Authors: Fields, B., Bodik, R., Hill, M.D.
Source: Proceedings 29th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture Computer architecture Computer Architecture, 2002. Proceedings. 29th Annual International Symposium on. :47-58 2002
Relation: Proceedings of 29th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
Authors: Fields, B., Rubin, S., Bodik, R.
Source: Proceedings 28th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture Computer architecture Computer Architecture, 2001. Proceedings. 28th Annual International Symposium on. :74-85 2001
Relation: Proceedings of 28th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
3Academic Journal
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Source: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia IEEE Trans. Multimedia Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 13(4):674-686 Aug, 2011
Authors: de Lemos, R., Fields, B., Saeed, A.
Source: Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer-Based Systems Systems engineering of computer based systems Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium and Workshop on. :374-381 1995
Relation: Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer-Based Systems
Authors: Wright, P., Fields, B., Harrison, M.
Source: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering Requirements Engineering, 1994., Proceedings of the First International Conference on. :135-142 1994
Relation: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering
Authors: Islam, R., Campbell, W. C., Choi, T., Clark, S. M., Debnath, S., Edwards, E. E., Fields, B., Hayes, D., Hucul, D., Inlek, I. V., Johnson, K. G., Korenblit, S., Lee, A., Lee, K. W., Manning, T. A., Matsukevich, D. N., Mizrahi, J., Quraishi, Q., Senko, C., Smith, J., Monroe, C.
Source: Optics Letters, 39(11), 2014
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Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6846
Authors: Talsma, B., Fields, B. J., Vincent, K. L., Smith, W. B., Speshock, J. L., Waddell, J., Snyder, D., Dias, N. W., Mercadante, V. R. G., Jones, T.
Source: Bovine practitioner. 54(2):130-135
Authors: Müller, H. -R., Frisch, P. C., Fields, B. D., Zank, G. P.
Source: Space Science Reviews 143, 415-425 (2009)
Subject Terms: Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.0441
Authors: Siegal-Gaskins, J. M., Pavlidou, V., Olinto, A. V., Brown, C., Fields, B. D.
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Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.0874
Authors: Pavlidou, V., Siegal-Gaskins, J. M., Fields, B. D., Olinto, A. V., Brown, C.
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Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.0619
Authors: Pavlidou, V., Siegal-Gaskins, J. M., Brown, C., Fields, B. D., Olinto, A. V.
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Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0611271
Authors: Siegal-Gaskins, J. M., Pavlidou, V., Olinto, A. V., Brown, C., Fields, B. D.
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Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0611273
Authors: Prodanovic, T., Fields, B. D.
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Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0605675
14Academic Journal
Authors: Fields, B., Elvang-Goransson, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IIEEE Trans. Software Eng. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 18(4):279-295 Apr, 1992
15Academic Journal
Authors: Fields, B. S.
Source: Epidemiology and Infection, 2007 Jul 01. 135(5), 811-817.
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/4621125
17Academic Journal
Authors: Nguyen, P.H., Xu, K., Wheat, A., Wong, B.W., Attfield, S., Fields, B.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 22(1):41-50 Jan, 2016
Authors: Lin, T. F., Fields, B., Gress, J., Poirier, J.
Source: 26th ICRC, vol 2, 100 (1999); HE.3.2.09
Subject Terms: Astrophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0004396
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Source: Progress of theoretical and experimental physics. 2022(8)