1Academic Journal
Authors: Henriques, Goncalo Castro1, gch@fau.ufrj.br, Passaro, Andres Martin1, Garcia Alvarado, Rodrigo2, González Böhme, Luis Felipe3, Quitral Zapata, Francisco Javier3, Araya, Sergio4
Source: International Journal of Architectural Computing; Mar2025, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p153-173, 21p
2Academic Journal
Research Status and Development Direction of Formation Damage Prediction and Diagnosis Technologies.
Authors: Sun, Zhe1, zhe.sun@ucalgary.ca, Chen, Zhangxing1,2, zhe.sun@ucalgary.cazhachen@ucalgary.ca
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Feb2025, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p1169, 26p
3Academic Journal
Authors: Irvine, Nicola1 (AUTHOR) nicola.irvine@gcu.ac.uk, Van Der Meer, Robert2 (AUTHOR), Megiddo, Itamar2 (AUTHOR)
Source: PLoS ONE. 1/22/2025, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p1-18. 18p.
Subject Terms: *CITY dwellers, *EXPERT systems, *OUTPATIENT medical care, *DECISION making, *GOAL (Psychology)
4Academic Journal
Authors: Skrzek, Kinga1 (AUTHOR) emilia.mazgajczyk@pwr.edu.pl, Mazgajczyk, Emilia1 (AUTHOR), Dybała, Bogdan1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Materials (1996-1944). Jan2025, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p324. 16p.
Subject Terms: *ANALYTIC hierarchy process, *FUZZY expert systems, *MACHINE learning, *MEMBERSHIP functions (Fuzzy logic), *FUZZY logic
5Academic Journal
Authors: Ma, Fanglan1,2, Zhu, Changsheng1, zhucs@lut.edu.cn, Lei, Peng1,3, Yuan, Peiwen1
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Jan2025, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p883, 16p
6Academic Journal
Alternate Title: A proposal of analysis of the evidential discourse.
Authors: LIRA RODRÍGUEZ, RENATO1 renatolirarodriguez@gmail.com
Source: EMPIRIA: Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales. ene-abr2025, Issue 63, p15-39. 25p.
Subject Terms: *JUDGES, *EXPERT evidence, *JUSTICE administration, *DISCOURSE analysis, *LEGAL judgments
7Academic Journal
Authors: Gaurav, Vishal1 (AUTHOR), Grover, Chander2 (AUTHOR) chandergroverkubba76@gmail.com, Tyagi, Mehul3 (AUTHOR), Saurabh, Suman4 (AUTHOR)
Source: Indian Dermatology Online Journal. Jan/Feb2025, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p40-49. 10p.
Subject Terms: *NATURAL language processing, *EXPERT systems, *CONVOLUTIONAL neural networks, *NAIL diseases, *CONNECTIVE tissue diseases
8Academic Journal
Authors: Khalane, Aaishwarya1, Makwana, Rikesh1, Shaikh, Talal1, t.a.g.shaikh@hw.ac.uk, Ullah, Abrar1
Source: Expert Systems; Jan2025, Vol. 42 Issue 1, p1-25, 25p
9Academic Journal
Authors: Rudnik, Katarzyna1 (AUTHOR) k.rudnik@po.edu.pl, Chwastyk, Anna2 (AUTHOR) a.chwastyk@po.edu.pl, Pisz, Iwona3 (AUTHOR) ipisz@uni.opole.pl
Source: Entropy. Oct2024, Vol. 26 Issue 10, p860. 22p.
Subject Terms: *FUZZY decision making, *FUZZY expert systems, *SUPPLY chain management, *MULTIPLE criteria decision making, *FUZZY logic, *EXPERT systems
10Academic Journal
Authors: Truong Hong Thuy1 truonghongthuy@tump.edu.vn, Ha Manh Toan2 hmtoan@ioit.ac.vn, Vu Tung Lam3 lamvu847@gmail.com, Nguyen Hoang Phuong4 phuongnh@thanglong.edu.vn
Source: Telkomnika. Oct2024, Vol. 22 Issue 5, p1167-1177. 11p.
Subject Terms: *FUZZY expert systems, *TRADITIONAL medicine, *ABELIAN groups, *DIAGNOSIS, *USER interfaces, *EXPERT systems
11Academic Journal
Authors: DeRosia, Eric1, Egbert, Jesse2, Lee, Thomas3
Source: Brigham Young University Law Review. 2024, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p1-47. 47p.
