Source: Ranger Rick. Jun/Jul2014, Vol. 48 Issue 6, p24-29. 6p. 7 Color Photographs.
Subjects: BORNEAN orangutan, INFANCY of apes, WILDLIFE conservation, ORANGUTANS as pets, WILDLIFE rescue
Geographic Terms: BORNEO
Source: Ranger Rick. Mar2013, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p24-29. 6p.
Subjects: BORNEAN orangutan, CLIMBING plants
Geographic Terms: BORNEO
3Academic Journal
Authors: Amalia, Novita1, Perwitasari-Farajallah, Dyah1,2 witafar@apps.ipb.ac.id, Utami-Atmoko, Sri Suci3, Purbatrapsila, Azhari4
Source: Journal of Tropical Biodiversity & Biotechnology. Apr2023, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p1-17. 17p.
Subject Terms: *BORNEAN orangutan, *ANIMAL feeding, *HABITATS, *WILDLIFE reintroduction, *WILDLIFE conservation
4Academic Journal
Authors: Spehar, Stephanie spehars@uwosh.edu, Rayadin, Yaya
Source: International Journal of Primatology. Apr2017, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p358-384. 27p.
Subject Terms: *BORNEAN orangutan, *HABITATS, *HUMAN-animal relationships, *ANTHROPOGENIC effects on nature, *COEXISTENCE of species
Geographic Terms: KALIMANTAN (Indonesia)
5Academic Journal
Authors: Adriana Domínguez-Oliva, Cuauhtémoc Chávez, Julio Martínez-Burnes, Adriana Olmos-Hernández, Ismael Hernández-Avalos, Daniel Mota-Rojas
Source: Animals, Vol 14, Iss 23, p 3414 (2024)
Subject Terms: western lowland gorilla, Bornean orangutan, chimpanzee, facial action unit, Veterinary medicine, SF600-1100, Zoology, QL1-991
File Description: electronic resource
Authors: Dasgupta, Shreya
Source: New Scientist. 1/25/2020, Vol. 245 Issue 3266, p16-16. 1p.
Subjects: BORNEAN orangutan, WILDLIFE relocation, CAPTIVE wild animals
7Academic Journal
Authors: Putu Suandhika, Agatha Ria Susanti, Agnes Pratamiutami Sriningsih, Carlo Yunior Ray Hina, Yanuartono Yanuartono, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto, Dwi Priyowidodo
Source: Jurnal Medik Veteriner, Vol 6, Iss 2, Pp 297-302 (2023)
Subject Terms: albendazole, bornean orangutan, strongyloidiasis, strongyloides sp., Veterinary medicine, SF600-1100
File Description: electronic resource
8Academic Journal
Authors: Banes, Graham L.1,2,3 graham_banes@eva.mpg.de, Galdikas, Biruté M. F.4
Source: PLoS ONE. 12/29/2016, Vol. 11 Issue 12, p1-17. 17p.
Subject Terms: *BORNEAN orangutan, *MITOCHONDRIAL DNA, *HYPERVARIABLE regions, *GENETIC polymorphisms, *PHYLOGEOGRAPHY
9Academic Journal
Authors: Kubátová, Anna1, Fedorova, Tamara1 fedorova@ftz.czu.cz
Source: PLoS ONE. 7/26/2016, Vol. 11 Issue 7, p1-11. 11p.
Subject Terms: *SALIVA analysis, *BORNEAN orangutan, *MENSTRUAL cycle, *HOMINIDS, *ANIMAL reproduction
Source: Ranger Rick Zoobooks. Nov2016, Vol. 34 Issue 1, pa1-17. 19p. 17 Color Photographs, 1 Map, 12 Cartoon or Caricatures.
Subjects: BORNEAN orangutan, ORANGUTAN behavior, RAIN forests, HERBIVORES
Geographic Terms: SUMATRA (Indonesia)
Authors: Firth, Niall
Source: New Scientist. 10/22/2016, Vol. 232 Issue 3096, p26-27. 2p.
