1Academic Journal
Authors: Hosseini-Motlagh, Seyyed-Mahdi1 (AUTHOR) motlagh@iust.ac.ir, Ghatreh Samani, Mohammad Reza1 (AUTHOR) mr_samani@ind.iust.ac.ir, Farokhnejad, Parnian1 (AUTHOR) parnian_farokhnejad@ind.iust.ac.ir
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p524-554. 31p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *COVID-19 vaccines, *Mass production, Vaccine effectiveness, Network performance
2Academic Journal
Authors: de Pedraza, Pablo1 (AUTHOR), Suárez Álvarez, Ana2 (AUTHOR) suarezaana@uniovi.es, Vicente, María Rosalía2 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Market Research. Jan2025, Vol. 67 Issue 1, p77-95. 19p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *COVID-19, Online social networks, Internet surveys, Living conditions
3Academic Journal
Authors: Bak, Ozlem1 (AUTHOR) ozlem.bak@brunel.ac.uk, Braganza, Ashley1 (AUTHOR), Chen, Weifeng1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p687-702. 16p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Supply chain management, *Digital transformation, *Blockchains, *Hospital personnel, Data privacy
4Academic Journal
Authors: Vishwakarma, Laxmi Pandit1 (AUTHOR) fpm21laxmi_p@mdi.ac.in, Singh, Rajesh Kr1 (AUTHOR) rajesh.singh@mdi.ac.in, Mishra, Ruchi2 (AUTHOR) ruchimishra@irma.ac.in, Kumari, Archana3 (AUTHOR) archana_mbe2008@yahoo.com
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p822-844. 23p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Artificial intelligence, Disaster resilience, Science databases, Web databases
5Academic Journal
Authors: Abdolazimi, Omid1 (AUTHOR), Pishvaee, Mir Saman2 (AUTHOR), Shafiee, Mohammad3 (AUTHOR), Shishebori, Davood3 (AUTHOR), Ma, Junfeng1 (AUTHOR) ma@ise.msstate.edu, Entezari, Sarah3 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p571-593. 23p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Supply chain management, Metaheuristic algorithms, Heuristic algorithms, Structural optimization
6Academic Journal
Authors: Sharma, Ajit1 (AUTHOR) ajit.sharma@wayne.edu
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Jan2025, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p435-458. 24p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Artificial intelligence, *Emergency management, *Supply chains, Research questions
7Academic Journal
Authors: VALIANT LANTZ, PRINS MARCUS1 (AUTHOR) pmvl@ruc.dk, FEDDERSEN, JONATHAN2 (AUTHOR) jfe.ioa@cbs.dk, JUST, SINE N.1 (AUTHOR) sinenjust@ruc.dk
Source: Academy of Management Perspectives. Feb2025, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p44-72. 29p. 4 Diagrams, 6 Charts.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, Collective action, Zoonoses, Reflexivity, Anthropocentrism
8Academic Journal
Authors: Sánchez Romero, Andrea Milena1 (AUTHOR) andrea.sanchez@uca.fr, Benhissi, Maali2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Marketing Management. Feb2025, p1-38. 38p. 1 Illustration.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Consumers, *Retail stores, Ambivalence, Cross-sectional method
9Academic Journal
Authors: Song, Yongtao1 (AUTHOR), Yu, Wantao2 (AUTHOR), Jacobs, Mark A.3 (AUTHOR), Chavez, Roberto4 (AUTHOR) rchavez@swin.edu.au
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Feb2025, p1-20. 20p. 2 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *Data analytics, *COVID-19 pandemic, *Inventory control, *Buffer inventories, *Big data
Geographic Terms: China
10Academic Journal
11Academic Journal
12Academic Journal
Authors: Park, Young Soo1 (AUTHOR), Na, Jaeseog2 (AUTHOR) jsna@duksung.ac.kr, Lee, Yun Shin1 (AUTHOR)
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Oct2024, Vol. 62 Issue 19, p7146-7166. 21p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Consumers, *Supply chains, *COVID-19, Pandemics
Authors: Sternfels, Bob, Pacthod, Daniel, Strovink, Kurt, Howard, Wyman
Source: McKinsey Quarterly. 2025, Issue 1, p22-33. 12p. 3 Color Photographs.
Subject Terms: *Employee value proposition, *COVID-19 pandemic, *Core competencies, Renewable energy transition (Government policy), Information overload, Leadership training
Authors: Ducharme, Jamie (AUTHOR)
Source: TIME Magazine. 1/27/2025, Vol. 205 Issue 1/2, p38-41. 4p. 2 Color Photographs.
Source: Nation. Feb2025, Vol. 320 Issue 2, p30-59. 5p. 2 Color Photographs, 1 Cartoon or Caricature.
Subjects: ECONOMIC stimulus, WOMEN voters, SOCIOLOGISTS, COVID-19, MOTHERS, ROE v. Wade
Source: Nation. Jan2025, Vol. 320 Issue 1, p34-39. 6p. 5 Cartoon or Caricatures.
Subjects: HUMAN services, SOCIAL institutions, SCHOOL districts, COVID-19 pandemic, GOVERNMENT agencies
17Academic Journal
Authors: Barner, Simon1 (AUTHOR), Totzek, Dirk1 (AUTHOR) dirk.totzek@uni-passau.de
Source: Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. Dec2024, Vol. 44 Issue 4, p398-413. 16p.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Stay-at-home orders, *Performance management, Social media, Societal reaction
18Academic Journal
Authors: Dehkhoda, Kaveh1 (AUTHOR), Bélanger, Valérie1 (AUTHOR), Cousineau, Martin1 (AUTHOR) martin.cousineau@hec.ca
Source: International Journal of Production Research. Oct2024, p1-23. 23p. 4 Illustrations.
Subject Terms: *COVID-19 pandemic, *Access to information, *Inventory control, *Health facilities, Demand forecasting
19Academic Journal
Authors: Saucy, Apolline1,2,3,4, apolline.saucy@unibe.ch, Espinosa, Ana1,2,3, Iraola-Guzmán, Susana5, Castaño-Vinyals, Gemma1,2,3, Harding, Barbara N.1,6, Karachaliou, Marianna1, Ranzani, Otavio1,2,3, Cid, Rafael De5, Garcia-Aymerich, Judith1,2,3, Kogevinas, Manolis1,2,3,7, manolis.kogevinas@isglobal.org
Source: Environmental Health Perspectives; Nov2024, Vol. 132 Issue 11, p117701-1-117701-4, 4p
20Academic Journal