Showing 1 - 20 results of 125 Refine Results
  1. 1

    Authors: Aad, G., Akimov, A. V., Khoury, K. Al, Aleksa, M., Andeen, T., Anelli, C., Aranzabal, N., Armijo, C., Bagulia, A., Ban, J., Barillari, T., Bellachia, F., Benoit, M., Bernon, F., Berthold, A., Bervas, H., Besin, D., Betti, A., Bianga, Y., Biaut, M., Boline, D., Boudreau, J., Bouedo, T., Braam, N., Bret, M. Cano, Brooijmans, G., Cai, H., Camincher, C., Camplani, A., Cap, S., Carbone, A., Carter, J. W. S., Chekulaev, S. V., Chen, H., Chen, K., Chevillot, N., Citterio, M., Cleland, B., Constable, M., de Jong, S., Deiana, A. M., Delmastro, M., Deng, B., Deschamps, H., Diaconu, C., Dik, A., Dinkespiler, B., Dayot, N. Dumont, Emerman, A., Enari, Y., Falke, P. J., Farrell, J., Fielitz, W., Fortin, E., Fragnaud, J., Franchino, S., Gantel, L., Gigliotti, K., Gong, D., Grabas, A., Grohs, P., Guettouche, N., Guillemin, T., Guo, D., Guo, J., Hasley, L., Hayes, C., Hentges, R., Hervas, L., Hils, M., Hobbs, J., Hoffman, A., Hoffmann, D., Horn, P., Hryn'ova, T., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Iguchi, R., James, T., Johns, K., Junkermann, T., Kahra, C., Kay, E. F., Keeler, R., Haghighat, S. Ketabchi, Kinget, P., Knoops, E., Kolbasin, A., Krieger, P., Kuppambatti, J., Kurchaninov, L. L., Ladygin, E., Lafrasse, S., Landon, M. P. J., Lanni, F., Latorre, S., Laugier, D., Lazzaroni, M., Le, X., Bourlout, P. Le, Lee, C. A., Lefebvre, M., Leite, M. A. L., Leroy, C., Li, X., Li, Z., Liang, F., Liu, H., Liu, C., Liu, T., Ma, H., Ma, L. L., Mahon, D. J., Mallik, U., Mansoulie, B., Maslennikov, A. L., Matsuzawa, N., McPherson, R. A., Menke, S., Milic, A., Minami, Y., Molina, E., Monnier, E., Morange, N., Morvaj, L., Mueller, J., Mwewa, C., Narayan, R., Nikiforou, N., Ochoa, I., Oishi, R., Damazio, D. Oliveira, Owen, R. E., Pancake, C., Panchal, D. K., Perrot, G., Pleier, M. -A., Poffenberger, P., Porter, R., Quan, S., Rabel, J., Roy, A., Rutherfoord, J. P., Sabatini, F., Salomon, F., Sauvan, E., Schaffer, A. C., Schamberger, R. D., Schwemling, Ph., Secord, C., Selem, L., Sexton, K., Shafto, E., Oliveira, M. V. Silva, Simion, S., Singh, S., Sippach, W., Snesarev, A. A., Snyder, S., Spalla, M., Stärz, S., Straessner, A., Strizenec, P., Stroynowski, R., Sulin, V. V., Tanaka, J., Tang, S., Tapprogge, S., Tartarelli, G. F., Tateno, G., Terashi, K., Tisserant, S., Tompkins, D., Unal, G., Unal, M., Uno, K., Vallier, A., de Souza, S. Vieira, Walker, R., Wang, Q., Wang, C., Wang, R., Wessels, M., Wingerter-Seez, I., Wolniewicz, K., Wu, W., Xiandong, Z., Xu, R., Xu, H., Yamamoto, S., Yang, Y., Ye, J., Zaghia, H., Zang, J., Zhang, T., Zhu, H. L., Zhulanov, V., Zonca, E., Zuk, G.

    Source: 2022 JINST 17 P05024

  2. 2

    Source: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 Nuclear Science Symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 IEEE. 1:438-442 2005

    Relation: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

  3. 3

    Source: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 Nuclear Science Symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 IEEE. 4:2381-2385 2005

    Relation: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

  4. 4

    Source: IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004. Nuclear science symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE. 7:4388-4391 2004

    Relation: 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

  5. 5

    Source: 2001 IEEE Emerging Technologies Symposium on BroadBand Communications for the Internet Era. Symposium Digest (Cat. No.01EX508) Broadband communications for the Internet era BroadBand Communications for the Internet Era Symposium digest, 2001 IEEE Emerging Technologies Symposium on. :44-47 2001

    Relation: 2001 IEEE Emerging Technologies Symposium on BroadBand Communications for the Internet Era. Symposium Digest

  6. 6

    Source: 2010 17th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference Real Time Conference (RT), 2010 17th IEEE-NPSS. :1-3 May, 2010

    Relation: 2010 17th Real-Time Conference - IEEE-NPSS Technical Committee on Computer Applications in Nuclear and Plasma Sciences (RT 2010)

  7. 7

    Source: 2009 1st International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2009 First International Conference on. :1-3 Jun, 2009

    Relation: 2009 1st International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA)

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  10. 10

    Source: 1996 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record Nuclear science and medical imaging Nuclear Science Symposium, 1996. Conference Record., 1996 IEEE. 2:877-881 vol.2 1996

    Relation: 1996 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record

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    Academic Journal
  12. 12

    Source: 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC) Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009 IEEE. :3311-3314 Oct, 2009

    Relation: 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2009 NSS/MIC)

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  14. 14

    Source: 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2007. NSS '07. IEEE. 1:14-18 Oct, 2007

    Relation: 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

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  17. 17

    Source: 2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (Cat. No.00CH37149) Nuclear science symposium Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2000 IEEE. 2:9/1-9/5 vol.2 2000

    Relation: 2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record

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