., Gregori, G., Hulin, S., Kojima, S., Loyez, E., Marquès, J.-R., Morace, A., Nicolaï, Ph., Roth, M., Sakata, S., Schaumann, G., Serres, F., Servel, J., Tikhonchuk, V., Woolsey, N., Zhang, Z.
Source: Nature communications. 9(1):1-8
17Academic Journal
Authors: Duval, P., Chatelard-Chauvin, C., Gayard, C., Rifa, E., Bouchard, P., Hulin, S., Picque, D., Montel, M.C.
Source: In International Dairy Journal May 2016 56:198-207
Authors: Hansen, S.B., Shlyaptseva, A.S., Faenov, A.Y., Skobelev, I.Y., Magunov, A.I., Pikuz, T.A., Blasco, F., Dorchies, F., Stenz, C., Salin, F., Auguste, T., Dobosz, S., Monot, P., D'Oliveira, P., Hulin, S., Foumier, K.B., Safronova, U.I.
Source: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (Cat. No.02CH37340) Plasma science Plasma Science, 2002. ICOPS 2002. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. The 29th IEEE International Conference on. :109 2002
Relation: Proceedings of IEEE 29th International Conference on Plasma Sciences
19Academic Journal
Authors: Gobet, F., Caron, J., Bessieres, I., Bonnet, T., Aléonard, M.M., Antoine, M., Barberet, P., Comet, M., Denis-Petit, D., Feugeas, J.L., Hannachi, F., Hulin, S., Kantor, G., Nicolai, P., Santos, J.J., Tarisien, M., Tikhonchuk, V., Versteegen, M.
Source: In Radiation Measurements March 2016 86:16-23
Authors: Pikuz, T.A., Faenov, A.Y., Magunov, A., Skobelev, I.Y., Blasco, F., Stenz, C., Salin, F., Monot, P., Auguste, T., Dobosz, S., Oliveira, D., Hulin, S., Bougeard, M.
Source: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Cat. No.01CH37 Pulsed power plasma science Pulsed Power Plasma Science, 2001. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. :387 2001
Relation: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference