1Academic Journal
Authors: Lordick, F. 1, ∗, Mauer, M.E. 2, Stocker, G. 1, Cella, C.A. 3, Ben-Aharon, I. 4, Piessen, G. 5, Wyrwicz, L. 6, Al-Haidari, G. 7, Fleitas-Kanonnikoff, T. 8, Boige, V. 9, Lordick Obermannová, R. 10, Martens, U.M. 11, Gomez-Martin, C. 12, Thuss-Patience, P. 13, Arrazubi, V. 14, Avallone, A. 15, Shiu, K.K. 16, Artru, P. 17, Brenner, B. 18, Buges Sanchez, C. 19, Chau, I. 20, Lorenzen, S. 21, Daum, S. 22, Sinn, M. 23, Merelli, B. 24, van Grieken, N.C.T. 25, Nilsson, M. 26, 27, Collienne, M. 2, Giraut, A. 2, Smyth, E. 28
Source: In Annals of Oncology February 2025 36(2):197-207
2Academic Journal
Authors: Conroy, T., Castan, F., Etienne, P.-L., Rio, E., Mesgouez-Nebout, N., Evesque, L., Vendrely, V., Artignan, X., Bouché, O., Gargot, D., Boige, V., Bonichon-Lamichhane, N., Louvet, C., Morand, C., de la Fouchardière, C., Boilève, A., Delaye, M., Gourgou, S., Pezzella, V., Borg, C.
Source: In Annals of Oncology October 2024 35(10):873-881
3Academic Journal
Authors: Boilève, A., Rousseau, A., Hilmi, M., Tarabay, A., Mathieu, J.R.R., Cartry, J., Bedja, S., Goudarzi, N., Nicotra, C., Ngo-Camus, M., Boige, V., Valéry, M., Pudlarz, T., Bani, M.-A., Dartigues, P., Tselikas, L., Italiano, A., Cosconea, S., Gelli, M., Fernandez-de-Sevilla, E., Malka, D., Annereau, M., Jaulin, F., Smolenschi, C., Hollebecque, A., Ducreux, M.
Source: In ESMO Gastrointestinal Oncology March 2024 3
Authors: Valery, M., Cervantes, B., Smolenschi, C., Boilève, A., Boige, V., Malka, D., Hollebecque, A., Ducreux, M.
Source: Digestive and liver disease. 55(3):407-411
5Academic Journal
Authors: Ducreux, M, Malka, D, Boige, V, Benhamou, E, Goéré, Diane *, Glehen, Olivier, Quenet, François, Guilloit, Jean-Marc, Bereder, Jean-Marc, Lorimier, Gérard, Thibaudeau, Emilie, Ghouti, Laurent, Pinto, Amandine, Tuech, Jean-Jacques, Kianmanesh, Reza, Carretier, Michel, Marchal, Frédéric, Arvieux, Catherine, Brigand, Cécile, Meeus, Pierre, Rat, Patrick, Durand-Fontanier, Sylvaine, Mariani, Pascale, Lakkis, Zaher, Loi, Valeria, Pirro, Nicolas, Sabbagh, Charles, Texier, Matthieu, Elias, Dominique
Source: In The Lancet Oncology September 2020 21(9):1147-1154
6Academic Journal
Authors: Sarti, K., Boige, V., Camilleri, G.M., Ducreux, M., Boilève, A.
