Authors: Abramson, J. S., Straus, D., Bartlett, N., Burke, J. M., Lynch, R. C., Domingo‐Domenech, E., Hess, B., Schuster, S., Linhares, Y., Ramchandren, R., Gandhi, M., Mowat, R., Shah, H., Jurczak, W., Re, A., Hahn, U., Prince, H. M., Ho, L., Guo, W., Jain, S., Yasenchak, C., Lee, H. J.
Source: Hematological oncology. 41:353-355
2Academic Journal
Authors: Bülow E, Hahn U, Andersen IT, Rolfson O, Pedersen AB, Hailer NP
Source: Clinical Epidemiology, Vol Volume 14, Pp 239-253 (2022)
Subject Terms: prediction model, total hip arthroplasty, orthopaedics, clinical decision-making tool, web calculator, external validation, Infectious and parasitic diseases, RC109-216
File Description: electronic resource
Authors: Kempa, H., Reuter, K., Bartzsch, M., Hahn, U., Huebler, A.C., Zielke, D., Forster, M., Scherf, U.
Source: Polytronic 2005 - 5th International Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics, Polytronic, 2005. Polytronic 2005. 5th International Conference on. :67-71 2005
Relation: 2005 5th International Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics
Authors: Huebler, A., Hahn, U., Beier, W., Lasch, N., Fischer, T.
Source: 2nd International IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics. POLYTRONIC 2002. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.02EX599) Polymers and adhesives in microelectronics and photonics Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics, 2002. POLYTRONIC 2002. 2nd International IEEE Conference on. :172-176 2002
Relation: 2nd International IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics. POLYTRONIC 2002. Conference Proceedings
Authors: Hahn, U., Herrmann, M., Leipold, F., Schoenbach, K.H.
Source: PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. Digest of Papers (Cat. No.01CH37251) Pulsed power plasma science Pulsed Power Plasma Science, 2001. PPPS-2001. Digest of Technical Papers. 2:1575-1578 vol.2 2001
Relation: PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. Digest of Technical Papers
6Academic Journal
Authors: New, R. R. C., Bogus, M., Travers, G. N., Hahn, U., Vaiceliunaite, A., Burnet, M., Wang, J. H., Wen, H.
Source: Frontiers in Drug Delivery; 2024, p1-11, 11p
Authors: Hahn, U., Dilling, W., Kaletta, D.
Source: 16th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems in cooperation with the 7th NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (Cat. No.99CB37098) Mass storage systems Mass Storage Systems, 1999. 16th IEEE Symposium on. :128-140 1999
Relation: 16th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems in cooperation with the 7th NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies. Information-based Access to Storage: Foundation of Information Systems
Authors: Hahn, U., Romacker, M.
Source: IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Cat. No.99CH37028) Systems, man, and cybernetics Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1999. IEEE SMC '99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on. 5:918-923 vol.5 1999
Relation: IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Authors: Greilich, S., Hahn, U., Kiderlen, M., Andersen, C. E., Bassler, N.
Source: The European Physical Journal D (2014) 68:327
Subject Terms: Physics - Medical Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.0185
10Academic Journal
Source: Computer. 33(11):29-36 Nov, 2000
Authors: Hahn, U., Pfluger, J., Ruter, M., Den Hartog, P.K., Erdmann, M., Trakhtenberg, E.M., Wiemerslage, G., Xu, S.
Source: Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999. 2:1369-1371 vol.2 1999
Relation: Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference
Authors: Finkel, M., Baur, A., Weber, T.K.D., Osenbrück, K., Rügner, H., Leven, C., Schwientek, M., Schlögl, J., Hahn, U., Streck, T., Cirpka, O.A., Walter, T., Grathwohl, P.
Source: Earth science informatics. 13(3):641-654
13Academic Journal
Authors: Hahn, U., Schulz, S., Romacker, M.
Source: IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications IEEE Intell. Syst. Their Appl. Intelligent Systems and their Applications, IEEE. 14(5):59-67 Jan, 1999
Authors: Tijsseling, A., Harnad, Stevan
Contributors: Ramscar, M., Hahn, U., Cambouropolos, E., Pain, H.
Source: Tijsseling, A. and Harnad, Stevan (1997) Warping Similarity Space in Category Learning by Backprop Nets. [Book Chapter]
Subject Terms: Computer Science: Neural Nets, Psychology: Perceptual Cognitive Psychology, Neural Nets, Perceptual Cognitive Psychology
File Description: text/html
Access URL: http://cogprints.org/1608/
Authors: Pevtzow, Rachel, Harnad, Stevan
Contributors: Ramscar, M., Hahn, U.
Source: Pevtzow, Rachel and Harnad, Stevan (1997) Warping Similarity Space in Category Learning by Human Subjects: The Role of Task Difficulty. [Book Chapter]
File Description: text/html
Access URL: http://cogprints.org/1607/
Authors: Balewski, K., Brefeld, W., Hahn, U., Pfluger, J., Rossmanith, R.
Source: Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerators Particle Accelerator Conference, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995. 1:275-277 vol.1 1995
Relation: Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference
17Academic Journal
Authors: Andersen, I.T., Hahn, U., Arnspang, E.C., Nejsum, L.N., Jensen, E.B.V.
Source: In Spatial Statistics October 2018 27:58-73
Authors: Shalabutov, Z., Friedrich, M., Thurzo, I., Hübler, A., Zahn, D. R. T., Hahn, U.
Subject Terms: Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0411372
19Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IIEEE Trans. Software Eng. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 17(5):467-482 May, 1991
Authors: Hahn, U., Honeck, M., Schulz, S.
Source: 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the Systems sciences System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. :8 pp. 2003
Relation: 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences