Authors: Lefebvre, C., Klein, J., Khartabil, H., Boisson, J.‐C., Hénon, E.
Source: Journal of computational chemistry. 44(20):1750-1766
Authors: Kadlub, N., Dallard, J., Kogane, N., Galliani, Eva, Boisson, J.
Source: British journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 60(6):767-772
Authors: Baylor, L.R., Meitner, S. J., Barbier, C., Combs, S.K., Duckworth, R.C., Edgemon, T.G., Fehling, D.T., Rasmussen, D.A., Hechler, M.P., Kersevan, R., Dremel, M., Pearce, R.J.H., Boisson, J-C.
Source: 2011 IEEE/NPSS 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 2011 IEEE/NPSS 24th Symposium on. :1-4 Jun, 2011
Relation: 2011 IEEE 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE)
4Academic Journal
Authors: Boisson, J., Louf, F., Ojeda, J., Mininger, X., Gabsi, M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. 61(6):3081-3088 Jun, 2014
Authors: Boisson, J.-C., Jourdan, L., Talbi, E.-G., Rolando, C.
Source: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Evolutionary Computation, 2006. CEC 2006. IEEE Congress on. :1412-1419 2006
Relation: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation
Authors: Berhanu, M., Verhille, G., Boisson, J., Gallet, B., Gissinger, C., Fauve, S., Mordant, N, Pétrélis, F., Bourgoin, M., Odier, P., Pinton, J. -F, Plihon, N., Aumaître, S, Chiffaudel, A., Daviaud, F., Dubrulle, B., Pirat, C.
Source: European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, EDP Sciences: EPJ, 2010, 77, pp.459
Subject Terms: Physics - Fluid Dynamics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.03879
7Academic Journal
Authors: Rougier, G. ⁎, Boisson, J., Thurieau, N., Kogane, N., Mangione, F., Picard, A., Dallard, J., Cherfa, L., Szmytka, F., Kadlub, N.
Source: In British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery October 2020 58(8):975-980
Authors: Boisson, J., Lamriben, C., Maas, L. R. M., Cortet, P. -P., Moisy, F.
Source: Physics of Fluids, 24, 076602 (2012)
Subject Terms: Physics - Fluid Dynamics, Physics - Geophysics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.3326
Authors: Boisson, J., Cébron, D., Moisy, F., Cortet, P. -P.
Source: EPL, 98, 59002 (2012)
Subject Terms: Physics - Fluid Dynamics
Access URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.4555
10Academic Journal
Authors: Fernandez-Rojo, L., Casiot, C., Laroche, E., Tardy, V., Bruneel, O., Delpoux, S., Desoeuvre, A., Grapin, G., Savignac, J., Boisson, J., Morin, G., Battaglia-Brunet, F., Joulian, C., Héry, M.
Source: In Journal of Environmental Management 15 February 2019 232:910-918
11Academic Journal
Authors: Lo Feudo, S., Touzé, C., Boisson, J., Cumunel, G.
Source: In Journal of Sound and Vibration 6 January 2019 438:33-53
12Academic Journal
Authors: Fernandez-Rojo, L., Héry, M., Le Pape, P., Braungardt, C., Desoeuvre, A., Torres, E., Tardy, V., Resongles, E., Laroche, E., Delpoux, S., Joulian, C., Battaglia-Brunet, F., Boisson, J., Grapin, G., Morin, G., Casiot, C.
Source: In Water Research 15 October 2017 123:594-606
Authors: Boisson, J.-C., Jourdan, L., Talbi, E.-G., Rolando, C.
Source: 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Volume 1 (AINA'06) Advanced Information Networking and Applications Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2006. AINA 2006. 20th International Conference on. 2:5 pp. 2006
Relation: Proceedings. 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
14Academic Journal
Authors: Boisson, J., Strozyk, H., Diner, P., Picard, A., Kadlub, N.
Source: In Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery June 2016 44(6):684-688
Authors: Rougier, G., Kogane, N., Dallard, J., Mangione, F., Slimani, L., Salmon, B., Thurieau, N., Cherfa, L., Kadlub, N., Boisson, J., Szmytka, F.
Source: Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. 22:S96-S98
Authors: Dallard, J., Debelmas, A., Asiri, S., Kogane, N., Picard, A., Kadlub, N., Boisson, J.
Source: Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. 22:S39-S41
Authors: Benacchio, S., Malher, A., Boisson, J., Touzé, C.
Source: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 85(2):893-911
Authors: Wersin, P., Van Loon, L. R., Soler, J. M., Yllera, A., Eikenberg, J., Gimmi, T., Hernan, P., Boisson, J.-Y.
Source: APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE. 26(1/4):123-136
Authors: Mench, M., Bussiere, S., Boisson, J., Castaing, E., Vangronsveld, J., Ruttens, A., De Koe, T., Bleeker, P., Assuncao, A., Manceau, A.
Source: PLANT AND SOIL. 249(NO 1):187-202