Showing 1 - 20 results of 1,078 Refine Results
  1. 1

    Authors: Domingo-Pardo, C., Aberle, O., Alcayne, V., Alpar, G., Halabi, M. Al, Amaducci, S., Babiano, V., Bacak, M., Balibrea-Correa, J., Bartolomé, J., Bernardes, A. P., Gameiro, B. Bernardino, Berthoumieux, E., Beyer, R., Birch, M., Boromiza, M., Bosnar, D., Brusasco, B., Caamaño, M., Cahuzac, A., Calviño, F., Calviani, M., Cano-Ott, D., Casanovas, A., Castelluccio, D. M., Catlett, D., Cerutti, F., Cescutti, G., Chiaveri, E., Claps, G., Colombetti, P., Colonna, N., Camprini, P. Console, Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, M. A., Cosentino, L., Cristallo, S., D'Ottavi, A., Rosales, G. de la Fuente, Dellmann, S. F., Diakaki, M., Di Castro, M., Di Chicco, A., Dietz, M., Dupont, E., Durán, I., Eleme, Z., Eslami, M., Fargier, S., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Finocchiaro, P., Flanagan, W., Furman, V., Gandhi, A., García-Infantes, F., Gawlik-Ramiega, A., Gervino, G., Gilardoni, S., González-Romero, E., Goula, S., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Gustavino, C., Heyse, J., Hillman, W., Jenkins, D. G., Jericha, E., Junghans, A., Kadi, Y., Kaperoni, K., Kelly, I., Kokkoris, M., Kopatch, Y., Krtička, M., Kyritsis, N., Lederer-Woods, C., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Manna, A., Martínez, T., Martínez-Cañada, M., Masi, A., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P., Mastromarco, M., Maugeri, E. A., Mazzone, A., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Michalopoulou, V., Milazzo, P. M., Moldenhauer, J., Mucciola, R., González, E. Musacchio, Musumarra, A., Negret, A., Odusina, E., Papanikolaou, D., Patronis, N., Pavón-Rodríguez, J. A., Pellegriti, M. G., Pérez-Maroto, P., Fiol, A. Pérez de Rada, Perfetto, G., Perkowski, J., Petrone, C., Pieretti, N., Piersanti, L., Pirovano, E., Porras, I., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Reifarth, R., Rochman, D., Romanets, Y., Rooney, A., Rovira, G., Rubbia, C., Sánchez-Caballero, A., Sahoo, R. N., Scarpa, D., Schillebeeckx, P., Smith, A. G., Sosnin, N. V., Spelta, M., Stamati, M. E., Stasiak, K., Tagliente, G., Tarifeño-Saldivia, A., Tarrío, D., Torres-Sánchez, P., Tosi, S., Tsiledakis, G., Valenta, S., Vaz, P., Vecchio, G., Vescovi, D., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Weiss, C., Woods, P. J., Wright, T., Wu, R., Žugec, P., Collaboration, The n\_TOF

  2. 2

    Source: 2023 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS) Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS), 2023 Joint Conference of the European. :1-4 May, 2023

    Relation: 2023 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS)

  3. 3

    Source: 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA) RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA), 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on. :105-108 Sep, 2022

    Relation: 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA)

  4. 4
    Academic Journal

    Source: IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification IEEE J. Radio Freq. Identif. Radio Frequency Identification, IEEE Journal of. 7:536-546 2023

    Linked Full Text
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    Source: 2022 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS) European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS), 2022 Joint Conference of the. :1-3 Apr, 2022

    Relation: 2022 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS)

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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Benefits and limits of the intervention of comedian-patients in simulation with nursing students in the second year of training: A mixed study (English)

    Source: In Revue francophone internationale de recherche infirmière December 2024 10(4)

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    Source: 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF) Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF), 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International. :1-2 Jul, 2020

    Relation: 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF)

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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Dietary counseling in retinal aging pathology (English)

    Source: In Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique August 2023 58(4):251-263

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