1Academic Journal
Authors: Sarabi, Almasa1 (AUTHOR) a.sarabi@uva.nl, Lehmann, Nico2 (AUTHOR) lehmann@ese.eur.nl
Source: Administrative Science Quarterly. Dec2024, Vol. 69 Issue 4, p1044-1084. 41p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Employee selection, *Decision making in business, Gender inequality
2Academic Journal
Authors: Walker, Victoria1 (AUTHOR) Victoria.walker@gcu.ac.uk, Nickson, Dennis2 (AUTHOR) d.p.nickson@strath.ac.uk
Source: Journal of Business Ethics. Mar2025, Vol. 197 Issue 3, p581-595. 15p.
Subject Terms: *Hotels, *Human resources departments, *Personnel management, *Management philosophy, *Employee well-being, Social responsibility
Geographic Terms: United Kingdom
3Academic Journal
Authors: DŽOGOVIĆ, Anela1 anela.dzogovic@unhz.eu, TAHIRI, Alberta1 alberta.tahiri@unhz.eu
Source: Quality - Access to Success. Jan2025, Vol. 26 Issue 4, p135-142. 8p.
Subject Terms: *Personnel management, *Human resources departments, *Tourism management, *Total quality management, *Management philosophy
4Academic Journal
Authors: Andry Rivan Sumara1 andryrivan@upi.edu, A. Sobandi1 ade@upi.edu, Janah Sojanah1 janahsojanah@upi.edu
Source: Dinasti International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting (DIJEFA). Jan/Feb2025, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p5625-5637. 13p.
Subject Terms: *Job performance, *Human resources departments, *Leadership, *Quantitative research, Digital technology
5Academic Journal
Authors: Subehana Rachman1 subehana@pipmakassar.ac.id, Haerani Asri1 haerani.asri@yahoo.com, Meti Kendek2 metikendek22@gmail.com, Adi Suriadi3 adisuriadi.dty@uim-makassar.ac.id
Source: Dinasti International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting (DIJEFA). Jan/Feb2025, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p6068-6077. 10p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Linear statistical models, *Data analysis, *Quantitative research, Research methodology
6Academic Journal
Authors: Ben-Hador, Batia1 (AUTHOR) batiabh@ariel.ac.il, Yitshaki, Ronit1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Human Resource Management. Feb2025, p1-32. 32p. 2 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Organizational resilience, *Human resources departments, *COVID-19, Social capital, Psychological resilience
7Academic Journal
Authors: PROFIROIU, Alina G.1 alina.profiroiu@amp.ase.ro, NASTACĂ, Corina-Cristiana1 corina.nastaca@amp.ase.ro, BRIȘCARIU, Roxana M.1 roxana.briscariu@man.ase.ro
Source: Theoretical & Empirical Researches in Urban Management. Feb2025, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p50-67. 18p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Pilot projects, Citizens, Research methodology, Neighborhoods
Source: Randstad N.V. MarketLine Company Profile. 10/24/2024, p1-30. 30p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Consulting firms
Geographic Terms: Netherlands
Company/Entity: Randstad NV
9Academic Journal
Authors: Beauchemin, Maude1 (AUTHOR) maude.beauchemin.3@ulaval.ca, Ménard, Marc-André1 (AUTHOR), Gaudreault, Jonathan1 (AUTHOR), Lehoux, Nadia1 (AUTHOR), Agnard, Stéphane2 (AUTHOR), Quimper, Claude-Guy1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Oct2023, Vol. 61 Issue 20, p6891-6907. 17p. 6 Charts, 8 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Industry 4.0, *Resource allocation, *Manufacturing industries, *Bottlenecks (Manufacturing), Metal cutting
10Academic Journal
Authors: Ryńca, Radoslaw1 (AUTHOR), Ziaeian, Yasmin1 (AUTHOR) yasmin.ziaeian@pwr.edu.pl
Source: PLoS ONE. 1/17/2025, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p1-19. 19p.
Subject Terms: *HUMAN resources departments, *BANKING industry, *EMPLOYEE education, *LINEAR programming, *PROFIT margins
11Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Happy-Organisation Scorecard: A Proposal for Happy-Productive Indicators-HPIs.
