Authors: Welser, L.A., Mancini, R.C., Haynes, D.A., Koch, J.A., Haan, S.W., Izumi, N., Golovkin, I.E., Delettrez, J.A., Regan, S.P., Smalyuk, V.A.
Source: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science Plasma Science, 2005. ICOPS '05. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. IEEE International Conference on. :129-129 Jun, 2005
Relation: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
Authors: Radha, P.B., Betti, R., Collins, T.J.B., Craxton, R.S., Delettrez, J.A., Epstein, R., Frenje, J.A., Glebov, V.Yu., Goncharov, V.N., Harding, D.R., Keck, R.L., Kelly, J.H., Kessler, T., Li, C.K., Marozas, J.A., Marshall, F.J., McKenty, P.W., Knauer, J.P., McCrory, R.L., Meyerhofer, D.D., Petrasso, R.D., Regan, S.P., Sangster, T.C., Seguin, F.H., Skupsky, S., Smalyuk, V.A., Stoeckl, C.
Source: The 30th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2003. ICOPS 2003. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. Plasma science Plasma Science, 2003. ICOPS 2003. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. The 30th International Conference on. :442 2003
Relation: 30th International Conference on Plasma Science
3Academic Journal
Authors: Rosenberg, M.J. *, Zylstra, A.B., Séguin, F.H., Rinderknecht, H.G., Frenje, J.A., Gatu Johnson, M., Sio, H., Waugh, C.J., Sinenian, N., Li, C.K., Petrasso, R.D., LePape, S., Ma, T., Mackinnon, A.J., Rygg, J.R., Amendt, P.A., Bellei, C., Benedetti, L.R., Berzak Hopkins, L., Bionta, R.M., Casey, D.T., Divol, L., Edwards, M.J., Glenn, S., Glenzer, S.H., Hicks, D.G., Kimbrough, J.R., Landen, O.L., Lindl, J.D., MacPhee, A., McNaney, J.M., Meezan, N.B., Moody, J.D., Moran, M.J., Park, H.-S., Pino, J., Remington, B.A., Robey, H., Rosen, M.D., Wilks, S.C., Zacharias, R.A., McKenty, P.W., Hohenberger, M., Radha, P.B., Edgell, D., Marshall, F.J., Delettrez, J.A., Glebov, V.Yu., Betti, R., Goncharov, V.N., Knauer, J.P., Sangster, T.C., Herrmann, H.W., Hoffman, N.M., Kyrala, G.A., Leeper, R.J., Olson, R.E., Kilkenny, J.D., Nikroo, A.
Source: In High Energy Density Physics March 2016 18:38-44
Authors: Mccrory, R.L., Delettrez, J.A., Epstein, R., Glebov, V.Y., Keck, R.L., Mckenty, P.W., Marshall, F.J., Meyerhofer, D.D., Radha, P.B., Regan, S.P., Roberts, S., Seka, W., Skupsky, S., Smalyuk, V.A., Sorce, C., Stoeckl, C., Soures, J.M., Town, R.P.J., Yaakobi, B., Zuegel, J.D., Frenje, J.A., Li, C.K., Petrasso, R.D., Seguin, F.H., Fletcher, K., Padalino, S., Freeman, C., Izumi, N., Lerche, R., Phillips, T.W., Sangster, T.C.
Source: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Cat. No.01CH37 Pulsed power plasma science Pulsed Power Plasma Science, 2001. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. :578 2001
Relation: IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference
Authors: Welser-Sherrill, L., Mancini, R.C., Koch, J.A., Izumi, N., Tommasini, R., Haan, S.W., Haynes, D.A., Golovkin, I.E., MacFarlane, J.J., Delettrez, J.A.
6Academic Journal
Authors: Regan, S.P., Sawada, H., Goncharov, V.N., Li, D., Radha, P.B., Epstein, R., Delettrez, J.A., Hu, S.X., Smalyuk, V.A., Yaakobi, B., Boehly, T.R., Sangster, T.C., Meyerhofer, D.D., McCrory, R.L., Mancini, R.C.
Source: In High Energy Density Physics 2011 7(4):259-262
7Academic Journal
Authors: Florido, R., Mancini, R.C., Nagayama, T., Tommasini, R., Delettrez, J.A., Regan, S.P., Smalyuk, V.A., Rodríguez, R., Gil, J.M.
Source: In High Energy Density Physics 2010 6(1):70-75
Authors: Igumenshchev, I.V., Edgell, D.H., Goncharov, V.N., Delettrez, J.A., Maximov, A.V., Myatt, J.F., Seka, W., Shvydky, A., Skupsky, S., Stoeckl, C.
Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 17(12):122708-122900
Authors: McCrory, R.L., Meyerhofer, D.D., Betti, R., Craxton, R.S., Delettrez, J.A., Edgell, D.H., Glebov, V.Y., Goncharov, V.N., Harding, D.R., Jacobs-Perkins, D.W.
Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 15(5):055503-055700
Authors: Sangster, T.C., Goncharov, V.N., Radha, P.B., Smalyuk, V.A., Betti, R., Craxton, R.S., Delettrez, J.A., Edgell, D.H., Glebov, V.Y., Harding, D.R.
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 100(18):185006-185300
Authors: Stoeckl, C., Boehly, T.R., Delettrez, J.A., Hatchett, S.P., Frenje, J.A., Glebov, V.Y., Li, C.K., Miller, J.E., Petrasso, R.D., Seguin, F.H.
Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 14(11):112702-112900
12Academic Journal
Authors: Regan, S.P., Yaakobi, B., Boehly, T.R., Epstein, R., Delettrez, J.A., Glebov, V.Yu., Goncharov, V.N., Jaanimagi, P.A., Knauer, J.P., Marshall, F.J., McCrory, R.L., Meyerhofer, D.D., Radha, P.B., Sangster, T.C., Smalyuk, V.A., Soures, J., Stoeckl, C., Mancini, R.C., Haynes, D.A., Jr., Welser-Sherrill, L., Koch, J.A., Tommasini, R., Sawada, H.
Source: In High Energy Density Physics 2009 5(4):234-243
13Academic Journal
Authors: Welser-Sherrill, L., Mancini, R.C., Koch, J.A., Izumi, N., Tommasini, R., Haan, S.W., Haynes, D.A., Golovkin, I.E., Delettrez, J.A., Marshall, F.J., Regan, S.P., Smalyuk, V.A.
Source: In High Energy Density Physics 2007 3(1):287-291
14Academic Journal
Authors: Welser, L.A., Mancini, R.C., Koch, J.A., Izumi, N., Louis, S.J., Golovkin, I.E., Barbee, T.W., Jr., Haan, S.W., Delettrez, J.A., Marshall, F.J., Regan, S.P., Smalyuk, V.A., Haynes, D.A., Jr., Lee, R.W.
Source: In Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2006 99(1):649-657
Authors: Florido, R., Mancini, R.C., Nagayama, T., Tommasini, R., Delettrez, J.A., Regan, S.P., Yaakobi, B.
Authors: Nagayama, T., Mancini, R.C., Florido, R., Tommasini, R., Koch, J.A., Delettrez, J.A., Regan, S.P., Smalyuk, V.A., Welser-Sherrill, L.A., Golovkin, I.E.
Authors: Florido, R., Nagayama, T., Mancini, R.C., Tommasini, R., Delettrez, J.A., Regan, S.P., Smalyuk, V.A., Rodriguez, R., Gil, J.M.
18Academic Journal
Authors: Theobald W., Casner A., Nora R., Ribeyre X., Lafon M., Anderson K.S., Betti R., Craxton R.S., Delettrez J.A., Frenje J.A., Glebov V.Yu., Gotchev O.V., Hohenberger M., Hu S.X., Marshall F.J., McCrory R.L., Meyerhofer D.D., Perkins L.J., Sangster T.C., Schurtz G., Seka W., Smalyuk V.A., Stoeckl C., Yaakobi B.
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 59, p 03001 (2013)
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/2100-014X
19Academic Journal
Authors: McCrory R.L., Meyerhofer D.D., Betti R., Boehly T.R., Collins T.J.B., Craxton R.S., Delettrez J.A., Edgell D.H., Epstein R., Froula D.H., Glebov V.Yu., Goncharov V.N., Harding D.R., Hu S.X., Igumenshchev I.V., Knauer J.P., Loucks S.J., Marozas J.A., Marshall F.J., McKenty P.W., Michel T., Nilson P.M., Radha P.B., Regan S.P., Sangster T.C., Seka W., Shmayda W.T., Short R.W., Shvarts D., Skupsky S., Soures J.M., Stoeckl C., Theobald W., Yaakobi B., Frenje J.A., Casey D.T., Li C.K., Petrasso R.D., Séguin F.H., Padalino S.J., Fletcher K.A., Celliers P.M., Collins G.W., Robey H.F.
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 59, p 01004 (2013)
File Description: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/2100-014X
Authors: Stoeckl, C., Delettrez, J.A., Epstein, R., Fiksel, G., Guy, D., Hohenberger, M., Jungquist, R.K., Mileham, C., Nilson, P.M., Sangster, T.C.