Authors: Karoui, Mehdi, Gallois, Claire, Piessen, Guillaume, Legoux, Jean‐Louis, Barbier, Emilie, De Chaisemartin, Cecile, Lecaille, Cedric, Bouche, Olivier, Ammarguellat, Hanifa, Brunetti, Francesco, Prudhomme, Michel, Regimbeau, Jean‐Marc, Glehen, Olivier, Lievre, Astrid, Portier, Guillaume, Hartwig, Johannes, Goujon, Gael, Romain, Benoit, Lepage, Come, Taieb, Julien, Ainseba, N., Alcaraz, L., Audemar, F., Bachet, J. B., Bardier, A., Baumgaertner, I., Luciani, A., Bège, T., Ben Abdelghani, M., Bourgeois, V., Brigand, C., Couteau, C., Champetier, C., Chauvenet, M., Debourdeau, P., Deguelte, S., Poizat, F., Sarran, A, Deplanque, G., Olivier, D., Duluc, M., Faucheron, J. L., François, Y., Freddy, M., Gasmi, M., Gornet, J. M., Gualtierotti, M., Lacaze, L., Lagasse, J. P., Lepere, C., Loriau, J., Malaurie, E., Manfredi, S., Mauvais, F., Meunier, B., Mineur, L., N'Guyen, S., Obled, S., Oden Gangloff, A., Ollier, J. C., Pelletier, A. L., Pere Verge, D., Peschaud, F., Pezet, D., Ramdani, M., Ries‐guye, P., Rougier, P., Rullier, E., Sabbagh, C., Saudemont, A., Seitz, J. F., Sobhani, I., Tessier, W., Tougeron, D.
Source: Colorectal disease. 23(6):1357-1369
2Academic Journal
Authors: Magni, J.F., Champetier, C.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on. 36(9):1105-1111 Sep, 1991
3Academic Journal
Authors: Magni, J.-F., Champetier, C., Menard, P.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on. 36(2):219-223 Feb, 1991
Authors: Zasadzinski, M., Caramelle, L., Darouach, M., Frapard, B., Champetier, C.
Source: Proceedings of 1995 American Control Conference - ACC'95 American control conference American Control Conference, Proceedings of the 1995. 4:2906-2907 vol.4 1995
Relation: Proceedings of 1995 American Control Conference - ACC'95
Authors: Magni, J.F., Champetier, C.
Source: Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decision and Control, 1988., Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on. :2223-2229 vol.3 1988
Relation: Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Authors: Magni, J.-F., Champetier, C., Menard, P.
Source: Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Decision and Control, 1989., Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on. :1349-1354 vol.2 1989
Relation: 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
7Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck: A retrospective series of 169 cases (English)
Authors: Dubergé, T., Bénézery, K., Resbeut, M., Azria, D., Minsat, M., Ellis, S., Teissier, E., Zaccariotto, A., Champetier, C., Cowen, D.
Source: In Cancer / Radiothérapie July-August 2012 16(4):247-256
8Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Postoperative radiotherapy of uterine sarcoma: A multicentric retrospective study (English)
Authors: Champetier, C., Hannoun-Levi, J.-M., Resbeut, M., Azria, D., Salem, N., Tessier, E., Ellis, S., Cowen, D.
Source: In Cancer / Radiothérapie 2011 15(2):89-96
9Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Stage 1 testicular seminoma (English)
Authors: Gross, E., Champetier, C., Pointreau, Y., Zaccariotto, A., Dubergé, T., Chauvet, B.
Source: In Cancer / Radiothérapie 2010 14 Supplement 1:S182-S188
10Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Normal tissue tolerance to external beam radiation therapy: Ovaries (English)
Authors: Gross, E., Champetier, C., Pointreau, Y., Zaccariotto, A., Dubergé, T., Guerder, C., Ortholan, C., Chauvet, B.
Source: In Cancer / Radiothérapie 2010 14(4):373-375
11Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Normal tissue tolerance to external beam radiation therapy: Testicles (English)
Authors: Champetier, C., Gross, E., Pointreau, Y., Zaccariotto, A., Dubergé, T., Guerder, C., Ortholan, C., Chauvet, B.
Source: In Cancer / Radiothérapie 2010 14(4):376-378
Authors: Cercle, d. o., Champetier, C., Hannoun-Levi, J. M., Resbeut, M., Azria, D., Salem, N., Tessier, E., Ellis, S., Cowen, D.
Source: CANCER RADIOTHERAPIE. 15(2):89-96
Authors: Bonello, B., Champetier, C., Gaillard, G., Gautier, E., Schroeder, B.
Source: CAHIERS DU CINEMA. (610):10-19
Authors: Champetier, C., Mouyon, P., Magni, J.F.
Source: 1985 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decision and Control, 1985 24th IEEE Conference on. :1371-1372 Dec, 1985
Relation: 1985 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Authors: Champetier, C., Mouyon, P.
Source: 1985 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decision and Control, 1985 24th IEEE Conference on. :1373-1374 Dec, 1985
Relation: 1985 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Authors: Champetier, C., Mouyon, P., Reboulet, C.
Source: The 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decision and Control, 1984. The 23rd IEEE Conference on. :96-97 Dec, 1984
Relation: The 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Authors: Champetier, C.
Source: ANGELAKI -OXFORD-. 6(2):15-22
Authors: Champetier, C.
Source: TELOS -ST LOUIS MO THEN NEW YORK-. (118):77-86
Authors: Champetier, C.
Source: TOPOLOGY. 39(4):657-680
Authors: De Benoist, A., Champetier, C.
Source: TELOS -ST LOUIS MO THEN NEW YORK-. (E 1):117-144