1Academic Journal
Authors: Bumb, Swapnil S.1 (AUTHOR), Singh, Pushparaj2 (AUTHOR) Pushpraj143@gmail.com, Maben, Sahana3 (AUTHOR), Deshpande, Prasannasrinivas4 (AUTHOR), Limaye, Mrinal V.5 (AUTHOR), Alwafi, Hanadi A.6 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences. 2024 Suppl, Vol. 16, pS3574-S3576. 3p.
Subject Terms: *DENTAL hygiene, *DENTAL health education, *ORAL hygiene, *HEALTH education, *RURAL population, DENTAL hygiene education
2Academic Journal
3Academic Journal
Authors: Lo Giudice, Roberto1 (AUTHOR) roberto.logiudice@unime.it, Martinelli, Canio2,3 (AUTHOR) caniomartinelli.md@gmail.com, Alibrandi, Angela4 (AUTHOR) aalibrandi@unime.it, Mondo, Alessandro2,5 (AUTHOR) alessandromondo391@gmail.com, Venezia, Renato6 (AUTHOR) renato.venezia@unipa.it, Cannarozzo, Maria Grazia7 (AUTHOR) mg.cannarozzo@alice.it, Puleio, Francesco8 (AUTHOR) francesco.puleio@unime.it, Pollicino, Raffaella8 (AUTHOR) logiudice.g@unime.it, Lo Giudice, Giuseppe8 (AUTHOR), Laganà, Antonio Simone6 (AUTHOR) antoniosimone.lagana@unipa.it
Source: Journal of Clinical Medicine. Dec2024, Vol. 13 Issue 23, p7315. 13p.
Subject Terms: *ORAL hygiene, *ORAL health, *GINGIVAL hemorrhage, *PRENATAL care, *DENTAL health education, DENTAL hygiene education
4Academic Journal
Authors: Field, James1 (AUTHOR) fieldj2@cardiff.ac.uk, Vital, Sibylle2 (AUTHOR), Dixon, Jonathan3 (AUTHOR), Murphy, Denis4 (AUTHOR), Davies, Julia5 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Journal of Dental Education. Nov2024, p1. 7p. 2 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *CAREER development, *COVID-19 pandemic, *DENTAL health education, *DENTAL public health, *DENTISTS, *DENTAL hygienists, DENTAL hygiene education
5Academic Journal
Authors: Apel, Zuzanna1 (AUTHOR) zuzanna@ualberta.ca, Fagundes, Nathalia Carolina Fernandes1 (AUTHOR), Sharmin, Nazlee2 (AUTHOR), Nassar, Usama3 (AUTHOR), Gow, Gordon4 (AUTHOR), Apel, Dominic5 (AUTHOR), Perez, Arnaldo1 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Journal of Dental Education. Oct2024, p1. 14p. 1 Illustration.
Subject Terms: *SOCIAL media in education, *DENTAL students, *HEALTH education, *SOCIAL media, DENTAL hygiene education
6Academic Journal
Authors: Simon, Fanni1 (AUTHOR) orsos.mercedesz@semmelweis.hu, Szabó, Gyula2,3 (AUTHOR) gyula.szabo@ttk.elte.hu, Orsós, Mercédesz1 (AUTHOR) nemeth.orsolya@semmelweis.hu, Mijiritsky, Eitan4,5 (AUTHOR) mijiritsky@bezeqint.net, Németh, Orsolya1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Clinical Medicine. Sep2024, Vol. 13 Issue 18, p5481. 13p.
Subject Terms: *HEALTH behavior, *GINGIVAL hemorrhage, *ORAL hygiene, *MATRIX metalloproteinases, *ORAL habits, DENTAL hygiene education
7Academic Journal
Authors: Dixon, Jonathan1 (AUTHOR) jonathan.dixon@sheffield.ac.uk, Field, James2 (AUTHOR), Vital, Sibylle3 (AUTHOR), van Harten, Maria4,5 (AUTHOR), Roger‐Leroi, Valerie6 (AUTHOR), Davies, Julia7 (AUTHOR), Manzanares‐Cespedes, Maria‐Cristina8 (AUTHOR), Akota, Ilze9 (AUTHOR), Murphy, Denis5 (AUTHOR), Paganelli, Corrado10 (AUTHOR), Gerber, Gabor11 (AUTHOR), Quinn, Barry5,12 (AUTHOR), Tubert‐Jeannin, Stephanie6 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Journal of Dental Education. May2024, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p591-606. 16p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOOL entrance requirements, *MEDICAL personnel, *DENTAL schools, *ORAL health, *PROFESSIONAL education, *DELPHI method, DENTAL hygiene education
Geographic Terms: EUROPE
8Academic Journal
Authors: Stephens, Kristen M.1 kstephens@cerritos.edu, Gurenlian, JoAnn R.2,3, Hurlbutt, Michelle4
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Dec2023, Vol. 97 Issue 6, p26-36. 11p.
Subject Terms: *OFFENSIVE behavior, *HEALTH occupations students, *COLLEGE teachers, *RESEARCH methodology, *EXECUTIVES, *SURVEYS, *CRONBACH'S alpha, *DENTAL hygienists, *SCALE analysis (Psychology), *STUDENT attitudes, *STATISTICAL sampling, *PSYCHOLOGICAL stress, *PSYCHOLOGICAL distress, DENTAL hygiene education
9Academic Journal
Authors: Ludwig, Emily A.1 eludwig@odu.edu, Suedbeck, Jessica R.1
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Oct2023, Vol. 97 Issue 5, p79-90. 12p. 4 Charts.
Subject Terms: *RACISM, *STATISTICS, *COLOR blindness, *HEALTH occupations students, *CROSS-sectional method, *ONE-way analysis of variance, *MEDICAL care, *PATIENTS' attitudes, *SURVEYS, *T-test (Statistics), *DENTAL hygienists, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *QUESTIONNAIRES, *DECISION making, *HEALTH equity, *STATISTICAL sampling, *DATA analysis, DENTAL hygiene education
Geographic Terms: VIRGINIA
10Academic Journal
Authors: Brame, Jennifer L.1 Jennifer_Brame@unc.edu
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Oct2023, Vol. 97 Issue 5, p69-78. 10p. 1 Diagram, 4 Charts.
Subject Terms: *RESEARCH, *LEADERSHIP, *PROFESSIONAL employee training, *CROSS-sectional method, *EXECUTIVES, *QUANTITATIVE research, *SURVEYS, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *SCALE analysis (Psychology), *THEMATIC analysis, DENTAL hygiene education
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
11Academic Journal
Authors: Bono, Leciel1 bonoleciel@isu.edu, Gurenlian, JoAnn R.2,3, August, Jessica4
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Oct2023, Vol. 97 Issue 5, p91-102. 12p. 1 Diagram, 2 Charts.
Subject Terms: *SOCIAL support, *TEACHING methods, *MATHEMATICAL models, *HEALTH occupations students, *PROFESSIONAL employee training, *EXPERIENCE, *QUALITATIVE research, *THEORY, *DENTAL hygienists, *STUDENTS, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *PROFESSIONAL identity, *DATA analysis software, *THEMATIC analysis, *STATISTICAL sampling, *EDUCATIONAL outcomes, *LONGITUDINAL method, DENTAL hygiene education
12Academic Journal
Authors: Turner, April M.1 aturner@westcoastuniversity.edu, Gurenlian, JoAnn R.2,3
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Oct2023, Vol. 97 Issue 5, p58-68. 11p. 3 Charts.
Subject Terms: *COGNITIVE styles, *HEALTH occupations students, *QUANTITATIVE research, *COMPARATIVE studies, *CRONBACH'S alpha, *T-test (Statistics), *DENTAL hygienists, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *STUDENT attitudes, DENTAL hygiene education
Geographic Terms: CALIFORNIA
13Academic Journal
Authors: Penning, Cassandra A.1 penncass@isu.edu, Bono, Leciel K.2, Gurenlian, JoAnn R.3,4
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Aug2023, Vol. 97 Issue 4, p46-59. 14p. 1 Diagram, 3 Charts.
Subject Terms: *RESEARCH, *PRIVACY, *FOCUS groups, *STRATEGIC planning, *PROFESSIONAL licenses, *HUMAN anatomical models, *QUALITATIVE research, *COMPARATIVE studies, *CLINICAL competence, *MEDICAL ethics, *DECISION making, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *PROFESSIONAL licensure examinations, *COVID-19 pandemic, DENTAL hygiene education, RESEARCH evaluation
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
14Academic Journal
Authors: Roberts, Mallory L.1 mledmond@iusb.edu
Source: Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Education, Research & Policy. Spring2022, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p42-50. 9p.
