1Academic Journal
Authors: Carmines, Edward G., Fowler, Matthew
Source: Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 24(2):369-397
Availability: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/678118
2Academic Journal
Authors: Sharp, Lena, Fransson, Per, Fowler, Matthew, Ullgren, Helena
Source: In European Journal of Oncology Nursing June 2024 70
3Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Lu, Bergua, Roger, Robertson, Amy, Wright, Alan, Zalkind, Daniel, Fowler, Matthew, Lenfest, Eben, Viselli, Anthony, Goupee, Andrew, Kimball, Richard
Source: In Applied Energy 1 February 2024 355
Authors: Fowler, Matthew, Ndubuaku, Kachi, Yoosef-Ghodsi, Nader
Source: Proceedings of the international pipeline conference. 14(1):315-324
5Academic Journal
Authors: Allouche, Ismael, Zheng, Qian, Yoosef-Ghodsi, Nader, Fowler, Matthew, Li, Yong, Adeeb, Samer
Source: In Journal of Infrastructure Intelligence and Resilience November 2023 2(4)
Authors: Choiniere, Michael, Davis, Jacob, Nguyen, Nhu, Tom, Nathan, Fowler, Matthew, Thiagarajan, Krish
Source: Renewable energy. 194:875-884
7Academic Journal
Authors: Medenica, Vladimir E., Fowler, Matthew
Source: Political Research Quarterly, 2020 Dec 01. 73(4), 988-1003.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/45447221
Source: Proceedings of the ASME pressure vessels and piping conference. 2:V002T02A026-V002T02A026
9Academic Journal
Authors: Peterson, Darren J., Paek, Changyub, Tao, Ling, Davis, Ryan, Chen, Xiaowen, Brunecky, Roman, Fowler, Matthew, Elander, Richard
Source: Biotechnology for Biofuels & Bioproducts; 4/5/2024, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p1-21, 21p
Geographic Terms: GERMANY (East)
Source: Proceedings of the international pipeline conference. 13(1):V001T03A013-V001T03A013
Source: Proceedings / Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference ; sponsored by American Society of Civil Engineers [and] American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers. 2015:986-1001
Authors: Shimomura, Koichi, Fowler, Matthew, Keleman, Mike, Fischer, Conrad, Hogan, Matthew, Kim, Sangmin
Source: Proceedings / Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference ; sponsored by American Society of Civil Engineers [and] American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers. 2015:64-82
13Academic Journal
Authors: Fowler, Matthew
Source: PS: Political Science and Politics, 2016 Apr 01. 49(2), 215-220.
Access URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/24771685
Authors: Kruger, Jacob S., Schutter, Skylar, Knoshaug, Eric P., Panczak, Bonnie, Alt, Hannah, Sowell, Alicia, Van Wychen, Stefanie, Fowler, Matthew, Hirayama, Kyoko, Thakkar, Anuj, Kumar, Sandeep, Dong, Tao
Source: Energy & Fuels; May 2024, Vol. 38 Issue: 10 p8804-8816, 13p
15Academic Journal
Authors: Fowler, Matthew R., Park, Jae W.
Source: In LWT - Food Science and Technology May 2015 61(2):309-315
16Academic Journal
Authors: Medenica, Vladimir E.1 (AUTHOR) medenica@udel.edu, Fowler, Matthew2 (AUTHOR) mrfowler@uchicago.edu
Source: Forum (2194-6183). 2021, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p203-227. 25p.
Subject Terms: *VOTER turnout, *POLITICAL campaigns, *ELECTIONS, *VOTERS, UNITED States presidential election, 2016, JOB performance
People: TRUMP, Donald, 1946-
Authors: Ling, Bradley A., Lettenmaier, Terry, Fowler, Matthew, Cameron, Matthew, Viselli, Anthony M.
Source: Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering. 38(10):V010T09A025-V010T09A025
18Academic Journal
Authors: Penning, Bryan W., Sykes, Robert W., Babcock, Nicholas C., Dugard, Christopher K., Held, Michael A., Klimek, John F., Shreve, Jacob T., Fowler, Matthew, Ziebell, Angela, Davis, Mark F., Decker, Stephen R., Turner, Geoffrey B., Mosier, Nathan S., Springer, Nathan M., Thimmapuram, Jyothi, Weil, Clifford F., McCann, Maureen C., Carpita, Nicholas C.
Source: Plant Physiology, 2014 Aug 01. 165(4), 1475-1487.
Access URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.114.242446
19Academic Journal
Authors: Fowler, Matthew
Source: The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, 2014 Apr 01. 45(2), 425-462.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24375772
20Dissertation/ Thesis
Authors: Fowler, Matthew
Source: ProQuest LLC. 2012Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 345
Descriptors: Portfolios (Background Materials), Vocational Education, Case Studies, Electronic Publishing, Manufacturing Industry, Services, Employer Attitudes, Multimedia Materials, Performance Based Assessment, Qualitative Research, Personnel Selection, Recruitment, Job Skills, Occupational Surveys, Preferences, Ability Identification, Skill Analysis, Intermode Differences, Usability