Authors: Bourdarot, G., Eisenhauer, F., Yazıcı, S., Feuchtgruber, H., Bouquin, J-B Le, Hartl, M., Rau, C., Graf, J., More, N., Wieprecht, E., Haussmann, F., Widmann, F., Lutz, D., Genzel, R., Gonte, F., Oberti, S., Kolb, J., Woillez, J., Bonnet, H., Schuppe, D., Brara, A., Hartwig, J., Goldbrunner, A., Furchtsam, C., Soller, F., Czempiel, S., Eibl, J., Huber, D., Uysal, S., Treffler, I., Ozdemir, H., Gopinatha, V., Bourget, P., Berdeu, A., Gillessen, S., Ott, T., Berio, P., Boebion, O., Millour, F., Dembet, R., Edouard, C., Gomes, T., Shimizu, T., Drescher, A., Fabricius, M., Shangguan, J., Lagarde, S., Robbe-Dubois, S., Allouche, F., Nowacki, H., Defrere, D., Garcia, P. J. V., Hoenig, S., Kreidbergg, L., Paumard, T., Straubmeier, C.
Source: SPIE Proceedings, Yokohama 2024
Subject Terms: Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2409.08438
Authors: Albers, H., Herbst, A., Richardson, L. L., Heine, H., Nath, D., Hartwig, J., Schubert, C., Vogt, C., Woltmann, M., Lämmerzahl, C., Herrmann, S., Ertmer, W., Rasel, E. M., Schlippert, D.
Source: Eur. Phys. J. D (2020) 74: 145
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00939
Authors: Thi, T. N. Tran, Fernandez, B., Eon, D., Gheeraert, E., Hartwig, J., Lafford, T. A., Perrat-Mabilon, A., Peaucelle, C., Olivero, P., Bustarret, E.
Source: Physica Status Solidi A 208 (9), 2057-2061 (2011)
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1608.07171
Authors: Schlippert, D., Albers, H., Richardson, L. L., Nath, D., Heine, H., Meiners, C., Wodey, É., Billon, A., Hartwig, J., Schubert, C., Gaaloul, N., Ertmer, W., Rasel, E. M.
Subject Terms: Physics - Atomic Physics, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.05820
5Academic Journal
Source: In International Journal of Psychophysiology February 2021 160:38-55
Authors: Hyunbae Kim, Hartwig, J., Lorenz, R.D.
Source: 2002 IEEE 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No.02CH37289) Power electronics specialists conference Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2002. pesc 02. 2002 IEEE 33rd Annual. 2:815-820 vol.2 2002
Relation: Proceedings of PESC 2002 - Power Electronics Specialists Conference
Authors: Futorny, V., Hartwig, J. T., Wilson, E. A.
Source: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015) 5159-5171
Subject Terms: Mathematics - Quantum Algebra, 17B37, 17B67
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.5273
Authors: Goodearl, K. R., Hartwig, J. T.
Source: Sao Paulo J. Math. Sci. 9 Issue 1 (2015) 53-61
Subject Terms: Mathematics - Rings and Algebras, Mathematics - Quantum Algebra, Primary 16W35, secondary 16S36
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.4333
Authors: Futorny, V., Hartwig, J., Wilson, E.
Source: J. Algebra 432 (2015) 252-279
Subject Terms: Mathematics - Representation Theory, 06D15, 17B37, 13N10
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.0305
Authors: Argunova, T.S., Baruchel, J., Hartwig, J.
Source: Semiconducting and Insulating Materials 1998. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Semiconducting and Insulating Materials (SIMC-X) (Cat. No.98CH36159) Semiconducting and insulating materials Semiconducting and Insulating Materials, 1998. (SIMC-X) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on. :287-290 1998
Relation: Proceedings of 10th International Semiconducting and Insulating Materials
Authors: Schubert, C, Hartwig, J, Ahlers, H, Posso-Trujillo, K, Gaaloul, N., Velte, U., Landragin, A., Bertoldi, A., Battelier, B., Bouyer, P., Sorrentino, F., Tino, G. M., Krutzik, M., Peters, A., Herrmann, S., Lämmerzahl, C., Cacciapouti, L., Rocco, E., Bongs, K., Ertmer, W., Rasel, E. M.
Subject Terms: Physics - Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics, 81V45
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.5963
Authors: Aguilera, D., Ahlers, H., Battelier, B., Bawamia, A., Bertoldi, A., Bondarescu, R., Bongs, K., Bouyer, P., Braxmaier, C., Cacciapuoti, L., Chaloner, C., Chwalla, M., Ertmer, W., Franz, M., Gaaloul, N., Gehler, M., Gerardi, D., Gesa, L., Gürlebeck, N., Hartwig, J., Hauth, M., Hellmig, O., Herr, W., Herrmann, S., Heske, A., Hinton, A., Ireland, P., Jetzer, P., Johann, U., Krutzik, M., Kubelka, A., Lämmerzahl, C., Landragin, A., Lloro, I., Massonnet, D., Mateos, I., Milke, A., Nofrarias, M., Oswald, M., Peters, A., Posso-Trujillo, K., Rasel, E., Rocco, E., Roura, A., Rudolph, J., Schleich, W., Schubert, C., Schuldt, T., Seidel, S., Sengstock, K., Sopuerta, C. F., Sorrentino, F., Summers, D., Tino, G. M., Trenkel, C., Uzunoglu, N., von Klitzing, W., Walser, R., Wendrich, T., Wenzlawski, A., Weßels, P., Wicht, A., Wille, E., Williams, M., Windpassinger, P., Zahzam, N.
Subject Terms: Quantum Physics, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, Physics - Atomic Physics, Physics - Space Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.5980
13Academic Journal
Authors: Alasia, F., Basile, G., Becker, P., Kuetgens, U., Stuempel, J., Servidori, M., Hartwig, J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on. 50(2):608-611 Apr, 2001
Authors: Karoui, M., Rullier, A., Piessen, G., Legoux, J. L., Barbier, E., De Chaisemartin, C., Lecaille, C., Bouche, O., Ammarguellat, H., Brunetti, F., Prudhomme, M., Regimbeau, J. M., Glehen, O., Lievre, A., Portier, G., Hartwig, J., Goujon, G., Romain, B., Lepage, C., Taieb, J.
Source: Annals of surgery. 271(4):637-645
Authors: Zaiser, M., Hartwig, J., Schlippert, D., Velte, U., Winter, N., Lebedev, V., Ertmer, W., Rasel, E. M.
Source: Phys. Rev. A 83, 035601 (2011)
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases, Physics - Atomic Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.4222
Authors: Darr, S. R., Hartwig, J. W., Chung, J. N.
Source: Journal of porous media. 22(9):1177-1196
Authors: Hartwig, J., Mittal, G., Sung, C.-J.
Source: Applied spectroscopy. 73(4):395-402
Authors: Camarotti, C. F., Hartwig, J. W., Chung, J. N.
Source: Physics of fluids. 34(11)
19Academic Journal
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20Academic Journal
Authors: Mercado, M, Hartwig, J
Source: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science & Engineering; 2024, Vol. 1301 Issue 1, p1-8, 8p