Subject Terms: *Research, *Social support, *Quantitative research, *Professional competence, *Government policy, *Statistical correlation, School admission, Dental hygiene education, Family support, Social factors, Radiography, Cultural pluralism, Nursing practice, Educational tests & measurements, Health equity, Logistic regression analysis, Social integration
Geographic Terms: United States
15Academic Journal
Authors: Partido, Brian, Colon, Emily
Source: International Journal of Dental Hygiene; May2024, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p277-283, 7p
Subject Terms: CROSS-sectional method, STATISTICAL correlation, PROFESSIONALISM, DENTAL hygienists, PREDICTION models, T-test (Statistics), EMOTIONAL intelligence, HEALTH occupations students, QUESTIONNAIRES, MULTIPLE regression analysis, PROBLEM solving, QUANTITATIVE research, DESCRIPTIVE statistics, RESEARCH, DATA analysis software, CONFLICT management, DENTAL hygiene education, CRITICAL thinking
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
16Academic Journal
Source: Special Care in Dentistry; May2024, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p823-836, 14p
Subject Terms: DENTAL hygienists, DENTAL hygiene education, DENTAL care, SELF-efficacy, DENTAL hygiene, ASPERGER'S syndrome, FEAR of dentists
17Academic Journal
Source: PLoS ONE; 4/16/2024, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p1-14, 14p
Subject Terms: ORAL hygiene, ORAL health, DENTAL hygiene education, CANCER chemotherapy, BREAST cancer, QUALITY of life
Geographic Terms: KARACHI (Pakistan)
Company/Entity: WORLD Health Organization
18Academic Journal
Authors: Wiener, R. Constance1,2, Gaydos, M. Suann3,4 mgaydos@hsc.wvu.edu, Morgan, Susan5, Swager, Lauren6
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Oct2022, Vol. 96 Issue 5, p37-41. 5p. 1 Diagram, 1 Chart.
Subject Terms: *PSYCHOLOGY of dentists, *PROFESSIONAL practice, *ORAL hygiene, *EDUCATION, *SMOKING cessation, *COUNSELING, *ELECTRONIC cigarettes, *HEALTH occupations students, *DENTAL schools, *PROFESSIONAL employee training, *NICOTINE, *EVIDENCE-based medicine, *PSYCHOLOGY of middle school students, *MEDICAL protocols, *PSYCHOLOGY of high school students, *DENTAL hygienists, *PSYCHOSOCIAL factors, *UNIVERSITIES & colleges, *PHILOSOPHY of education, *CERTIFICATION, *CURRICULUM planning, *TOBACCO products, *INTERDISCIPLINARY education, *DENTAL faculty, *SMOKING, *NEEDS assessment, *SMOKING cessation products, *TOBACCO, *BEHAVIOR modification, DENTAL hygiene education
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
19Academic Journal
Authors: Wai-Sum Leung1, Dubbs, Laura2,3, White, Tiffanie4, Kornegay, Elizabeth C.4
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Aug2022, Vol. 96 Issue 4, p57-64. 8p. 3 Charts, 2 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *SUSTAINABILITY, *PILOT projects, *STATISTICS, *CONFIDENCE intervals, *HEALTH occupations students, *HUMAN services programs, *T-test (Statistics), *PRE-tests & post-tests, *QUALITATIVE research, *DENTAL hygienists, *INTELLECT, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *STUDENT attitudes, *STATISTICAL sampling, *DATA analysis software, DENTAL hygiene education
20Academic Journal
Authors: Claiborne, Denise M.1 dclaibor@odu.edu, Naavaal, Shillpa2,3
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene. Aug2022, Vol. 96 Issue 4, p37-45. 9p. 5 Charts, 1 Graph.
Subject Terms: *ACADEMIC medical centers, *ORAL health, *CROSS-sectional method, *RESEARCH methodology, *CURRICULUM, *PEDIATRICS, *FISHER exact test, *MANN Whitney U Test, *SURVEYS, *COMPARATIVE studies, *CHI-squared test, *DESCRIPTIVE statistics, *PRENATAL care, *DATA analysis software, *HEALTH promotion, DENTAL hygiene education
Geographic Terms: UNITED States