Authors: Lim, M. H., Ho, C. K. M.
Source: Malaysian journal of pathology. 44(2):261-268
Authors: Tan, P. H., Ho, C. K., Sun, S.
Source: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications (ICC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :1-5 May, 2010
Relation: ICC 2010 - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications
Source: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications (ICC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :1-6 May, 2010
Relation: ICC 2010 - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications
Authors: Ho, C. K., Tan, P. H., Sun, S.
Source: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications (ICC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :1-6 May, 2010
Relation: ICC 2010 - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications
5Academic Journal
Authors: Kulkarni, V. V., Lee, J., Zhou, J., Ho, C. K., Cheong, J. H., Toh, W.-D., Li, P., Liu, X., Je, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on. 62(9):1856-1866 Sep, 2014
6Academic Journal
Authors: Ho, C. K., Cheong, J. H., Lee, J., Kulkarni, V., Li, P., Liu, X., Je, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on. 62(9):1867-1878 Sep, 2014
7Academic Journal
Authors: Yang, G., Ho, C. K., Guan, Y. L.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Trans. Signal Process. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 62(14):3565-3577 Jul, 2014
8Academic Journal
Authors: Yang, G., Tan, V. Y. F., Ho, C. K., Ting, S. H., Guan, Y. L.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Trans. Signal Process. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 61(18):4491-4505 Sep, 2013
9Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 62(2):863-873 Feb, 2013
10Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Trans. Signal Process. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 60(9):4808-4818 Sep, 2012
11Academic Journal
Authors: Ho, C. K., Yang, H., Pandharipande, A., Bergmans, J. W. M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Trans. Signal Process. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 56(12):6003-6016 Dec, 2008
12Academic Journal
Authors: Tan, E. J., Pey, K. L., Singh, N., Lo, G. Q., Chi, D. Z., Chin, Y. K., Tang, L. J., Lee, P. S., Ho, C. K. F.
Source: IEEE Electron Device Letters IEEE Electron Device Lett. Electron Device Letters, IEEE. 29(8):902-905 Aug, 2008
13Academic Journal
Authors: Huang, L., Ho, C. K., Bergmans, J. W. M., Willems, F. M. J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 57(2):906-920 Mar, 2008
Authors: Ho, C. K., Gowda, K. T., Sun, S.
Source: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications, 2009. ICC '09. IEEE International Conference on. :1-6 Jun, 2009
Relation: ICC 2009 - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications
Authors: Ho, C. K., Zhang, R., Liang, Y.-C.
Source: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications, 2008. ICC '08. IEEE International Conference on. :3908-3912 May, 2008
Relation: ICC 2008 - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications
Authors: Han, Y., Ting, S. H., Ho, C. K., Chin, W. H.
Source: ICC Workshops - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops Communications Workshops, 2008. ICC Workshops '08. IEEE International Conference on. :365-369 May, 2008
Relation: ICC 2008 - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops
Authors: Fung, P. H. W., Ho, C. K.
Source: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications, 2007. ICC '07. IEEE International Conference on. :2859-2864 Jun, 2007
Relation: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications
Authors: Henty, S., Ho, C. K. M., Auldist, M. J., Wales, W. J., Malcolm, B.
Source: Animal production science. 60(3):444-453
Authors: Barber, D. G., Auldist, M. J., Anstis, A. R., Ho, C. K. M.
Source: Animal production science. 60(1):17-25
Authors: Shiau, J.-S., Ho, C.-K.
Source: Mining, metallurgy & exploration. 36(2):423-430