1Academic Journal
Authors: Liu, Zhuping1 (AUTHOR) Zhuping.Liu@baruch.cuny.edu, Gao, Qiang2 (AUTHOR) Qiang.Gao@baruch.cuny.edu, Rao, Raghunath Singh3 (AUTHOR) Raghunath.Rao@mccombs.utexas.edu
Source: Journal of Marketing. Jan2025, Vol. 89 Issue 1, p117-134. 18p.
Subject Terms: *Charitable giving, *Crowd funding, *Marketing, *Signaling (Psychology), Success
2Academic Journal
Authors: Gao, Huachao (AUTHOR) hgao@mays.tamu.edu, Wang, Xin (AUTHOR), Li, Xi (AUTHOR), Cotte, June (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Marketing Research (JMR). Apr2025, Vol. 62 Issue 2, p274-293. 20p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Entrepreneurship, *Businesspeople, *Businesswomen, *Consumer behavior, *New business enterprises, Frames (Social sciences), Perception (Philosophy)
3Academic Journal
Authors: Geva, Hilah hilahlev@tauex.tau.ac.il, Barzilay, Ohad ohadbr@gmail.com, Goldstein, Anat anatgo@ariel.ac.il, Oestreicher-Singer, Gal galos@post.tau.ac.il
Source: MIS Quarterly. Sep2024, Vol. 48 Issue 3, p1223-1238. 16p. 6 Charts, 2 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Businesspeople, *Investors, *Economic competition
Company/Entity: Kickstarter PBC
4Academic Journal
Authors: Yijing Li yijing1.li@polyu.edu.hk, Fei Liu fei-albert.liu@polyu.edu.hk, Lim, Eric T. K. e.t.lim@unsw.edu.au, Chee-Wee Tan chee-wee.tan@polyu.edu.hk, Yong Liu yong.liu@aalto.fi
Source: MIS Quarterly. Sep2024, Vol. 48 Issue 3, p1193-1222. 30p. 2 Diagrams, 9 Charts, 2 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Equity crowd funding, Confidence, Social contagion, Enthusiasm
5Academic Journal
Authors: Stratopoulos, Theophanis C.1 (AUTHOR) tstratopoulos@uwaterloo.ca, Ye, Hua2 (AUTHOR) Jonathan.ye@ou.edu
Source: Journal of Management Information Systems. 2024, Vol. 41 Issue 3, p866-891. 26p.
Subject Terms: *Campaign funds, *Crowd funding, Gamification, Legal evidence, Motivation (Psychology)
6Academic Journal
Authors: Maciel, Andre F (AUTHOR) amaciel3@unl.edu, Weinberger, Michelle F (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Consumer Research. Apr2024, Vol. 50 Issue 6, p1221-1242. 22p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Consumer behavior, *Capital, *Digital currency, *Innovation management, *Entrepreneurship, Prosocial behavior, Gift giving, Democratization
7Academic Journal
Authors: Su, Lei (AUTHOR) lei.su@cityu.edu.hk, Sengupta, Jaideep (AUTHOR), Li, Yiwei (AUTHOR), Chen, Fangyuan (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Consumer Research. Feb2024, Vol. 50 Issue 5, p923-944. 22p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, Semantics, Desire, Need (Psychology), Frames (Social sciences), Psycholinguistics
8Academic Journal
Authors: Kao, Ta-Wei1 (AUTHOR) taweikao@umich.edu, Zhang, Li2 (AUTHOR), Shao, Benjamin B. M.3 (AUTHOR), Choi, Thomas Y.4 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Management Information Systems. 2024, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p111-145. 35p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Social structure, Impact strength, Group identity
9Academic Journal
Authors: Wu, Yi1 (AUTHOR) yiwu@tju.edu.cn, Ye, Hua2 (AUTHOR) Jonathan.ye@ou.edu, Jensen, Matthew L.2 (AUTHOR) mjensen@ou.edu, Liu, Linwei3 (AUTHOR) llwgeorge@tju.edu.cn
Source: Journal of Management Information Systems. 2024, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p73-110. 38p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Fundraising, *User-generated content, Panel analysis, Social influence, Individual needs, Boosting algorithms
10Academic Journal
Authors: Pinkow, Felix1 (AUTHOR) felix.pinkow@tu-berlin.de
Source: Electronic Commerce Research. Feb2025, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p155-192. 38p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *New business enterprises, *Consumers, Reputation, Crowds
11Academic Journal
Authors: Leclercq, Thomas1 (AUTHOR) t.leclercq@ieseg.fr, Poncin, Ingrid2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Marketing Management. Oct2023, Vol. 39 Issue 13/14, p1366-1390. 25p. 1 Diagram, 5 Charts.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Quantitative research, *Project managers, Social theory, Crowds
12Academic Journal
Authors: Shah, Arpit1 (AUTHOR) arpit.shah@iimb.ac.in
Source: Journal of Development Studies. Nov2024, Vol. 60 Issue 11, p1793-1811. 19p.
Subject Terms: *Socioeconomic factors, *Equity crowd funding, *Crowd funding, Caste, Western countries, Research personnel
13Academic Journal
Authors: Ryu, Sunghan1 shryu@sjtu.edu.cn, Kim, Keongtae2 keongkim@cuhk.edu.hk, Hahn, Jungpil3 jungpil@nus.edu.sg
Source: MIS Quarterly. Sep2023, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p1271-1301. 31p. 16 Charts, 1 Graph.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Financing of new business enterprises, *Business success, *Information theory in economics, *Angel investors, *Venture capital
14Academic Journal
Authors: Bapna, Sofia1 sbapna@umn.edu, Ganco, Martin2 ganco@wisc.edu
Source: MIS Quarterly. Jun2023, Vol. 47 Issue 2, p585-610. 26p. 1 Illustration, 13 Charts, 1 Graph.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Venture capital, *Businesspeople, *Entrepreneurship, *Investors, *Business enterprises, Prejudices
15Academic Journal
Authors: Hou, Jian-Ren1 jeffhou@gs.ncku.edu.tw, Zhang, Jie2 jiezhang@uta.edu, Zhang, Kunpeng3 kpzhang@umd.edu
Source: MIS Quarterly. Jun2023, Vol. 47 Issue 2, p535-583. 49p. 10 Color Photographs, 1 Black and White Photograph, 3 Diagrams, 34 Charts, 3 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Charities, Digital images, Image analysis, Emotions, Success, Empathy
16Academic Journal
Authors: Huang, Xiaohong1 (AUTHOR) x.huang@utwente.nl, Kabir, Rezaul1,2 (AUTHOR), Nguyen, Thuy Ngoc3 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Finance & Economics. Jul2024, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p3309-3325. 17p.
Subject Terms: *Equity crowd funding, *Crowd funding, Signals & signaling, Factor analysis
Geographic Terms: Vietnam
17Academic Journal
Authors: Onland, Frederike1, Srour, Mohammad Abu2 abusrour.md@gmail.com
Source: Forced Migration Review. Nov2024, Issue 74, p23-26. 4p.
Subject Terms: *CROWD funding, *HANDBAGS, *CORPORATIONS
18Academic Journal
Authors: Lin, Mingfeng1, Sias, Richard W.2, Wei, Zaiyan3 zaiyan@purdue.edu
Source: MIS Quarterly. Mar2023, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p97-125. 29p. 2 Diagrams, 9 Charts, 8 Graphs.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Online marketplaces, *Specialists, *Investors, *Investments
19Academic Journal
Authors: Dehdashti, Yashar1 (AUTHOR), Namin, Aidin2 (AUTHOR), Ketron, Seth C.3 (AUTHOR) ketr8015@stthomas.edu
Source: Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Jul2024, Vol. 23 Issue 4, p1768-1782. 15p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, Television broadcasting of news, Social media, Secondary analysis
20Academic Journal
Authors: Hoque, Md. Mukitul1 orkohoque@gmail.com
Source: Future Business Journal. 8/31/2024, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p1-19. 19p.
Subject Terms: *Crowd funding, *Businesspeople, *Investors, *Organizational transparency, *Economic expansion