1Academic Journal
Authors: Shi, Xingyu1 (AUTHOR) xingyu.shi@outlook.com, Chen, Mingjian1 (AUTHOR), Li, Wanli1 (AUTHOR), Li, Yuxing1 (AUTHOR), Lv, Wei1 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Wenlong1 (AUTHOR), Shen, Yang1 (AUTHOR), Li, Xueqing1 (AUTHOR), Yu, Jiashu1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Remote Sensing. Feb2025, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p620. 19p.
Subject Terms: *GLOBAL Positioning System, *LOW earth orbit satellites, *SATELLITE positioning, *ELECTROMAGNETIC interference, *ARTIFICIAL satellites in navigation
2Academic Journal
Authors: Chen, Yan1,2,3,4 (AUTHOR) zhouyiqing@ict.ac.cn, Cao, Huan2,3,4 (AUTHOR) sjl@ict.ac.cn, Wang, Longhe2,3,4 (AUTHOR), Chen, Daojin2,3,4 (AUTHOR), Liu, Zifan2,3,4,5 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Yiqing1,2,3,4,5 (AUTHOR), Shi, Jinglin1,2,3,4,5 (AUTHOR)
Source: Sensors (14248220). Feb2025, Vol. 25 Issue 4, p1232. 23p.
Subject Terms: *DEEP reinforcement learning, *LOW earth orbit satellites, *GRAPH neural networks, *REWARD (Psychology), *TELECOMMUNICATION satellites
3Academic Journal
Authors: Ahn, Soi1,2 (AUTHOR) jjahn@korea.kr, Lee, Meehye2 (AUTHOR) meehye@korea.ac.kr, Kim, Hyeon-Su3 (AUTHOR) atmos1305@korea.kr, Sohn, Eun-ha3 (AUTHOR) soneh431@korea.kr, Jeong, Jin-Yong4 (AUTHOR) jyjeong@kiost.ac.kr
Source: Remote Sensing. Feb2025, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p382. 33p.
Subject Terms: *LOW earth orbit satellites, *CARBON-black, *OPTICAL measurements, *SEASONS, *AEROSOLS
4Academic Journal
Authors: Peters, Anthony1 (AUTHOR) arp2225@columbia.edu, Preindl, Matthias1 (AUTHOR) matthias.preindl@columbia.edu, Fthenakis, Vasilis1,2 (AUTHOR) vmf5@columbia.edu
Source: Energies (19961073). Feb2025, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p509. 16p.
Subject Terms: *LOW earth orbit satellites, *GEOSYNCHRONOUS orbits, *POWER semiconductors, *SEMICONDUCTOR materials, *ENERGY dissipation, *ASTROPHYSICAL radiation
5Academic Journal
Authors: Lian, Yiming1,2 (AUTHOR) lianyiming23@mails.ucas.ac.cn, Wu, Yuxuan1 (AUTHOR) wuyuxuan@apm.ac.cn, Chen, Yaowen1,3 (AUTHOR) chenyaowen@stu.cdut.edu.cn, Liu, Xian1,3 (AUTHOR) liuxian@stu.cdut.edu.cn, Jiang, Liming1,2 (AUTHOR) jlm@apm.ac.cn
Source: Remote Sensing. Jan2025, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p96. 16p.
Subject Terms: *LOW earth orbit satellites, *SATELLITE positioning, *ALMANACS, *RADAR, *ANGLES
Authors: Dhar, Payal (AUTHOR)
Source: Science News Explores. Feb2025, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p16-21. 6p. 7 Color Photographs, 1 Cartoon or Caricature.
Subjects: LOW earth orbit satellites, MARS (Planet), SHORTWAVE radio, INDUSTRIAL engineers, MARS rovers, OPTICAL communications
7Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Bo1 (AUTHOR), Lv, Jiaqi1 (AUTHOR), Huang, Dongyan1 (AUTHOR) huangdongyangua@163.com, Lu, Zelin1 (AUTHOR), Fang, Yuhang1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Sensors (14248220). Dec2024, Vol. 24 Issue 24, p8184. 14p.
