Authors: Nirjon, Shahriar, Greenwood, Chris, Torres, Carlos, Zhou, Stefanie, Stankovic, John A., Hee Jung Yoon, Ho-Kyeong Ra, Basaran, Can, Taejoon Park, Son, Sang H.
Source: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :2-10 Mar, 2014
Relation: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
3Academic Journal
Authors: Hutchinson, Delyse, Youssef, George J., Buhagiar, Adrienne, Teague, Samantha, Macdonald, Jacqui A., Letcher, Primrose, Greenwood, Chris, McIntosh, Jennifer, Toumbourou, John W., Hallam, Bill W.T., Skouteris, Helen, Sanson, Ann, Olsson, Craig A.
Source: In Journal of Adolescent Health January 2019 64(1):63-69
Authors: Teague, Samantha, Youssef, George, Macdonald, Jacqui, Sciberras, Emma, Shatte, Adrian, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Matthew, Greenwood, Chris, McIntosh, Jennifer, Olsson, Craig, Hutchinson, Delyse
Source: BMC medical research methodology. 18(1):1-22
5Academic Journal
Authors: Yeoman, Ian, Greenwood, Chris, McMahon-Beattie, Una
Source: In Futures 2009 41(6):387-395
6Academic Journal
Authors: Yeoman, Ian, John Lennon, J., Blake, Adam, Galt, Miriam, Greenwood, Chris, McMahon-Beattie, Una
Source: In Tourism Management 2007 28(5):1354-1365
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Authors: Greenwood, Chris
Source: Journal of tourism futures. 4(1):109-110
Authors: Greenwood, Chris
Source: American Rose; May/Jun2022, Vol. 47 Issue 9, p77-81, 5p
10Academic Journal
Authors: Olsson, Craig A., Spry, Elizabeth, Letcher, Primrose, McAnally, Helena, Thomson, Kim, Macdonald, Jacqui, Greenwood, Chris, Youssef, George, Romaniuk, Helena, Iosua, Ella, Sligo, Jude, Hutchinson, Delyse, McIntosh, Jenn, O'Connor, Meredith, McGee, Rob, Sanson, Ann, Hancox, Robert J., Patton, George C.
Source: Longitudinal & Life Course Studies; 2020, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p267-281, 15p
Subject Terms: MENTAL health, COHORT analysis, RESEARCH protocols, DEVELOPMENTAL psychology, ADULTS
Geographic Terms: NEW Zealand, AUSTRALIA
11Academic Journal
Authors: Greenwood, Chris
Source: International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing. Aug2002, Vol. 7 Issue 3, p1. 6p.
Subject Terms: *Direct marketing, *Fundraising, *Charities
Geographic Terms: United Kingdom
Authors: George Greenwood ; Chris Smyth
Source: Times, The (United Kingdom). 04/20/2023, p20-20. 1.
Authors: Greenwood, Chris
Source: American Rose; Nov/Dec2020, Vol. 45 Issue 12, p16-18, 3p
Authors: Greenwood, Chris
Source: New Scientist. 11/29/2008, Vol. 199 Issue 2684, p73-73. 1p.
Subject Terms: *FOOD storage, *REFRIGERATION & refrigerating machinery
15Academic Journal
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Authors: Greenwood, Chris, Fraser, Paul, Coupe, Gavin, Hinks, Mark
Source: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineering; May2014, Vol. 167 Issue 5, p25-32, 8p
Authors: Greenwood, Chris, Quinn, Matthew
Source: Journal of Tourism Futures; April 2017, Vol. 3 Issue: 1 p73-76, 4p
Source: Daily Mail. 6/17/2016, p1. 3p.
20Academic Journal
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