Subjects: BORNEAN orangutan, PHOTOGRAPHY of primates, LAMAN, Tim, BEHAVIOR
12Academic Journal
Authors: Chappell, Jackie1, Phillips, Abigail C.1, van Noordwijk, Maria A.2, Mitra Setia, Tatang3, Thorpe, Susannah K. S.1 S.K.Thorpe@bham.ac.uk
Source: PLoS ONE. 7/8/2015, Vol. 10 Issue 7, p1-15. 15p.
Subject Terms: *ONTOGENY, *BORNEAN orangutan, *ORANGUTAN behavior, *FOREST canopies, *ANIMAL locomotion, *COGNITIVE ability
13Academic Journal
Authors: Moore, Richard1,2 r.t.moore@gmail.com, Call, Josep1,3, Tomasello, Michael1
Source: PLoS ONE. Jun2015, Vol. 10 Issue 6, p1-19. 19p.
Subject Terms: *BORNEAN orangutan, *GESTURE, *ANIMAL communication, *PHYLOGENY, *POINTING (Gesture)
14Academic Journal
Authors: Senck, Sascha1 sascha.senck@fh-wels.at, Coquerelle, Michael2
Source: International Journal of Primatology. Jun2015, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p489-512. 24p.
Subject Terms: *MORPHOMETRICS, *BORNEAN orangutan, *LEAST squares, *FACIAL anatomy, *SKULL base
15Academic Journal
Authors: Abram, Nicola K.1,2,3,4,5, Meijaard, Erik1,5,6,7, Wells, Jessie A.2, Ancrenaz, Marc3,5,8, Pellier, Anne‐Sophie4,5,6, Runting, Rebecca K.2, Gaveau, David6, Wich, Serge9,10, Nardiyono11, Tjiu, Albertus12, Nurcahyo, Anton7, Mengersen, Kerrie13, Richardson, David
Source: Diversity & Distributions. May2015, Vol. 21 Issue 5, p487-499. 13p. 2 Charts, 2 Graphs, 2 Maps.
Subject Terms: *SPECIES diversity, *BORNEAN orangutan, *SOCIOECONOMICS, *HABITATS, *ANIMAL populations, *REGRESSION analysis
Authors: Maggioncalda, Anne Nacey, Sapolsky, Robert M.
Source: Scientific American. Jun2002, Vol. 286 Issue 6, p60-65. 6p. 6 Color Photographs, 1 Map.
Geographic Terms: SOUTHEAST Asia
17Academic Journal
Authors: Chia-Jung Li, Chia-Chun Chang, Li-Kuang Tsai, Min Peng, Wei-Ni Lyu, Jane-Fang Yu, Mong-Hsun Tsai, Li-Ying Sung
Source: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol 11 (2024)
Subject Terms: Bornean orangutan, endangered species, induced pluripotent stem cell, reprogramming, pluripotency, differentiation, Biology (General), QH301-705.5
File Description: electronic resource
18Academic Journal
Authors: Suandhika, Putu, Susanti, Agatha Ria, Sriningsih, Agnes Pratamiutami, Ray Hina, Carlo Yunior, Yanuartono, Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto, Priyowidodo, Dwi
Source: Jurnal Medik Veterinar; Oct2023, Vol. 6 Issue 2, p297-302, 6p
Geographic Terms: INDONESIA
19Academic Journal
Authors: Gustafsson, Erik erik.gustafsson@yahoo.fr, Saint Jalme, Michel1, Bomsel, Marie-Claude2, Krief, Sabrina3
Source: International Journal of Primatology. Oct2014, Vol. 35 Issue 5, p1037-1071. 35p.
Subject Terms: *BORNEAN orangutan, *HOMINIDS, *CHIMPANZEES, *NEOPHOBIA, *PONGO abelii, *SOCIAL learning, *FOOD
Authors: MOORE, KATI
Source: Natural History. May2017, Vol. 125 Issue 5, p2-4. 3p. 3 Color Photographs.
Subjects: BORNEAN orangutan, PROBOSCIS monkey, NATIONAL parks & reserves, ENDANGERED species, INTERNATIONAL Union for Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources, PARK rangers