Authors: Alexeff, I., Dyer, F., Rader, M.
Source: International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far-Infrared Technology Millimeter Wave and Far-Infrared Technology, 1990. ICMWFT '90. International Conference on. :144-147 1990
Relation: International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far-Infrared Technology
Authors: Schiller, D., Datry, T., Corti, R., Foulquier, A., Tockner, K., Marcé, R., García‐Baquero, G., Odriozola, I., Obrador, B., Elosegi, A., Mendoza‐Lera, C., Gessner, M. O., Stubbington, R., Albariño, R., Allen, D. C., Altermatt, F., Arce, M. I., Arnon, S., Banas, D., Banegas‐Medina, A., Beller, E., Blanchette, M. L., Blanco‐Libreros, J. F., Blessing, J., Boëchat, I. G., Boersma, K. S., Bogan, M. T., Bonada, N., Bond, N. R., Brintrup, K., Bruder, A., Burrows, R. M., Cancellario, T., Carlson, S. M., Cauvy‐Fraunié, S., Cid, N., Danger, M., Freitas Terra, B., Dehedin, A., De Girolamo, A. M., Campo, R., Díaz‐Villanueva, V., Duerdoth, C. P., Dyer, F., Faye, E., Febria, C., Figueroa, R., Four, B., Gafny, S., Gómez, R., Gómez‐Gener, L., Graça, M. A. S., Guareschi, S., Gücker, B., Hoppeler, F., Hwan, J. L., Kubheka, S., Laini, A., Langhans, S. D., Leigh, C., Little, C. J., Lorenz, S., Marshall, J., Martín, E. J., McIntosh, A., Meyer, E. I., Miliša, M., Mlambo, M. C., Moleón, M., Morais, M., Negus, P., Niyogi, D., Papatheodoulou, A., Pardo, I., Pařil, P., Pešić, V., Piscart, C., Polášek, M., Rodríguez‐Lozano, P., Rolls, R. J., Sánchez‐Montoya, M. M., Savić, A., Shumilova, O., Steward, A., Taleb, A., Uzan, A., Vander Vorste, R., Waltham, N., Woelfle‐Erskine, C., Zak, D., Zarfl, C., Zoppini, A.
Source: Global biogeochemical cycles. 33(10):1251-1263
3Academic Journal
Authors: Merritt, W.S., Fu, B., Ticehurst, J.L., El Sawah, S., Vigiak, O., Roberts, A.M., Dyer, F., Pollino, C.A., Guillaume, J.H.A., Croke, B.F.W., Jakeman, A.J.
Source: In Environmental Modelling and Software August 2017 94:63-72
Authors: Rader, M., Dyer, F., Matas, A., Alexeff, I.
Source: 1990 Plasma Science IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts Plasma Science, 1990. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts., 1990 IEEE International Conference on. :171 1990
Relation: 1990 Plasma Science IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts
Authors: Dyer, F., Rader, M., Matas, A., Bernhard, B., Alexeff, I.
Source: 1990 Plasma Science IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts Plasma Science, 1990. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts., 1990 IEEE International Conference on. :209 1990
Relation: 1990 Plasma Science IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts
Authors: Datry, T., Foulquier, A., Corti, R., Schiller, D., Tockner, K., Mendoza-Lera, C., Clément, J., Gessner, M., Moleón, M., Stubbington, R., Gücker, B., Albariño, R., Allen, D., Altermatt, F., Arce, M., Arnon, S., Banas, D., Banegas-Medina, A., Beller, E., Blanchette, M., Blanco-Libreros, J., Blessing, J., Boëchat, I., Boersma, K., Bogan, M., Bonada, N., Bond, N., Brintrup Barría, K., Bruder, A., Burrows, R., Cancellario, T., Canhoto, C., Carlson, S., Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Cid, N., Danger, M., Freitas Terra, Bianca, Girolamo, A., La Barra, Evans, Campo, R., Diaz-Villanueva, V., Dyer, F., Elosegi, A., Faye, E., Febria, C., Four, B., Gafny, S., Ghate, S., Gómez, R., Gómez-Gener, L., Graça, M., Guareschi, S., Hoppeler, F., Hwan, J., Jones, J., Kubheka, S., Laini, A., Langhans, S., Leigh, C., Little, C., Lorenz, S., Marshall, J., Martín, E., McIntosh, A., Meyer, E., Miliša, M., Mlambo, M., Morais, M., Moya, N., Negus, P., Niyogi, D., Papatheodoulou, A., Pardo, I., Pařil, P., Pauls, S., Pešić, V., Polášek, M., Robinson, C., Rodríguez-Lozano, P., Rolls, R., Sánchez-Montoya, M., Savić, A., Shumilova, O., Sridhar, K., Steward, A., Storey, R., Taleb, A., Uzan, A., Vander Vorste, Ross, Waltham, N., Woelfle-Erskine, C., Zak, D., Zarfl, C., Zoppini, A.
Source: Nature geoscience. 11(7):497-503
Authors: Dyer, F., El Sawah, S., Harrison, E., Broad, S., Croke, B., Norris, R., Jakeman, A.
Source: IAHS PUBLICATION. (348):178-183
Authors: Alexeff, I., Dyer, F., Rader, M.
Source: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 1991 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science Plasma Science, 1991. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts., 1991 IEEE International Conference on. :86-86 1991
Relation: 1991 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
Authors: Minut, S., Mahadevan, S., Henderson, J. M., Dyer, F. C.
Authors: Dyer, F., Askew, A.J.
Source: Hydrological sciences journal. 60(12):2214-2218
Authors: Kath, J., Powell, S., Reardon-Smith, K., El Sawah, S., Jakeman, A. J., Croke, B. F., Dyer, F. J.
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY -OXFORD-. 52(5):1116-1125
Authors: Vysna, V., Dyer, F., Maher, W., Norris, R.
Authors: Currie, N., Dyer, F., Martin, E.
Source: 1976 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1976. 14:575-578 1976
Relation: 1976 Antennas and Propagation Society
Authors: Hayes, R., Dyer, F., Currie, N.
Source: 1976 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1976. 14:93-96 1976
Relation: 1976 Antennas and Propagation Society
Authors: Currie, N., Dyer, F., Ewell, G.
Source: 1976 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1976. 14:579-582 1976
Relation: 1976 Antennas and Propagation Society
Authors: Alexeff, I., Rader, M., Dyer, F.
Source: [Conference Digest] International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far-Infrared Technology: ICMWFT '90 Millimeter Wave and Far-Infrared Technology, 1989. ICMWFT '89. International Conference on. :583-587 1989
Relation: 1990 International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far-Infrared Technology
Authors: Alexeff, I., Radar, M., Dyer, F.
Source: Conference Proceedings '88., IEEE Southeastcon Southeastcon '88., IEEE Conference Proceedings. :646-649 1988
Relation: Conference Proceedings '88 IEEE Southeastcon
Source: 1974 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1974. 12:319-322 1974
Relation: 1974 Antennas and Propagation Society
Authors: Dyer, F., Currie, N.
Source: 1974 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1974. 12:323-326 1974
Relation: 1974 Antennas and Propagation Society
Authors: Acreman, M., Arthington, A.H., Colloff, M.J., Couch, C., Crossman, N.D., Dyer, F., Overton, I., Pollino, C.A., Stewardson, M.J., Young, W.