Source: In European Journal of Cancer January 2025 214
7Academic Journal
Authors: Adenis, A., Alessio, A., Aouakli, A., Azzedine, A., Bedjaoui, A., Bidault, A., Blanchi, A., Botton, A., Cadier-Lagnes, A., Fatisse, A., Gagnaire, A., Gilbert, A., Gueye, A., Hollebecque, A., Lemaire, A., Mahamat, A., Marre, A., Patenotte, A., Rotenberg, A., Roussel, A., Thirot-Bidault, A., Votte, A., Weber, A., Zaanan, A., Dupont-Gossart, A.C., Villing, A.L., Queuniet, A.M., Coudert, B., Denis, B., Garcia, B., Lafforgue, B., Landi, B., Leduc, B., Linot, B., Paillot, B., Rhein, B., Winkfield, B., Barberis, C., Becht, C., Belletier, C., Berger, C., Bineau, C., Borel, C., Brezault, C., Buffet, C., Cornila, C., Couffon, C., De La Fouchardière, C., Giraud, C., Lecaille, C., Lepere, C., Lobry, C., Locher, C., Lombard-Bohas, C., Paoletti, C., Platini, C., Rebischung, C., Sarda, C., Vilain, C., Briac-Levaché, C., Auby, D., Baudet-Klepping, D., Bechade, D., Besson, D., Cleau, D., Festin, D., Gargot, D., Genet, D., Goldfain, D., Luet, D., Malka, D., Peré-Vergé, D., Pillon, D., Sevin-Robiche, D., Smith, D., Soubrane, D., Tougeron, D., Zylberait, D., Carola, E., Cuillerier, E., Dorval Danquechin, E., Echinard, E., Janssen, E., Maillard, E., Mitry, E., Norguet-Monnereau, E., Suc, E., Terrebonne, E., Zrihen, E., Pariente, E.A., Almaric, F., Audemar, F., Bonnetain, F., Desseigne, F., Dewaele, F., Di Fiore, F., Ghiringhelli, F., Husseini, F., Khemissa, F., Kikolski, F., Morvan, F., Petit-Laurent, F., Riot, F., Subtil, F., Zerouala-Boussaha, F., Caroli-Bosc, F.X., Boilleau-Jolimoy, G., Bordes, G., Cavaglione, G., Coulanjon, G., Deplanque, G., Gatineau-Saillant, G., Goujon, G., Medinger, G., Roquin, G., Brixi-Benmansour, H., Castanie, H., Lacroix, H., Maechel, H., Perrier, H., Salloum, H., Senellart, H., Baumgaertner, I., Cumin, I., Graber, I., Trouilloud, I., Boutin, J., Butel, J., Charneau, J., Cretin, J., Dauba, J., Deguiral, J., Egreteau, J., Ezenfis, J., Forestier, J., Goineau, J., Lacourt, J., Lafon, J., Martin, J., Meunier, J., Moreau, J., Provencal, J., Taieb, J., Thaury, J., Tuaillon, J., Vergniol, J., Villand, J., Vincent, J., Volet, J., Bachet, J.B., Barbare, J.C., Souquet, J.C., Grangé, J.D., Dor, J.F., Paitel, J.F., Jouve, J.L., Raoul, J.L., Cheula, J.M., Gornet, J.M., Sabate, J.M., Vantelon, J.M., Vaillant, J.N., Aucouturier, J.P., Barbieux, J.P., Herr, J.P., Lafargue, J.P., Lagasse, J.P., Latrive, J.P., Plachot, J.P., Ramain, J.P., Robin, J.P., Spano, J.P., Douillard, J.Y., Beerblock, K., Bouhier-Leporrier, K., Slimane Fawzi, K., Cany, L., Chone, L., Dahan, L., Gasnault, L., Rob, L., Stefani, L., Wander, L., Baconnier, M., Ben Abdelghani, M., Benchalal, M., Blasquez, M., Carreiro, M., Charbit, M., Combe, M., Duluc, M., Fayolle, M., Gignoux, M., Giovannini, M., Glikmanas, M., Mabro, M., Mignot, M., Mornet, M., Mousseau, M., Mozer, M., Pauwels, M., Pelletier, M., Porneuf, M., Ramdani, M., Schnee, M., Tissot, M., Zawadi, M., Clavero-Fabri, M.C., Gouttebel, M.C., Kaminsky, M.C., Galais, M.P., Abdelli, N., Barrière, N., Bouaria, N., Bouarioua, N., Delas, N., Gérardin, N., Hess-Laurens, N., Stremsdoerfer, N., Berthelet, O., Boulat, O., Capitain, O., Favre, O., Amoyal, P., Bergerault, P., Burtin, P., Cassan, P., Chatrenet, P., Chiappa, P., Claudé, P., Couzigou, P., Feydy, P., Follana, P., Geoffroy, P., Godeau, P., Hammel, P., Laplaige, P., Lehair, P., Martin, P., Novello, P., Pantioni, P., Pienkowski, P., Pouderoux, P., Prost, P., Ruszniewski, P., Souillac, P., Texereau, P., Thévenet, P., Haineaux, P.A., Benoit, R., Coriat, R., Lamy, R., Mackiewicz, R., Beorchia, S., Chaussade, S., Hiret, S., Jacquot, S., Lavau Denes, S., Montembault, S., Nahon, S., Nasca, S., Nguyen, S., Oddou-Lagraniere, S., Pesque-Penaud, S., Fratte, S.P., Chatellier, T., Mansourbakht, T., Morin, T., Walter, T., Boige, V., Bourgeois, V., Derias, V., Guérin-Meyer, V., Hautefeuille, V., Jestin Le Tallec, V., Lorgis, V., Quentin, V., Sebbagh, V., Veuillez, V., Adhoute, X., Coulaud, X., Becouarn, Y., Coscas, Y., Courouble, Y., Le Bricquir, Y., Molin, Y., Rinaldi, Y., Lam, Y.H., Ladhib, Z., Aparicio, Thomas, Ducreux, Michel, Faroux, Roger, Barbier, Emilie, Manfredi, Sylvain, Lecomte, Thierry, Etienne, Pierre-Luc, Bedenne, Laurent, Bennouna, Jaafar, Phelip, Jean-Marc, François, Eric, Michel, Pierre, Legoux, Jean-Louis, Gasmi, Mohamed, Breysacher, Gilles, Rougier, Philippe, De Gramont, Aimery, Lepage, Come, Bouché, Olivier, Seitz, Jean-François
Source: In European Journal of Cancer July 2018 98:1-9
Authors: Kerbage, F., Grinda, T., Smolenschi, C., Boige, V., Malka, D., Burtin, P., Perret, A., Abdullah, J., Berthou, H., Hollebecque, A., Ducreux, M.