Subject Terms: *LOW earth orbit satellites, *ENERGY consumption, *GREEN business, *MARKOV processes, *CLEAN energy
8Academic Journal
Authors: Wang, Zhisen1 (AUTHOR), Lu, Hu1,2 (AUTHOR) sdkmsdn@qq.com, Bian, Zhiang1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Scientific Reports. 12/12/2024, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-11. 11p.
Subject Terms: *LOW earth orbit satellites, *GLOBAL Positioning System, *TRANSFORMER models, *TELECOMMUNICATION satellites, *DEEP learning, *DOPPLER effect
9Academic Journal
Authors: Abdrabou, Mohammed1 (AUTHOR), Gebali, Fayez2 (AUTHOR), Shawky, Mahmoud A.3 (AUTHOR), Alluhaidan, Ala S.4 (AUTHOR) asalluhaidan@pnu.edu.sa, Mansour, Ahmed E.5 (AUTHOR), El-Rahman, Sahar A.6 (AUTHOR), Al-ahwal, Ayman7 (AUTHOR), Shamseldin, Tamer1 (AUTHOR)
Source: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications & Networking. 11/23/2024, Vol. 2024 Issue 1, p1-21. 21p.
Subject Terms: *LOW earth orbit satellites, *MARKOV processes, *EARTH stations, *INFORMATION networks, *SEED exchanges
10Government Document
Authors: Ludwigson, Jon1
Source: GAO Reports. 2/26/2025, pi-50. 56p.
Subject Terms: *Government contractors, *Warning labels, Low earth orbit satellites, Laser communication systems, Space (Architecture), Optical receivers, Radio technology
Company/Entity: United States. Government Accountability Office
Source: 2025 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworks (COMSNETS) COMmunication Systems and NETworks (COMSNETS), 2025 17th International Conference on. :340-347 Jan, 2025
Relation: 2025 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworks (COMSNETS)
12Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Preliminary stakeholders' analysis for FACSAT-3 satellite mission.
Authors: Cárdenas-García, Juan Manuel1 juanm.cardenas@fac.mil.co, Sáenz-Hernández, Germán Darío1 german.saenzh@fac.mil.co, Díaz-Álvarez, David Andrés2 david.diaza@udea.edu.co, Pirazan-Villanueva, Karen Nicole1 karen.villanueva@epfac.edu.co, Barrera-Molano, Sergio Fernando1 sergio.barrera@fac.mil.co
Source: UIS Ingenierías. jul-sep2024, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p71-83. 13p.
Subject Terms: *LOW earth orbit satellites, *REMOTE sensing, *ENGINEERING systems
13Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Channel Estimation of OTFS Based on Compressive Sensing in Satellite-Ground Communication.
Source: Telecommunication Engineering. 2/28/2025, Vol. 65 Issue 2, p214-222. 9p.
14Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Sensors Journal IEEE Sensors J. Sensors Journal, IEEE. 25(6):10063-10078 Mar, 2025
15Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 12(6):7459-7471 Mar, 2025
16Academic Journal
Authors: Ngo, Q.T., Jayawickrama, B., He, Y., Dutkiewicz, E.
Source: IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 12(6):7532-7548 Mar, 2025
17Academic Journal
Authors: Min, Jia, Jian, Wu, Liang, Zhang, Xinyu, Wang, Qing, Guo
Source: China Communications China Commun. Communications, China. 22(3):1-15 Mar, 2025
18Academic Journal
Authors: Barclay, B.M., Kostelich, E.J., Mahalov, A.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on. 73(3):1840-1845 Mar, 2025
19Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on. 24(3):1916-1933 Mar, 2025
20Academic Journal
Source: IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE. 24(3):656-660 Mar, 2025