1Academic Journal
Authors: Sara Sajko, Irina Grishkovskaya, Julius Kostan, Melissa Graewert, Kim Setiawan, Linda Trübestein, Korbinian Niedermüller, Charlotte Gehin, Antonio Sponga, Martin Puchinger, Anne-Claude Gavin, Thomas A Leonard, Dimitri I Svergun, Terry K Smith, Brooke Morriswood, Kristina Djinovic-Carugo
Source: PLoS ONE, Vol 15, Iss 12, p e0242677 (2020)
File Description: electronic resource
Authors: Sara Sajko (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Irina Grishkovskaya (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Julius Kostan (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Melissa Graewert (Hamburg Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Kim Setiawan (Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg), Linda Trübestein (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Korbinian Niedermüller (Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg), Charlotte Gehin (Heidelberg Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Antonio Sponga (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Martin Puchinger (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Anne-Claude Gavin (Heidelberg Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Thomas A. Leonard (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Dimitri I. Svergun (Hamburg Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Terry K. Smith (School of Biology, BSRC, University of St. Andrews), Brooke Morriswood (Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg), Kristina Djinovic-Carugo (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna)
Structural insights into the dynamics and function of the C-terminus of the E-coli RNA chaperone Hfq
Authors: Mads Beich-Frandsen (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Branislav Vecerek (Department of Microbiology, Immunobiology and Genetics, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Peter V. Konarev (EMBL Hamburg), Björn Sjöblom (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Karin Kloiber (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Hermann Konrad Hämmerle (Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Lukas Rajkowitsch (Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Andrew Miles (Birkbeck College), Georg Kontaxis (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Dimitri I. Svergun (EMBL Hamburg), Robert Konrat (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Udo Bläsi (Department of Microbiology, Immunobiology and Genetics, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna), Kristina Djinovic-Carugo (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, Centre for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna)