1Academic Journal
Authors: Debieuvre, D., Asselain, B., Cortot, A., Couraud, S., Duval, Y., Falchero, L., Locher, C., Meyer, N., Molinier, O., Morel, H., Templement-Grangerat, D., Tredaniel, J., Olivier, Leleu, Caroline, Clarot, Stéphanie, Martinez, Marie, Bernardi, Etienne, Auvray, Julian, Pinsolle, Chantal, Decroisette, Dorine, Templement, Laure, Belmont, Thierry, Saelens, Amélie, Turlotte, Jérôme, Virally, Reda, Chikouche, Marielle, Sabatini, Sophie, Schneider, Jacky, Crequit, Faraj, Al Freijat, Baihas, Jarjour, Rym, Haouachi, Fethi, El Khanjari, Luc, Stoven, Pascal, Beynel, Vincent, Tack, Fatima, Meniai, Yannick, Duval, Hannah, Ghalloussi-Tebai, Claudia, Rizzo, Waad, Al Sheikh, Marguerite, Lepoulain Doubliez, Florence, Lamotte, François, Christiann, Patrick, Dumont, Philippe, Masson, Fréderic, Bigot, Hervé, Le Floch, Issam, Belhaj, Lionel, Moreau, Stéphanie, Dehette, Antoine, Belle, Lidia, Petit, Thomas, Laurent, Sandrine, Loutski-Vettese, Isabelle, Monnet, Jean-Bernard, Auliac, Edith, Maetz, Jean-Yves, Tavernier, Christian, Delafosse, Pierre-Alexandre, Hauss, Colette, Vincent, Mohamad, Jaafar, Jean Philippe, Kraemer, Laetitia, Chablais, Anne-Sophie, Bravard, Philippe, Bonnefoy, Christine, Lefoll, Alexandra, Bedossa, Élise, Redureau, Acya, Bizieux-Thaminy, Virginie, Levrat, Kevin, Fouet, Claire, Alizon, Cécile, Dujon, Hong, Rabut, Mihai, Popa, Jean, Quieffin, Pierre, Demontrond, Olivier, Molinier, François, Goupil, Kheir Eddine, Benmammar, Vanessa, Pante, Laurent, Portel, Anne-Sophie, Blanchet-Legens, Sébastien, Larive, Jacques, Le Treut, Herve, Pegliasco, Chrystèle, Locher, Séverine, Thomassin, Benoît, Godbert, Cécile, Maincent, Christophe, Perrin, Julie, Obert, Cyril, Maurer, David, Renault, Karim, Amrane, Didier, Debieuvre, Geoffroy, Milliet De Faverges, Andreea, Tudor, Maud, Russier, Hugues, Morel, Hugues, Francois, Jean, Tredaniel, Patrick Aldo, Renault, Magalie, Paysse, Anne-Marie, Chiappa, Romain, Corre, Laurent, Mosser, Sylvie, Julien, David, Nunes, Soraya, Bordier, Eric, Briens, Gwenaëlle, Le Garff, Clothilde, Marty, Bénédicte, Martignac, Charles, Dayen, Emmanuelle, Lecuyer, Philippe, Slaouti, Serge, Jeandeau, Christina, Delmas, Eric, Goarant, Marie, Tiercin, Jean-Michel, Peloni, Joelle, Courdeau-Labourie, Nicolae, Banciu, Anne-Sophie, Bugnet, Olivier, Bylicki, Marjorie, Picaud, Laurence, Thirard, Bertrand, Delclaux, Philippe, Brun, Marion, Nancy, David, Marquette, Gonzague, De Chabot, Pierre, Kuntz, Catherine, Marichy, Lionel, Falchero, Christine, Dussopt, Alexa, Mairovitz, Jean-Marc, Dot, Fanny, Magne, Hoang, T.C.T., Bravard, A.-S., Martinez, S., Le Garff, G., Jeandeau, S., Petit, L., Marquette, D., Amrane, K., Demontrond, P., Tiercin, M., Jarjour, B., Turlotte, A., Masson, P., Jaafar, M., Hauss, P.-A.
Source: In ESMO Open June 2024 9(6)
2Academic Journal
Authors: Léna, Hervé, Greillier, Laurent, Cropet, Claire, Bylicki, Olivier, Monnet, Isabelle, Audigier-Valette, Clarisse, Falchero, Lionel, Vergnenègre, Alain, Demontrond, Pierre, Geier, Margaux, Guisier, Florian, Hominal, Stéphane, Locher, Chrystèle, Corre, Romain, Chouaid, Christos, Ricordel, Charles
Source: Lancet Respiratory Medicine; Feb2025, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p141-152, 12p
Subject Terms: CLINICAL trials, NON-small-cell lung carcinoma, OLDER patients, AGE groups, OVERALL survival
3Academic Journal
Authors: Duparc, I. 1, Grecea, M. 2, Castanet, E. 3, Pierret, T. 4, Basse, C. 5, Baldacci, S. 6, Demontrond, P. 7, Morel, H. 8, Fallet, V. 9, Leite-Ferreira, D. 10, Ricordel, C. 11, Arpin, D. 12, Oulkhouir, Y. 13, Bylicki, O. 14, Fournel, P. 15, Roas Ghigna, M. 16, Marinello, A. 2, Bonhomme, B. 17, Besse, B. 2, Aldea, M. 2, Cousin, S. 3, Léturgie, B. 1, Dantoing, E. 1, Roger, M. 18, Salaun, M. 1, Bota, S. 1, Piton, N. 19, Guisier, F. 1, ⁎
Source: In Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités January 2025 17(1):18-19
Authors: Debieuvre, D., Bizieux-Thaminy, A., Godbert, B., Renault, P.-A., Brun, P., Martinez, S., Demontrond, P., Bigot, F., Stoven, L., Lefoll, C., Renault, D., Slaouti, P., Perrin, C., Blanchet-Legens, A.-S., Christiann, F., Meniai, F., Pante, V., Nunes, D., Couraud, S.
Source: Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités; January 2025, Vol. 17 Issue: 1 p114-115, 2p
5Academic Journal
Authors: Duparc, I., Castanet, E., Basse, C., Fallet, V., Baldacci, S., Demontrond, P., Oulkhouir, Y., Cousin, S., Arpin, D., Fournel, P., Leite Ferreira, D., Piton, N., Guisier, F.
Source: In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S870-S871
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, Philippe
Source: Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition); December 2023, Vol. 38 Issue: 4 p35-64, 30p
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, Philippe
Source: Recherche et Applications en Marketing; October 2023, Vol. 38 Issue: 4 p40-70, 31p
8Academic Journal
Authors: Pons-Tostivint, E., Hulo, P., Guardiolle, V., Bodot, L., Rabeau, A., Porte, M., Hiret, S., Demontrond, P., Curcio, H., Boudoussier, A., Veillon, R., Mayenga, M., Dumenil, C., Chatellier, T., Gourraud, P. A., Mazieres, J., Bennouna, J.
Source: Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy; Jun2023, Vol. 72 Issue 6, p1881-1890, 10p
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P., lar-Toulouse, N.O.
Source: JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS. 92(2):205-216
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P., Joyeau, A.
Source: GESTION -MONTREAL-. 34(3):57-65
Authors: Bezaudin, S., Robert-Demontrond, P.
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P., Boulbry, G.
Source: GESTION 2000. (2):31-48
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P., Joyeau, A.
Source: GESTION 2000. (6):31-46
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P.
Source: ECONOMIES ET SOCIETES. 36(5):705-730
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P.
Source: ECONOMIES ET SOCIETES. 36(5):657-682
Authors: Thiel, D., Robert-Demontrond, P.
Source: REVUE GENERALE DU FROID. (1019):51-54
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P.
Source: GESTION 2000. (1):153-187
Authors: Thiel, D., Robert-Demontrond, P.
Source: GESTION 2000. (1):79-94
Authors: Robert-Demontrond, P., Yanat, Z.
Source: GESTION 2000. (6):111-130