Authors: Launey, Kristina D.1 klauney@lsu.edu, Mumma, Darin C.1, Becker, Kevin S.1, Sargsyan, Grigor H.2, Good, William P.3, Baniecki, Adriana R.4, Kelly, Aidan W.5, Mercenne, Alexis1
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences. 11/7/2024, Vol. 311, p1-7. 7p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *AB initio quantum chemistry methods, *PARTICLES (Nuclear physics), *FINITE nuclei, *NUCLEAR optical potentials
Authors: Kimura, Masaaki1 masaaki.kimura@riken.jp
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences. 11/7/2024, Vol. 311, p1-7. 7p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *NUCLEAR matter, *NUCLEAR physics
Authors: Maeda, Taiki1, Nakamoto, Riu1, Fumimoto, Toshihiro1, Ito, Makoto1,2 itomk@kansai-u.ac.jp
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences. 10/18/2024, Vol. 306, p1-5. 5p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *SCATTERING (Physics), *NUCLEAR excitation, *BOUNDARY value problems, *NUCLEAR structure
4Academic Journal
Authors: Gastineau, Romain1 (AUTHOR) romain.gastineau@usz.edu.pl, Lemieux, Claude2 (AUTHOR), Turmel, Monique2 (AUTHOR), Otis, Christian3 (AUTHOR), Boyle, Brian3 (AUTHOR), Coulis, Mathieu4,5 (AUTHOR), Gouraud, Clément6 (AUTHOR), Boag, Brian7 (AUTHOR), Murchie, Archie K.8 (AUTHOR), Winsor, Leigh9 (AUTHOR), Justine, Jean-Lou10 (AUTHOR)
Source: Scientific Reports. 4/3/2024, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-15. 15p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *PLATYHELMINTHES, *WHOLE genome sequencing, *TANDEM repeats, *SHORT tandem repeat analysis, *GENE clusters, *PHYLOGENY, *NUCLEOTIDE sequencing
Geographic Terms: NEW Zealand
5Academic Journal
Authors: Rozner, Mor1,2,3,4, Trani, Alessandro A5, Samsing, Johan5, Perets, Hagai B2,6
Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 2/25/2025, Vol. 537 Issue 2, p1220-1231, 12p
6Academic Journal
Authors: Gao, Yining1,2 (AUTHOR), Chen, Jinhui1,2 (AUTHOR) chenjinhui@fudan.edu.cn, Zhou, Bo1,2 (AUTHOR) zhou_bo@fudan.edu.cn
Source: European Physical Journal A -- Hadrons & Nuclei. Dec2024, Vol. 60 Issue 12, p1-10. 10p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *RESONANCE, *EQUATIONS
7Academic Journal
Authors: Wragg, F1, f.e.wragg@2020.ljmu.ac.uk, Kamann, S1, s.kamann@ljmu.ac.uk, Saracino, S1, Latour, M2, Dreizler, S2, Martens, S2, Seth, A3, Vaz, D4,5, van de Ven, G6
Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 11/30/2024, Vol. 535 Issue 1, p781-792, 12p
8Academic Journal
Authors: Ge, Rong1 (AUTHOR) gerong123@sina.com, Shao, Chenning1 (AUTHOR), Lu, Lixia1 (AUTHOR), Wang, Li1 (AUTHOR), Peng, Can1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Brain Pathology. Jan2025, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p1-3. 3p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *FLUORESCENCE in situ hybridization, *MULTINUCLEATED giant cells, *MAGNETIC resonance imaging, *CEREBRAL hemispheres
Authors: Chamel, Nicolas1 nicolas.chamel@ulb.be, Pearson, John Michael2, Shchechilin, Nikolai1
Source: EPJ Web of Conferences. 12/22/2022, Vol. 274, p1-8. 8p.
Subject Terms: *NEUTRON-proton interactions, *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *NEUTRON stars, *THOMAS-Fermi theory, *QUANTUM chromodynamics
10Academic Journal
Authors: Dullo, B T1,2, bdullo@ucm.es, Knapen, J H3,4, Baldi, R D5,6, Williams, D R A7, Beswick, R J7, McHardy, I M6, Green, D A8, Gil de Paz, A2,9, Aalto, S10, Alberdi, A11, Argo, M K12, Gallagher, J S13, Klöckner, H -R14, Marcaide, J M15, Mutie, I M7,16, Saikia, D J17, Saikia, P18, Stevens, I R19, Torrejón, S2
Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Aug2024, Vol. 532 Issue 4, p4729-4751, 23p
11Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Әртүрлі өзара әрекеттесу потенциалдарында 20Ne + 24Mg серпімді шашыраудың бұрыштық үлестірімдерін қайта талдау.
Повторный анализ угловых распределений упругого рассеяния 20Ne + 24Mg в различных потенциалах взаимодействия.Authors: Hamada, Sh.1 sh.m.hamada@science.tanta.edu.eg
Source: Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Physics. Astronomy Series. 2024, Vol. 148 Issue 3, p117-125. 9p.
12Academic Journal
Authors: McKernan, B1,2,3,4, bmckernan@amnh.org, Ford, K E S1,2,3,4
Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Jul2024, Vol. 531 Issue 3, p3479-3485, 7p
13Academic Journal
Authors: Tauziède-Espariat, Arnault1,2,3 (AUTHOR) a.tauziede-espariat@ghu-paris.fr, Guida, Lelio4 (AUTHOR), Dangouloff-Ros, Volodia5,6 (AUTHOR), Boddaert, Nathalie5,6 (AUTHOR), Pierron, Gaëlle7,8 (AUTHOR), Guillemot, Delphine7 (AUTHOR), Masliah-Planchon, Julien7,8 (AUTHOR), Hasty, Lauren1 (AUTHOR), Métais, Alice1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Chrétien, Fabrice1 (AUTHOR), Varlet, Pascale1,2,3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 6/26/2024, Vol. 12, p1-5. 5p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *P16 gene, *BIOLOGY, *EPIGENOMICS, *BENIGN tumors, CENTRAL nervous system tumors
14Academic Journal
Authors: Uesaka, T.1,2,3 uesaka@riken.jp, Itagaki, N.1,4,5 itagaki@omu.ac.jp
Source: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences. 6/23/2024, Vol. 382 Issue 2275, p1-19. 19p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *NUCLEAR physics, *NUCLEAR structure, *NUCLEAR models, *HEAVY nuclei
15Academic Journal
Authors: Kritos, Konstantinos1, kkritos1@jhu.edu, Berti, Emanuele1, Silk, Joseph1,2,3
Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Jun2024, Vol. 531 Issue 1, p133-136, 4p
16Academic Journal
Authors: Zanatta, Emílio1, ezanatta@usp.br, Sánchez-Janssen, Rubén2, ruben.sanchez-janssen@stfc.ac.uk, de Souza, Rafael S3, Chies-Santos, Ana L4, Blakeslee, John P5
Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; May2024, Vol. 530 Issue 3, p2670-2687, 18p
17Academic Journal
Authors: Buiten, Victorine A.1 (AUTHOR) buiten@strw.leidenuniv.nl, van der Werf, Paul P.1 (AUTHOR), Viti, Serena1 (AUTHOR), Armus, Lee2 (AUTHOR), Barr, Andrew G.3 (AUTHOR), Barcos-Muñoz, Loreto4,5 (AUTHOR), Evans, Aaron S.4,5 (AUTHOR), Inami, Hanae6 (AUTHOR), Linden, Sean T.7 (AUTHOR), Privon, George C.4,5,8 (AUTHOR), Song, Yiqing9,10 (AUTHOR), Rich, Jeffrey A.11 (AUTHOR), Aalto, Susanne12 (AUTHOR), Appleton, Philip N.2 (AUTHOR), Böker, Torsten13 (AUTHOR), Charmandaris, Vassilis14,15,16 (AUTHOR), Diaz-Santos, Tanio15,16 (AUTHOR), Hayward, Christopher C.17 (AUTHOR), Lai, Thomas S.-Y.2 (AUTHOR), Medling, Anne M.18,19 (AUTHOR)
Source: Astrophysical Journal. 5/10/2024, Vol. 966 Issue 2, p1-20. 20p.
Subject Terms: *ACTIVE galactic nuclei, *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *OPEN clusters of stars, *INTERSTELLAR medium, *STELLAR atmospheres, *STAR clusters, *SEYFERT galaxies
18Academic Journal
Authors: van Donkelaar, Floor1, floor.vandonkelaar@uzh.ch, Mayer, Lucio1, Capelo, Pedro R1, Tamfal, Tomas1, Quinn, Thomas R2, Madau, Piero3
Source: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Apr2024, Vol. 529 Issue 4, p4104-4116, 13p
19Academic Journal
Authors: Röpke, G.1 (AUTHOR) gerd.roepke@uni-rostock.de, Xu, C.2 (AUTHOR), Zhou, B.3,4 (AUTHOR), Ren, Z. Z.5 (AUTHOR), Funaki, Y.6 (AUTHOR), Horiuchi, H.7 (AUTHOR), Lyu, M.8 (AUTHOR), Tohsaki, A.7 (AUTHOR), Yamada, T.6 (AUTHOR)
Source: European Physical Journal A -- Hadrons & Nuclei. Apr2024, Vol. 60 Issue 4, p1-16. 16p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *PARTICLES (Nuclear physics)
Authors: Kuziyev, Botir1 (AUTHOR) b.kuziyev@mail.ru
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2024, Vol. 3045 Issue 1, p1-6. 6p.
Subject Terms: *CLUSTER theory (Nuclear physics), *DATA mining, *CLASSIFICATION algorithms, *LINGUISTIC analysis, *ELECTRONIC data processing, *MATHEMATICAL statistics