Authors: Fatehi, F., Kyrychko, Y. N., Blyuss, K. B.
Source: Math. Biosci. 322, 108327 (2020)
Subject Terms: Nonlinear Sciences - Chaotic Dynamics, Mathematics - Probability, Physics - Chemical Physics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.04056
Authors: Fatehi, F., Kyrychko, Y. N., Molchanov, R., Blyuss, K. B.
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1810.11818
Authors: Fatehi, F., Kyrychko, S. N., Ross, A., Kyrychko, Y. N., Blyuss, K. B.
Source: Frontiers in Physiology 9, 45 (2018)
Subject Terms: Quantitative Biology - Tissues and Organs, Quantitative Biology - Quantitative Methods
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1805.07298
Authors: Baghdadchi, J., Fatehi, F.
Source: IJCNN'99. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Proceedings (Cat. No.99CH36339) Neural networks Neural Networks, 1999. IJCNN '99. International Joint Conference on. 2:1329-1332 vol.2 1999
Relation: Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks
5Academic Journal
Authors: Krizsan, S.J., Pang, D., Fatehi, F., Rinne, M., Huhtanen, P.
Source: In Animal 2020 14(4):753-762
Authors: Smith, J.R., Fatehi, F., Pierre, D.A.
Source: Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decision and control Decision and Control, 1994., Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on. 4:4055-4060 vol.4 1994
Relation: Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Authors: Fatehi, F., Pierre, D.A.
Source: Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decision and control Decision and Control, 1993., Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on. :587-593 vol.1 1993
Relation: Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Authors: Fatehi, F., Pierre, D.A., Smith, J.R.
Source: Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decision and control Decision and Control, 1993., Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on. :2358-2363 vol.3 1993
Relation: Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Authors: Fatehi, F., Rashidinejad, M., Gharaveisi, A. A.
Source: 2007 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering Power Engineering, 2007 Large Engineering Systems Conference on. :142-147 Oct, 2007
Relation: 2007 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering
Authors: Fatehi, F., Okhovat, A. A., Nilipour, Y., Mroczek, M., Straub, V., Töpf, A., Palibrk, A., Peric, S., Rakocevic Stojanovic, V., Najmabadi, H., Nafissi, S.
Source: European journal of neurology. 27(11):2257-2266
11Academic Journal
Authors: Fatehi, F., Smith, J.R., Pierre, D.A.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems IEEE Trans. Power Syst. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 11(2):774-780 May, 1996
12Academic Journal
Authors: Nehrir, M.H., Fatehi, F., Gerez, V.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Education IEEE Trans. Educ. Education, IEEE Transactions on. 38(2):166-170 May, 1995
13Academic Journal
Authors: Fockens, E., Fatehi, F., Attarian, S.
Source: In EMC – Neurologia April 2018 18(4):1-8
14Academic Journal
Authors: Smith, J.R., Fatehi, F., Woods, C.S., Hauer, J.F., Trudnowski, D.J.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems IEEE Trans. Power Syst. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 8(3):1282-1290 Aug, 1993
Authors: Zali, A., Eftekhari, M., Pourasad, K., Ganjkhanlou, M., Fatehi, F., Pour, H. Zakaria
Source: Journal of animal and feed sciences. 28(4):321-327
Authors: Fatehi, F., Parnian-khajehdizaj, F., Tar, M., Salem, A.Z.M.
Source: Animal feed science and technology. 294
Authors: Karimi, M., Ganjkhanlou, M., Zali, A., Parnian-khajehdizaj, F., Karimi-Azandariyani, S., Fatehi, F., Towhidi, A., Zakariapour, H., Khanaki, H.
Source: Small ruminant research. 215
18Academic Journal
Authors: Krizsan, S.J., Gidlund, H., Fatehi, F., Huhtanen, P.
Source: In Journal of Dairy Science October 2017 100(10):8004-8017
19Academic Journal
Authors: Fatehi, F., Salort-Campana, E., Le Troter, A., Bendahan, D., Attarian, S.
Source: In Revue Neurologique October 2016 172(10):566-571
20Academic Journal
Authors: Boustani, A., Fatehi, F., Azizinezhad, R.
Source: Cereal Research Communications, 2017 Jan 01. 45(3), 401-410.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26754720