Source: 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE) Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), 2022 19th International Conference on. :1-6 Nov, 2022
Relation: 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE)
Authors: Izaguirre-Espinosa, C., Munoz-Vazquez, A., Sanchez-Orta, A., Parra-Vega, V., Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Castillo, P., Arreguin-Jasso, D.
Source: 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. :7613-7618 Oct, 2022
Relation: 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Authors: Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Parra-Vega, V., Ramos-Velasco, L.E., Reynoso, Martin, Navarrete, M.A.Vega, Mayorga, C.R. Dominguez, Arizpe-Carreon, P.A.
Source: 2019 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE) Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), 2019 16th International Conference on. :1-7 Sep, 2019
Relation: 2019 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE)
4Academic Journal
Authors: Ramos-Velasco, L.E., Parra-Vega, V., Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Vega-Navarrete, M.A., Trejo-Ramos, Ch., Olguín-Díaz, E.
Source: In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence July 2024 133 Part E
Authors: Guzman-Alvarado, M., Guzman-Solis, G., Obregon, J., Hernandez-Tuyin, J., Parra-Vega, V., Olguin-Diaz, E., Garcia-Rodriguez, R.
Source: 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on. :595-600 Nov, 2016
Relation: 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
6Academic Journal
Alternate Title: COVID-19 epidemiology in health and social health workers in the health area of A Coruña and Cee (English)
Authors: Bugallo-Sanz, X., Balboa-Barreiro, V., Pérez-Martínez, O., García-Rodríguez, R., Gómez-Besteiro, I., Pereira-Rodríguez, M.J.
Source: In Medicina de Familia. SEMERGEN July-August 2023 49(5)
Authors: Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Villalva-Lucio, M., Parra-Vega, V.
Source: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. :6231-6237 Sep, 2015
Relation: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Authors: Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Parra-Vega, V.
Source: 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. :2472-2478 Nov, 2013
Relation: 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013)
Authors: Armendariz, J., Parra-Vega, V., Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Hirai, S., Rosales, S., Machorro-Fernandez, F.A.
Source: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. :1956-1962 May, 2013
Relation: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Source: 2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Decision and Control (CDC), 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on. :1172-1179 Dec, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
Authors: Armendariz, J., Machorro-Fernandez, F., Parra-Vega, V., Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Hirai, Shinichi
Source: 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. :2977-2984 Oct, 2012
Relation: 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012)
Authors: Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Diaz-Rodriguez, G.
Source: 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA) Control and Automation (ICCA), 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on. :766-771 Dec, 2011
Relation: 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA)
Source: Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005. American Control Conference American Control Conference, 2005. Proceedings of the 2005. :3694-3700 vol. 5 2005
Relation: Proceedings of the 2005 American Control Conference
Authors: Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Parra-Vega, V.
Source: 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Intelligent robots and systems Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005. (IROS 2005). 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. :3726-3732 2005
Relation: 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Source: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2004. INDIN '04. 2004 Industrial informatics Industrial Informatics, 2004. INDIN '04. 2004 2nd IEEE International Conference on. :352-358 2004
Relation: 2004 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics
Authors: Krajden Haratz, K., Oliveira Szejnfeld, P., Govindaswamy, M., Leibovitz, Z., Gindes, L., Severino, M., Rossi, A., Paladini, D., Garcia Rodriguez, R., Ben‐Sira, L., Borkowski Tillman, T., Gupta, R., Lotem, G., Raz, N., Hamamoto, T. E. N. K., Kidron, D., Arad, A., Birnbaum, R., Brussilov, M., Pomar, L., Vial, Y., Leventer, R. J., McGillivray, G., Fink, M., Krzeszowski, W., Fernandes Moron, A., Lev, D., Tamarkin, M., Shalev, J., Har Toov, J., Lerman‐Sagie, T., Malinger, G.
Source: Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology. 58(6):864-874
17Academic Journal
Authors: Delgado, L.P., Figueroa-Torres, M.Z., Ceballos-Chuc, M.C., García-Rodríguez, R., Alvarado-Gil, J.J., Oskam, G., Rodriguez-Gattorno, G.
Source: In Materials Science & Engineering C December 2020 117
18Academic Journal
Authors: Bricio-Barrios, J.A., Ríos-Silva, M., García-Rodríguez, R., Huerta, M., Del Toro-Equihua, M., Ortiz-Mesina, M., Urzúa-García, Z., Trujillo, X.
Source: In Journal of Psychosomatic Research April 2020 131
Authors: Garcia-Rodriguez, R., Parra-Vega, V.
Source: 2006 IEEE 3rd Latin American Robotics Symposium Robotics Symposium, 2006. LARS '06. IEEE 3rd Latin American. :174-179 Oct, 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE 3rd Latin American Robotics Symposium
20Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Birth defects in women undergoing assisted reproduction techniques (English)
Authors: Emergui Zrihen, Y., García Escribano, P.A., Escamilla Galindo, E.P., Armas Roca, M., Torres Afonso, M.A., García Rodríguez, R., García Delgado, R., Medina Castellano, M.
Source: In Clinica e Investigacion en Ginecologia y Obstetricia October-December 2017 44(4):152-156