Subject Terms: *Trademark infringement, *Consumer surveys, Expert evidence, Linguistic analysis, Linguistic context
12Academic Journal
Authors: Gutiérrez-Martín, Laura1 (AUTHOR) lagutier@ing.uc3m.es, López-Ongil, Celia1,2 (AUTHOR) lagutier@ing.uc3m.es, Lanza-Gutiérrez, Jose M.3 (AUTHOR) jm.lanza@uah.es, Miranda Calero, Jose A.2,4 (AUTHOR) jose.mirandacalero@epfl.ch
Source: Sensors (14248220). Dec2024, Vol. 24 Issue 24, p8110. 17p.
Subject Terms: *GENDER-based violence, *EXPERT systems, *ABUSE of older people, *ARTIFICIAL intelligence, *EMOTION recognition, *AFFECTIVE computing
13Academic Journal
Authors: Zhang, Xin1, Ma, Liang1, Hao, Feifei2, aifeifei0210@126.com, Wang, Gaoshan1, Zhang, Ge1
Source: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction; Dec2024, Vol. 40 Issue 24, p8447-8462, 16p
14Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Discretion of Judgment and Internal Freedom Relating to a coram Salvatori Sentence, 15 March 2023.
Authors: FERRER ORTIZ, Javier1 jferrer@unizar.es
Source: Ius Canonicum. dic2024, Vol. 64 Issue 128, p805-836. 32p.
Subject Terms: *EXPERT evidence, *LEGAL evidence, *LEGAL judgments, *DISCRETION, *JURISPRUDENCE
15Academic Journal
Authors: Jo, Hyeon1, Park, Do-Hyung2, dohyungpark@kookmin.ac.kr
Source: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction; Dec2024, Vol. 40 Issue 23, p8091-8106, 16p
16Academic Journal
Authors: Alsamia, Shaymaa1,2 (AUTHOR) shaymaam.alsameea@uokufa.edu.iq, Koch, Edina1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Scientific Reports. 11/20/2024, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-18. 18p.
Subject Terms: *FUZZY expert systems, *ARTIFICIAL neural networks, *GEOTECHNICAL engineering, *SOIL pollution, *ENVIRONMENTAL engineering
17Academic Journal
Authors: Hu, Chih-Chien1, holdenhu@gm.ttu.edu.tw
Source: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction; Nov2024, Vol. 40 Issue 22, p7193-7213, 21p
18Academic Journal
A Systematic Review of Expert Systems for Improving Energy Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry.
Authors: Ioshchikhes, Borys1 (AUTHOR) b.ioshchikhes@ptw.tu-darmstadt.de, Frank, Michael1 (AUTHOR), Weigold, Matthias1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Energies (19961073). Oct2024, Vol. 17 Issue 19, p4780. 21p.
Subject Terms: *ELECTRIC power consumption, *EXPERT systems, *EVIDENCE gaps, *ENERGY consumption, *MANUFACTURING processes
19Academic Journal
Authors: Estrada Ortega, Rosa Lizeth1 mc220010@alumnos.upa.edu.mx, José Eder, Guzmán-Mendoza1
Source: International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems & Informatics. 2024, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p126-144. 19p.
Subject Terms: *FUZZY expert systems, *USER-centered system design, *EXPERT systems, *FUZZY logic, *RECOMMENDER systems
20Academic Journal
Authors: ALTTAR, Kayed1 KAYEd.ALATTAR@iu.edu.jo, NOUR, Mahmoud Ibrahim2 mohmoud.noor@iu.edu.jo, ALMUBAIDEEN, Haitham2 halmubaideen@iu.ede.jo, Mustafa, Lena3 Lena.zayed@iu.edu.jo, ZAYED, Mahmoud3 mohmmed.almashaqbeh@iu.edu.jo, ALMASHAQBEH, Mohammad3 Majdi.alsaaideh@iu.edu.jo, Majdialsaaideh3
Source: Quality - Access to Success. Jul2024, Vol. 25 Issue 201, p312-321. 10p.
Subject Terms: *Expert systems, *User interfaces, *Order picking systems, *Financial analysts, Statistical significance, Knowledge base