Authors: GARCÍA-FERNÁNDEZ, LAURA1 l.garciafer.2022@alumnos.urjc.es, ORTIZ-DE-URBINA-CRIADO, MARTA1 marta.ortizdeurbina@urjc.es, GARCÍA-LÓPEZ, MARÍA-JOSÉ1 mariajose.garcia@urjc.es
Source: Empresa y Humanismo. 2025, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p167-194. 28p.
Subject Terms: *HUMAN resources departments, *MEASURING instruments, *HAPPINESS
12Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Level of Human Resource Development in Yemeni Universities from the Perspective of Administrative and Academic Leadership.
Authors: شاكر سراع منصر عب1 shakerseraa2@gmail.com
Source: Journal of Social Studies. 2025, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p121-143. 23p.
Subject Terms: *STATISTICAL significance, *HUMAN resources departments, *RESEARCH personnel, *STATISTICAL sampling, *GENDER
Authors: Vamos, Steve1
Source: Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. 1/7/2025, p1-7. 7p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Job performance, *Business schools, *Working hours, Communicative competence
14Academic Journal
Alternate Title: A Framework for Developing Contextual Ambidextrous Human Resource in Aras Free Trade-Industrial Zone.
Authors: فاطمه مولایی1 fatemeh.molaei1360@yahoo.com, رضا طهماسبی2 rtahmasebi@ut.ac.ir, مرتضی سلطانی3 mortezasoltanee@ut.ac.ir, حسن زارعی متین3 matin@ut.ac.ir
Source: Organizational Culture Management. Apr2025, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p97-106. 10p.
Subject Terms: *Personnel management, *Human resources departments, *Free ports & zones, *Employee motivation, Snowball sampling
15Academic Journal
Authors: Lesmini, Lis1 lies.1969@yahoo.com, Subagio, Mochammad2 bagiolab83@yahoo.co.id, Setyawati, Aswanti1 aswantimurgiyanto@gmail.com, Syahridhan, Sayed3 waledtaza@gmail.com, Widodo, Rintis Eko4 rintis.ew@gmail.com
Source: Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (DIJMS). Dec2024, Vol. 6 Issue 2, p282-294. 13p.
Subject Terms: *Personnel management, *Human resources departments, Scientific literature, Electronic books, Reference books
16Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Evaluation of Human Resource Productivity Risks, Fuzzy DEMATEL and System Dynamics Approach (Case Study: High-Rise Building Projects).
Authors: نهال گودرزی1, احد نظری2 A_Nazari@sbu.ac.ir
Source: Industrial Management Perspective / Chashm/&āz-I Mudīriyyat-I Ṣan̒atī. 2024, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p141-168. 28p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Labor productivity, *Construction costs, Construction projects, Surface defects
17Academic Journal
Authors: Yusof, Rosmelisa1 rosmelisa@usm.my, Azizan, Sarini2 sarini.azizan@anu.edu.au, Osman, Nur Syahirah1 syahirah.osman@student.usm.my
Source: Global Business & Management Research. 2024 Special Issue, Vol. 16, p1275-1282. 8p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Personnel management, *Data analytics, Digital technology, Human beings
18Academic Journal
Authors: FRĂTICĂ-DRAGOMIR (GUȘE), Alina Mihaela1 florin_fratica@yahoo.com
Source: Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series. Dec2024, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p275-294. 20p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Employee selection, *Employee recruitment, *Artificial intelligence, *Social networks
19Academic Journal
Authors: Kristinsson, Kari1 (AUTHOR) eddabjorgsigmars@gmail.com, Gudmundsdottir, Svala1 (AUTHOR) karik@hi.is, Sigmarsdottir, Edda Bjorg1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Administrative Sciences (2076-3387). Nov2024, Vol. 14 Issue 11, p284. 14p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources personnel, *Human resources departments, *Quantitative research, *Qualitative research, *Women employees, *Job stress, Gender differences (Psychology)
20Academic Journal
Authors: Xiu, Hao1 (AUTHOR) b20200334@xs.ustb.edu.cn, Li, Guanchen1 (AUTHOR), He, Jie1,2 (AUTHOR) hejie@ustb.edu.cn, Zhang, Xiaotong1 (AUTHOR) zxt@ies.ustb.edu.cn, Qi, Yue1 (AUTHOR) qiyuee@ustb.edu.cn
Source: Applied Artificial Intelligence. 2024, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p1-29. 29p.
Subject Terms: *Human resources departments, *Problem solving, Confidence, Density