1Academic Journal
Authors: Turnbull, C., Garrett, A., Loong, L., Choi, S., Torr, B., Allen, S., Durkie, M., Callaway, A., Drummond, J., Burghel, G.J., Robinson, R., Berry, I.R., Wallace, A.J., Eccles, D.M., Tischkowitz, M., Ellard, S., Hanson, H., Baple, E., Evans, D.G., Woodward, E., Lalloo, F., Samant, S., Lucassen, A., Znaczko, A., Shaw, A., Ansari, A., Kumar, A., Donaldson, A., Murray, A., Ross, A., Taylor-Beadling, A., Taylor, A., Innes, A., Brady, A., Kulkarni, A., Hogg, A.C., Bowden, A. 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Source: In Genetics in Medicine February 2025 27(2)
2Academic Journal
Authors: Rowlands, C.F., Allen, S., Balmaña, J., Domchek, S.M., Evans, D.G., Hanson, H., Hoogerbrugge, N., James, P.A., Nathanson, K.L., Robson, M., Tischkowitz, M., Foulkes, W.D., Turnbull, C.
Source: In Annals of Oncology October 2024 35(10):892-901
3Academic Journal
Authors: Anton-Rodriguez, J.M., Julyan, P., Djoukhadar, I., Russell, D., Evans, D.G., Jackson, A., Matthews, J.C.
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4Academic Journal
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5Academic Journal
Authors: Ardern-Jones, A., Adlard, J., Ahmed, M., Attard, G., Bailey, K., Bancroft, E., Bardsley, C., Barton, D., Bartlett, M., Barwell, J., Baxter, L., Belk, R., Berg, J., Bernhard, B., Bishop, T., Boyes, L., Bradshaw, N., Brady, A.F., Brant, S., Brewer, C., Brice, G., Bromilow, G., Brooks, C., Bruce, A., Bulman, B., Burgess, L., Campbell, J., Canham, N., Castle, B., Cetnarskyj, R., Chapman, C., Claber, O., Coates, N., Cole, T., Collins, A., Cook, J., Coulson, S., Crawford, G., Cruger, D., Cummings, C., D’Mello, L., Davidson, R., Day, L., Dell, B., Dolling, C., Donaldson, A., Dorkins, H., Douglas, F., Downing, S., Drummond, S., Dubras, C., Dunlop, J., Durrell, S., Eccles, D., Eddy, C., Edwards, M., Edwards, E., Edwardson, J., Eeles, R., Ellis, I., Elmslie, F., Evans, G., Gibbons, B., Gardiner, C., Ghali, N., Giblin, C., Gibson, S., Goff, S., Goodman, S., Goudie, D., Greenhalgh, L., Grier, J., Gregory, H., Halliday, S., Hardy, R., Hartigan, C., Heaton, T., Henderson, A., Higgins, C., Hodgson, S., Homfray, T., Horrigan, D., Houghton, C., Houlston, R.S., Hughes, L., Hunt, V., Irvine, L., Izatt, L., Jacobs, C., James, S., James, M., Jeffers, L., Jobson, I., Jones, W., Kennedy, M.J., Kenwrick, S., Kightley, C., Kirk, C., Kirk, E., Kivuva, E., Kohut, K., Kosicka-Slawinska, M., Kulkarni, A., Kumar, A., Lalloo, F., Lambord, N., Langman, C., Leonard, P., Levene, S., Locker, S., Logan, P., Longmuir, M., Lucassen, A., Lyus, V., Magee, A., Male, A., Mansour, S., McBride, D., McCann, E., McConnell, V., McEntagart, M., McKeown, C., McLeish, L., McLeod, D., Melville, A., Mercer, L., Mercer, C., Miedzybrodzka, Z., Mitra, A., Morrison, P.J., Murday, V., Murray, A., Myhill, K., Myring, J., O'Hara, E., Paterson, J., Pearson, P., Pichert, G., Platt, K., Porteous, M., Pottinger, C., Price, S., Protheroe, L., Pugh, S., Quarrell, O., Randhawa, K., Riddick, C., Robertson, L., Robinson, A., Roffey-Johnson, V., Rogers, M., Rose, S., Rowe, S., Schofield, A., Rahman, N., Saya, S., Scott, G., Scott, J., Searle, A., Shanley, S., Sharif, S., Shaw, A., Shaw, J., Shea-Simonds, J., Side, L., Sillibourne, J., Simon, K., Simpson, S., Slater, S., Smalley, S., Smith, K., Snadden, L., Snape, K., Soloway, J., Stait, Y., Stayner, B., Steel, M., Steel, C., Stewart, H., Stirling, D., Thomas, M., Thomas, S., Tomkins, S., Turner, H., Vandersteen, A., Wakeling, E., Waldrup, F., Walker, L., Watt, C., Watts, S., Webber, A., Whyte, C., Wiggins, J., Williams, E., Winchester, L., Loveday, C., Garrett, A., Law, P., Hanks, S., Poyastro-Pearson, E., Adlard, J.W., Rogers, M.T., Evans, D.G., Hanson, H., Turnbull, C.
Source: In Annals of Oncology December 2022 33(12):1318-1327
Authors: Gandhi, A., Duxbury, P., Murphy, J., Foden, P., Lalloo, F., Clancy, T., Wisely, J., Kirwan, CC, Howell, A., Evans, D.G.
Source: Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery. 75(1):69-76
7Academic Journal
Authors: Seppälä, Toni T., Dominguez-Valentin, Mev, Crosbie, Emma J., Engel, Christoph, Aretz, Stefan, Macrae, Finlay, Winship, Ingrid, Capella, Gabriel, Thomas, Huw, Hovig, Eivind, Nielsen, Maartje, Sijmons, Rolf H., Bertario, Lucio, Bonanni, Bernardo, Tibiletti, Maria G., Cavestro, Giulia M., Mints, Miriam, Gluck, Nathan, Katz, Lior, Heinimann, Karl, Vaccaro, Carlos A., Green, Kate, Lalloo, Fiona, Hill, James, Schmiegel, Wolff, Vangala, Deepak, Perne, Claudia, Strauß, Hans-Georg, Tecklenburg, Johanna, Holinski-Feder, Elke, Steinke-Lange, Verena, Mecklin, Jukka-Pekka, Plazzer, John-Paul, Pineda, Marta, Navarro, Matilde, Vida, Joan B., Kariv, Revital, Rosner, Guy, Piñero, Tamara A., Pavicic, Walter, Kalfayan, Pablo, ten Broeke, Sanne W., Jenkins, Mark A., Sunde, Lone, Bernstein, Inge, Burn, John, Greenblatt, Marc, de Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Wouter H., Della Valle, Adriana, Lopez-Koestner, Francisco, Alvarez, Karin, Büttner, Reinhard, Görgens, Heike, Morak, Monika, Holzapfel, Stefanie, Hüneburg, Robert, von Knebel Doeberitz, Magnus, Loeffler, Markus, Redler, Silke, Weitz, Jürgen, Pylvänäinen, Kirsi, Renkonen-Sinisalo, Laura, Lepistö, Anna, Hopper, John L., Win, Aung K., Lindor, Noralane M., Gallinger, Steven, Le Marchand, Loïc, Newcomb, Polly A., Figueiredo, Jane C., Thibodeau, Stephen N., Therkildsen, Christina, Wadt, Karin A.W., Mourits, Marian J.E., Ketabi, Zohreh, Denton, Oliver G., Rødland, Einar A., Vasen, Hans, Neffa, Florencia, Esperon, Patricia, Tjandra, Douglas, Möslein, Gabriela, Rokkones, Erik, Sampson, Julian R., Evans, D.G., Møller, Pål
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