Source: Supportive care in cancer. 28(10):4585-4587
9Academic Journal
Authors: Lévi, F.A. *, Boige, V., Hebbar, M., Smith, D., Lepère, C., Focan, C., Karaboué, A., Guimbaud, R., Carvalho, C., Tumolo, S., Innominato, P., Ajavon, Y., Truant, S., Castaing, D., De Baere, T., Kunstlinger, F., Bouchahda, M., Afshar, M., Rougier, P., Adam, R., Ducreux, M.
Source: In Annals of Oncology February 2016 27(2):267-274
10Academic Journal
Authors: Gueiderikh, A., Tarabay, A., Abdelouahab, M., Smolenschi, C., Tanguy, M. L., Valery, M., Malka, D., Pudlarz, T., Fuerea, A., Boige, V., Hollebecque, A., Ducreux, M., Boilève, A.
Source: BMC Cancer; 2/26/2024, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-9, 9p
Subject Terms: COHORT analysis, ADENOCARCINOMA, TREATMENT effectiveness, OVERALL survival, SURVIVAL rate
11Academic Journal
Authors: de Baere, T., Tselikas, L., Pearson, E., Yevitch, S., Boige, V., Malka, D., Ducreux, M., Goere, D., Elias, D., Nguyen, F., Deschamps, F.
Source: In Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging June 2015 96(6):647-654
12Academic Journal
Authors: de Baere, T., Tselikas, L., Pearson, E., Yevitch, S., Boige, V., Malka, D., Ducreux, M., Goere, D., Elias, D., Nguyen, F., Deschamps, F.
Source: In Journal de Radiologie diagnostique et interventionnelle June 2015 96(2):202-210
13Academic Journal
Authors: de Baère, T. *, Aupérin, A., Deschamps, F., Chevallier, P., Gaubert, Y., Boige, V., Fonck, M., Escudier, B., Palussiére, J.
Source: In Annals of Oncology May 2015 26(5):987-991
Authors: Roy, P., Canet-Jourdan, C., Annereau, M., Zajac, O., Gelli, M., Broutin, S., Mercier, L., Paci, A., Lemare, F., Ducreux, M., Elias, D., Malka, D., Boige, V., Goéré, D., Jaulin, F.
Source: International journal of pharmaceutics. 531(1):143-152
Authors: Ducreux, M., Boige, V., Malka, D.
Source: SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY. 34(2):S25-S30
16Academic Journal
Authors: Elias, D., Goéré, D., Dumont, F., Honoré, C., Dartigues, P., Stoclin, A., Malka, D., Boige, V., Ducreux, M.
Source: In European Journal of Cancer January 2014 50(2):332-340
Authors: Ducreux, M., Taieb, J., Boige, V., Lasser, P., Elias, D., Lumbroso, J.
18Academic Journal
Authors: Caramella, C., Pottier, E., Borget, I., Malka, D., Goéré, D., Boige, V., Honoré, C., Dartigues, P., Dumont, F., Ducreux, M., Elias, D., Dromain, C.
Source: In European Journal of Cancer December 2013 49(18):3798-3805
Authors: Armand, J.-P., Boige, V., Raymond, E., Fizazi, K., Faitre, S., Ducreux, M.
Source: SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY. 27(NO 5):96-104
20Academic Journal
Authors: Ferrand, F., Malka, D., Bourredjem, A., Allonier, C., Bouché, O., Louafi, S., Boige, V., Mousseau, M., Raoul, J.L., Bedenne, L., Leduc, B., Deguiral, P., Faron, M., Pignon, J.P., Ducreux, M.
Source: In European Journal of Cancer January 2013 49(1):90-97