Authors: Lin, Y., Chiu, Y. S., Chang, E. Y.
Source: 2022 IET International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applications (IET-ICETA) Engineering Technologies and Applications (IET-ICETA), 2022 IET International Conference on. :1-2 Oct, 2022
Relation: 2022 IET International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applications (IET-ICETA)
Authors: Wong, Y. Y., Huang, S. C., Huang, W. C., Lumbantoruan, F., Chiu, Y. S., Wang, H. C., Yu, H. W., Chang, E. Y.
Source: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE2014) Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :358-361 Aug, 2014
Relation: 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE)
3Academic Journal
Authors: Lee, C.-T., Chiu, Y.-S., Lou, L.-R., Ho, S.-C., Chuang, C.-T.
Source: IEEE Sensors Journal IEEE Sensors J. Sensors Journal, IEEE. 14(2):490-496 Feb, 2014
4Academic Journal
Authors: Trinh, H. D., Lin, Y. C., Chang, E. Y., Lee, C.-T., Wang, S.-Y., Nguyen, H. Q., Chiu, Y. S., Luc, Q. H., Chang, H.-C., Lin, C.-H., Jang, S., Diaz, C. H.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 60(5):1555-1560 May, 2013
5Academic Journal
Authors: Huang, S.-C., Cheng, F.-C., Chiu, Y.-S.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing IEEE Trans. on Image Process. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 22(3):1032-1041 Mar, 2013
6Academic Journal
Authors: Chiu, Y.-S., Tseng, C.-Y., Lee, C.-T.
Source: IEEE Sensors Journal IEEE Sensors J. Sensors Journal, IEEE. 12(5):930-934 May, 2012
Authors: Chiu, Y.-S., Hardy, R. H. S., Randhawa, T.
Source: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications Communications, 2009. ICC '09. IEEE International Conference on. :1-5 Jun, 2009
Relation: ICC 2009 - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications
8Academic Journal
Authors: Chiu, Y. S.1 (AUTHOR), Cheng, C. C.1 (AUTHOR), Hsu, W. C.1 (AUTHOR), Huang, M. H.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Shock & Vibration. 2/1/2023, p1-13. 13p.
Subject Terms: *SELF-organizing maps, *SCREWS
Authors: Chen, D. Y., Lin, C. T., Hsu, Y. R., Chang, C. H., Wang, H. Y., Chiu, Y. S., Yu, C. H.
Source: 2008 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA) VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications, 2008. VLSI-TSA 2008. International Symposium on. :148-149 Apr, 2008
Relation: 2008 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA)
Authors: Chiu, Y. S. Linus, Chen, Chi-Fang, Lin, Ming-Hung
Source: OCEANS 2006 - Asia Pacific. :1-7 May, 2006
Relation: OCEANS 2006 - Asia Pacific
Authors: Wu, L., Yu, H. Y., Li, X., Pey, K. L., Hsu, K. Y., Tao, H. J., Chiu, Y. S., Lin, C. T., Xu, J. H., Wan, H. J.
Source: Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, System and Application VLSI Technology Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 2010 International Symposium on. :90-91 Apr, 2010
Relation: 2010 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA)
Authors: Yu, H. Y., Yang, T. H., Chiu, Y. S., Kao, C. R.
Source: Journal of electronic materials. 49(1):88-95
13Academic Journal
Authors: Liao, C.-D., Huang, Y.-C., Chiu, Y.-S., Liou, T.-H.
Source: In Physiotherapy September 2017 103(3):266-275
14Academic Journal
Authors: Chiu, Y. S., Ya, M. H., Su, W. S.
Source: Journal of Applied Physics; November 15 2002, Vol. 92 Issue 10, p5810-5813, 4p
Authors: Chiu, Y.-S., Shih, C.-S., Hung, S.-H.
Source: DATE -PROCEEDINGS- HARDCOPY-. (2):1321-1326
Authors: Chang, K. S., Hsieh, L. Z., Huang, S. K., Lee, C. Y., Chiu, Y. S.
Source: JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH. 310(7-9):1961-1965
17Academic Journal
Authors: Tang, C.-J., Dai, M.-R., Chuang, C.-C., Chiu, Y.-S., Lin, W.S.
Source: In Future Generation Computer Systems March 2014 32:232-245
Fuse-Tethers in Mems: Theory and Operation
Canadian conference on electrical and computer engineeringAuthors: Chiu, Y.-S., Chang, K.-S., Johnstone, R. W., Parameswaran, M.
Authors: Tang, C. J., Dai, M. R., Chuang, C. C., Chiu, Y. S.
Source: ENERGY EFFICIENCY. 9(5):1115-1144
Authors: Liao, C. D., Huang, Y. C., Lin, L. F., Chiu, Y. S., Tsai, J. C., Chen, C. L., Liou, T. H.