Showing 1 - 20 results of 79 Refine Results
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    Source: 2017 IEEE 3rd Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC) Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC), 2017 IEEE 3rd. :754-757 Oct, 2017

    Relation: 2017 IEEE 3rd Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC)

  3. 3

    Source: 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA) Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA), 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference on. :509-514 Apr, 2017

    Relation: 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA)

  4. 4

    Source: 2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on. :281-291 May, 2015

    Relation: 2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid)

  5. 5

    Source: 2012 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2012 9th International Conference on. :352-355 May, 2012

    Relation: 2012 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD)

  6. 6

    Source: 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum (IPDPSW), 2012 IEEE 26th International. :497-506 May, 2012

    Relation: 2012 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)

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    Source: 2010 IEEE Sixth International Conference on e-Science e-Science (e-Science), 2010 IEEE Sixth International Conference on. :214-221 Dec, 2010

    Relation: 2010 IEEE 6th International Conference on E Science (e-Science)

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    Source: 2010 3rd Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS), 2010 IEEE Workshop on. :1-10 Nov, 2010

    Relation: 2010 3rd Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS)

  9. 9

    Source: 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation Natural Computation (ICNC), 2010 Sixth International Conference on. 5:2769-2773 Aug, 2010

    Relation: 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC)

  10. 10

    Source: IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004. Power systems conference Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004. IEEE PES. :881-885 vol.2 2004

    Relation: 2004 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference & Exposition

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    Source: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies. Proceedings Electric utility deregulation, restructuring and power technologies Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2004. (DRPT 2004). Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on. 2:556-561 Vol.2 2004

    Relation: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies. Proceedings

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    Source: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. :512-513 Sep, 2015

    Relation: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER)

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    Source: 2010 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2010 Asia-Pacific. :1-4 Mar, 2010

    Relation: 2010 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC)

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    Source: 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09. International Conference on. :1-4 Sep, 2009

    Relation: 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS)

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    Source: 2009 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2009. CCGRID '09. 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on. :188-195 May, 2009

    Relation: 2009 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID)

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    Source: 2006 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2006. PSCE '06. 2006 IEEE PES. :1156-1161 Nov, 2006

    Relation: 2006 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition

  19. 19

    Source: 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology Power System Technology, 2006. PowerCon 2006. International Conference on. :1-6 Oct, 2006

    Relation: 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology

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    Source: 2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on. :571-572 May, 2010

    Relation: 2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid)