Authors: Kinaston, Rebecca Lorraine, Koesbardiati, Toetik, Suriyanto, Rusyad Adi, Buckley, Hallie Ruth, Halcrow, Siân Ellen, Foster, Aimee, Simanjuntak, Truman, Bedford, Stuart, Murti, Delta Bayu, Putri, Rizky Sugianto, Galipaud, Jean-Christophe
Source: Journal of island and coastal archaeology. 17(1):65-96
Authors: Buckley, Hallie Ruth, Roberts, Phillip, Kinaston, Rebecca, Petchey, Peter, King, Charlotte, Domett, Kate, Snoddy, Anne Marie, Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth
Source: Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 52(1):68-94
3Academic Journal
Source: Bioarchaeology International; 2022, Vol. 6 Issue 3, p149-160, 12p